H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
edited April 2020
Why has this documentary of a trainwreck become such a phenomenon?
Edit: I figured out why Dog couldn't format the OP for the other comic thread (March 25th) correctly. This time I paged back and then forward before posting, so the url was for the specific comic, whereas the last time it was just on the "/comic" latest update url.
I found the dialog very hard to follow in this comic. Especially that last Gabe bit.
My best guess is that he's saying he wants to take up the lifestyle portrayed in the show, but I'm not really sure.
There's an old quote, "there, but for the grace of God, go I". Basically a way of sympathizing with the less fortunate by realizing that if your life had been a little different, you could be in the same situation.
I found the dialog very hard to follow in this comic. Especially that last Gabe bit.
My best guess is that he's saying he wants to take up the lifestyle portrayed in the show, but I'm not really sure.
There's a somewhat common expression, "There but for the grace of God go I" -- i.e. I have everything in myself to be a wanton degenerate if not prevented by the grace of God. In this case, grace is swapped with narcissism, meth addiction, and a preference for tigers.
"Bad things keep happening to bad people" is how I felt about whichever Fyrefest documentary I watched; it does seem like that was the reason that those docs (and this one) were popular. You meet a bunch of people you hate (in the FF case, you get to hate both the organizers/scammers and the rich idiots trying to attend), and then they get punished by their own dumb actions and you don't have to feel bad about any of it, unlike documentaries about tragedies or personal triumph or whatever.
Today's comic and its subject were enough to make me sign up, though I'll probably never post again. This is one of those shows which makes you want - even need - to take a shower afterwards.
Edit: I figured out why Dog couldn't format the OP for the other comic thread (March 25th) correctly. This time I paged back and then forward before posting, so the url was for the specific comic, whereas the last time it was just on the "/comic" latest update url.
Edits: I have not seen the show yet myself despite hearing about it at work and on the radio. (I actually found out about it online last)
My best guess is that he's saying he wants to take up the lifestyle portrayed in the show, but I'm not really sure.
There's an old quote, "there, but for the grace of God, go I". Basically a way of sympathizing with the less fortunate by realizing that if your life had been a little different, you could be in the same situation.
There's a somewhat common expression, "There but for the grace of God go I" -- i.e. I have everything in myself to be a wanton degenerate if not prevented by the grace of God. In this case, grace is swapped with narcissism, meth addiction, and a preference for tigers.
-Tycho Brahe
e: Ah, someone already mentioned that. That's what I get for just scrolling to the bottom I guess.
The banner is killing it right now
It was much more obvious on the drawing stream (before he colored it).