If I'm playing solo I immediately mute my squad, every time. This game was hailed for it's revolutionary non-verbal communication system and I take full advantage of it but the heckin heck with open coms.
AxenMy avatar is Excalibur.Yes, the sword.Registered Userregular
If I'm playing solo I immediately mute my squad, every time. This game was hailed for it's revolutionary non-verbal communication system and I take full advantage of it but the heckin heck with open coms.
I do this in every multiplayer game. Like, every one of them. Randos are never worth it. Discord or bust baby!
With one exception, MWO. Mainly because the player base is so tiny and everyone knows everyone so things are generally very friendly and fun.
edit- That is to say, with every new game I get the second thing I do is turn off voice chat. First thing is turning off Vsync because no I don't want my game to run worse, thank you very much.
Axen on
A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
Agreed on immediately muting mics. That's reflexive at this point.
If someone clearly wants something, or it looks like I accidentally snagged something they wanted, I'll happily toss it back down. It's just a game, and frankly I'm still amateur enough that I'm eager to give Mr or Ms hundreds of kills on their banner have whatever it is they're seeking. That's cool.
But I've had people get astoundingly toxic over nothing. A Loba punching me away from her black market. Then closing doors in my face repeatedly as we were running around. Trying to knock me off cliffs. I'd done literally nothing to them, and while I'm far from a pro player, I try to at least be a team player.
After several minutes of asshattery, I had enough of it.
So I just decided to fire off a clip into the air near them.
And then again as we were running around.
And then some more, a few shots every so often just to keep our location in mind.
Eventually someone came over and took us out.
Maybe it was childish and petty, but if you don't want to deal with random folks and can't show an ounce of courtesy, after being a complete asshole for half of the match, I'm going to switch from 'doing my best' to 'actively detrimental'.
This was on PS4, and if there's even a way to access text chat in that version, I haven't seen it (nor would I want to, the PS4 digital 'keyboard' is awful), but there was a moment of wishing I could un-mute my mic just to hear what rampant bullshit they were likely spewing, which would at least have given me an idea of why the hell they felt the need to be an absolute fuckmuppet to me almost from the drop. Hell, I actively strive not to 'steal' a Legend pick, hand off jump master duty to others so they get to fight where they want to fight, and in general ping good stuff and am fine with snapping up loot scraps.
But I won't tolerate that good nature being abused, and will cheerfully throw a game to avoid assisting an asshole. Spend half of it trying to piss me off, and I won't hesitate to pay it back in kind.
As the poets of our day say, fuck around and see what happens.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
For a team FPS, the amount of toxicity in this game honestly seems low. Most of it comes out on a team wipe in those brief moments before everyone quits. As such I keep voice comms on until someone has certified themselves as a premium dickhead. For me those times when you actually get someone useful and/or nice make up for those when it's the opposite. There's something truly elating about screaming celebrations on a win with complete strangers.
Yeah, to be fair, out of several hundred games now, I'd say maybe 1% or so had actively awfully toxic people. Maybe 5% or so with assholes I could tolerate.
I think the comms system helps, off the cuff.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
Orphanerivers of redthat run to seaRegistered Userregular
edited August 2020
off to an incredible start when we landed at Salvage. I got no gun so I ended up feeding a Loba that my friend got low before going down a knuckle sandwich and barely manage to get my friend revived in time for the Loba's teammate to come running in with us standing on each side of the door. I punch the Wraith into my friend who punched her back into me and we dropped her without her getting a single shot off on us. Then, before we even leave Salvage 2 more teams come running up from the north at us and we end up in a 3 way brawl where i get probably one of the luckiest shots of my life, firing in the middle of the vaulting over some railings onto the ground level fand putting a Hemlok burst into a Bloodhound that was running from my friend, dropping him instantly. Then we run into another team at the little house north of Salvage, where i manage to trade and then get an Arc star stick through the window as both enemies are huddled in the house trying to heal, leading to an easy 2 more kills and a gold Devotion for my friend.
We wander north and chase a revive at the town west of Bunker, eventually tracking down the revivee and killing them while their teammate snipes at us from Runoff. We circle into Runoff where we end up fighting 2-3 more teams that suddenly show up as ring is closing and get 2 of them, then scoot into Ring 3 as it closes at Slum Lakes/Pit. After my friend catches a lone straggler on one of the entrances to the Pit, there's 4 squads left and we mosey on north towards ring 4, trying to scope out the situation and be the last ones into the fight.
We see a Rampart fortified house at the east edge of Slum Lake with chaingun blazing away at a team to the north and we try to sneak up on them when another team to the northwest opens fire on us from across the fortified house, dropping a Bangalore ult on us. We're huddled in cover as best as we can and try to heal off the Bangalore ult which hits us, but my friend manages to Phoenix kit for basically a full restore after getting dropped down to 5-10 health by the Bangalore ult when the team inside the house comes out to play. We drop one of them, then manage to push in and wipe out the fortified team. Then it's just us and the squad that threw the ult at us, and we trade before pushing out of the house. I go down to a surprise flank by the enemy Gibraltar but my friend's gold Devotion + some grenades i had thrown before pushing out split the two enemies up enough that he could get 2 1v1s and secure the win based off our better trade damage.
If I'm playing solo I immediately mute my squad, every time. This game was hailed for it's revolutionary non-verbal communication system and I take full advantage of it but the heckin heck with open coms.
Yeah, last night I had a guy whose kids were jumping on the bed behind him. One of them got pissed at the other and started screaming bloody murder and the guy is yelling at them and I couldn't hit mute fast enough.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
The most toxic behavior I encounter is people just being amazingly stupid and wasting my time. Which is mostly because people are stupid, not because I think they're actively being assholes. And still puts the game head and shoulders above most other online games, just for not having to hear racists or sexists or general scumbags rant about stuff.
Orphanerivers of redthat run to seaRegistered Userregular
started at survey and slow rolled in all the way south following a far off ring closing in on factory when a team ahead of us tried to gatekeep the zipline on the round building north of factory
Being Pathfinder, we just go around but the team is thirsty for blood, chasing down my 2 buds on the ground floor of the large Sorting Factory building, dropping 1 while i'm trying to move to reinforce from the roof. my surviving friend gets to cover in the midlevel rooms and manages to get one while i'm still on my way to reinforce, but goes down as i get there due to a push by the Wraith and the Bloodhound flanking by climbing up the crates, leaving me on the catwalk stairs right above.
Then a miracle happens and the two of them decide to charge me while I have the high ground, literally throwing their heads into my Hemlok bursts and I drop them both in quick succession. I revive my one friend and manage to drop a decent zipline and get the respawn so our 1 teammate can recover, then we skirmish while running in with another team trying to move in through Sorting, which comes to a head at the train tracks south towards Launch Site - their team gets split up because Octane is trying to be clever staying on the roof while their Gibby and Rampart ran on ahead, so i grapple up and around the Octane dropping him with Mastiff shots. His pals come back but due to my position on the roof i slide down for an easy flank on Rampart, dropping her with the Mastiff too. We finish the Gibby off and loot quick so we can run in with 2 other squads left. We're peeking around at Launch Site when we see a death totem'd team trying to run at us, so we trade shots. Then this team unfortunately gets sandwiched by the 3rd remaining team and they get taken apart because we rush in after seeing that and just unload all of our grenades. There's just one person left forced back to the few crates outside the building, and I push on him and drop him. I even get to hi-5 him to take the win because he had gold shield!
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
Now I don't want to cast aspersions or nothin' but after my friend I was playing with last night left I got a handful of top fives, three second places, kill leader a few times, and a win.
Now I don't want to cast aspersions or nothin' but after my friend I was playing with last night left I got a handful of top fives, three second places, kill leader a few times, and a win.
I also stayed up way too late.
Sounds just like when I play with Walrus & Fallout, but I'm pretty sure that's because the SBMM is putting me in higher skill lobbies when I'm with them.
Now I don't want to cast aspersions or nothin' but after my friend I was playing with last night left I got a handful of top fives, three second places, kill leader a few times, and a win.
I also stayed up way too late.
Sounds just like when I play with Walrus & Fallout, but I'm pretty sure that's because the SBMM is putting me in higher skill lobbies when I'm with them.
Yeah, I tend to do better when I stop partying. I think I get put back down in with the bad lobbies again.
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
If there is sbmm it must weight being in a party pretty heavily because I've played a lot more than he has. Or, much more likely, we just had a mediocre couple of games.
Today I got carried to a win by a duo, one of whom got *11* kills. They were wiping out entire squads solo before I could get anyone in my sights.
You know what? The alternator is pretty good, I'm never mad using it. It's stable as heck on console and just feels nice to shoot and I've always quietly liked using it more than the R-99 but it's just not as good so I wouldn't. In this current "everyone dies fast so use whatever" meta I can finally be an alternator guy!
You know what? The alternator is pretty good, I'm never mad using it. It's stable as heck on console and just feels nice to shoot and I've always quietly liked using it more than the R-99 but it's just not as good so I wouldn't. In this current "everyone dies fast so use whatever" meta I can finally be an alternator guy!
Yeah, the alternator is a workhorse. The recoil pattern is pretty much vertical if you ignore the slight left and right of alternate bullets. This means it's kinda janky at anything out of close range, but so long as that alternation is less than the width of the average torso at your range then you're good to go!
On the same R99less front I'm getting some serious mileage out of the RE-45. Super rapid fire compared to the other light weapons and again, a mega controllable diagonal recoil. I find myself almost 1 clipping people with it fairly regularly with a decent extended mag.
An re-45 is my favorite early game gun, there's nothing better for frantically hosing someone down in close quarters
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
I have found myself carrying an alternator around more and more in the early game.
I finally have to ask, what's the deal with this quest thing? It says something about treasure packs being needed to unlock more of it, but I've collected like four or five now and nothing seems to be happening.
I finally have to ask, what's the deal with this quest thing? It says something about treasure packs being needed to unlock more of it, but I've collected like four or five now and nothing seems to be happening.
Each treasure pack advances you one "reward" further along the track, and I think every seventh reward is another comic w/weapon attachment?
The Quest Tracker UI is awful though, so I can't blame you for being unsure.
I have found myself carrying an alternator around more and more in the early game.
I finally have to ask, what's the deal with this quest thing? It says something about treasure packs being needed to unlock more of it, but I've collected like four or five now and nothing seems to be happening.
just collect as many treasure packs as you can, with how long seasons last as long you should be fine even if you miss some days
last season with Loba getting treasure packs actually unlocked small pve missions you could do for more lore tidbits; this season it's comic pages that you can click to read
Yeah, there’s like 45 treasure pack rewards, and 75+ days left in the season. One need not play daily to get everything from there at this point, though doing enough dailies to get weeklies taken care of helps with the long haul to the upper echelons of the battle pass.
Just something to keep in mind: the longer the pass is out, the more challenges unlock, and thus, the easier it is to get levels.
I’m not in love with battle passes as a general rule, I get that there’s some predatory manipulation going on to force ongoing engagement, FOMO, etc, but all told I’m pretty content with how Apex does theirs.
Just saying, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless you want it to be.
First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
But nothing is happening as I collect these treasure packs.
It says I need Level 1 for that first thing, but what is Level 1? How do I get to it? Have I secretly unlocked the first three not-gold things on the track and that's why they're brighter, or is it just a smooth gradient from left to right for no reason? What is going on?
I don't actually care about any of this because it doesn't seem to involve cool Lifeline skins, but it is baffling.
Okay, so when you DO get your daily Treasure Pack, after the match you'll see a thing pop up saying what you won. You've gotten 7 of them already, as indicated by "7 of 43" at the top of that screencap. Every... 7 or so, one of the unlocks will include the next part of the story, as indicated in the "Story Progress" part of the screencap. It looks like the next thing you get will be a story progress one, actually.
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
Oh, so stuff has just been sliding off to the left as I unlock it? I never pay attention to any post match stuff since I'm just mashing B to get out of it as soon as possible, so that explains why I haven't noticed anything changing.
The rotation is the same every seven packs you get - CP points, 15 crafting metal, CP points, a loot box, CP points, gun charm, next part of story progress.
SurfpossumA nonentitytrying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered Userregular
Aww yeah. Took kill leader with the final kill, got a bunch of badges for this game.
We were constantly running and gunning as the ring was chasing us since there seemed to always be another squad pinning us down with a Triple Take, but somehow between Octane's speed and... uh... big guy... Gibraltar's shield we managed to never get taken out in our mad scrambles.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
I wanna like the Mastiff, I just get so, so much more work done with an EVA8 with double tap. I feel like I'm wasting half the damage of the Mastiff if there aren't a couple enemies right next to each other, I'd much rather have the EVA's reliable damage clumps.
Orphanerivers of redthat run to seaRegistered Userregular
I wanna like the Mastiff, I just get so, so much more work done with an EVA8 with double tap. I feel like I'm wasting half the damage of the Mastiff if there aren't a couple enemies right next to each other, I'd much rather have the EVA's reliable damage clumps.
I feel like the mastiff is just the super close range shotty compared to the EVA8. Regardless of how bad I am with it, I will always love the mastiff for being able to 1 tap a downed opponent.
Also the ADS with the mastiff reduces the spread significantly. Certainly something to bear in mind!
In the few streams I've watched, the pros quickly ADS to fire off a shot and out again. Gives you the view advantage of hip-fire, with the spread advantage of ADS. I've not bothered trying to learn the muscle memory yet, but it definitely seems to work nicely!
Torn because I liked getting faster kills with R301 when initiating a fight. But definitely a few times that I felt instant killed. This also hurts Snipers though, and that always makes me happy.
The feeling of being insta-killed is due to the low tickrate. The server is compressing multiple shots into a single packet, so it often feels like you got killed in 1 shot. It's also the reason you often get downed when behind cover.
It's something BF4 suffered a lot with, and community uproar got it upped from 10hz to 30/60/120hz (Depending on server settings). Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the same for Apex.
I agree completely on why they reduced the 25 health, you should be able to win a fight if you got the drop, too many people complained about not being able to react "When someone is shooting from behind" and I'm like, well yeah? There's nothing more frustrating than getting the drop on a team and dying because they are just better at aiming than you are.
Torn because I liked getting faster kills with R301 when initiating a fight. But definitely a few times that I felt instant killed. This also hurts Snipers though, and that always makes me happy.
Should be easier to upgrade shields now too, since everyone will have more health to chew through if you win the fights.
I think this is a really good change, though I do suspect we will eventually see a damage required increase for red shields.
We also really need to be able to see damage remaining on shields in death boxes, but I’m being led to understand that’s in the works.
Just had that happen on a ranked match.
I do this in every multiplayer game. Like, every one of them. Randos are never worth it. Discord or bust baby!
With one exception, MWO. Mainly because the player base is so tiny and everyone knows everyone so things are generally very friendly and fun.
edit- That is to say, with every new game I get the second thing I do is turn off voice chat. First thing is turning off Vsync because no I don't want my game to run worse, thank you very much.
If someone clearly wants something, or it looks like I accidentally snagged something they wanted, I'll happily toss it back down. It's just a game, and frankly I'm still amateur enough that I'm eager to give Mr or Ms hundreds of kills on their banner have whatever it is they're seeking. That's cool.
But I've had people get astoundingly toxic over nothing. A Loba punching me away from her black market. Then closing doors in my face repeatedly as we were running around. Trying to knock me off cliffs. I'd done literally nothing to them, and while I'm far from a pro player, I try to at least be a team player.
After several minutes of asshattery, I had enough of it.
So I just decided to fire off a clip into the air near them.
And then again as we were running around.
And then some more, a few shots every so often just to keep our location in mind.
Eventually someone came over and took us out.
Maybe it was childish and petty, but if you don't want to deal with random folks and can't show an ounce of courtesy, after being a complete asshole for half of the match, I'm going to switch from 'doing my best' to 'actively detrimental'.
This was on PS4, and if there's even a way to access text chat in that version, I haven't seen it (nor would I want to, the PS4 digital 'keyboard' is awful), but there was a moment of wishing I could un-mute my mic just to hear what rampant bullshit they were likely spewing, which would at least have given me an idea of why the hell they felt the need to be an absolute fuckmuppet to me almost from the drop. Hell, I actively strive not to 'steal' a Legend pick, hand off jump master duty to others so they get to fight where they want to fight, and in general ping good stuff and am fine with snapping up loot scraps.
But I won't tolerate that good nature being abused, and will cheerfully throw a game to avoid assisting an asshole. Spend half of it trying to piss me off, and I won't hesitate to pay it back in kind.
As the poets of our day say, fuck around and see what happens.
But more often I get "guy yelling at someone in his home while listening to music"... that's a mute.
Gamertag - Khraul
PSN - Razide6
I think the comms system helps, off the cuff.
off to an incredible start when we landed at Salvage. I got no gun so I ended up feeding a Loba that my friend got low before going down a knuckle sandwich and barely manage to get my friend revived in time for the Loba's teammate to come running in with us standing on each side of the door. I punch the Wraith into my friend who punched her back into me and we dropped her without her getting a single shot off on us. Then, before we even leave Salvage 2 more teams come running up from the north at us and we end up in a 3 way brawl where i get probably one of the luckiest shots of my life, firing in the middle of the vaulting over some railings onto the ground level fand putting a Hemlok burst into a Bloodhound that was running from my friend, dropping him instantly. Then we run into another team at the little house north of Salvage, where i manage to trade and then get an Arc star stick through the window as both enemies are huddled in the house trying to heal, leading to an easy 2 more kills and a gold Devotion for my friend.
We wander north and chase a revive at the town west of Bunker, eventually tracking down the revivee and killing them while their teammate snipes at us from Runoff. We circle into Runoff where we end up fighting 2-3 more teams that suddenly show up as ring is closing and get 2 of them, then scoot into Ring 3 as it closes at Slum Lakes/Pit. After my friend catches a lone straggler on one of the entrances to the Pit, there's 4 squads left and we mosey on north towards ring 4, trying to scope out the situation and be the last ones into the fight.
We see a Rampart fortified house at the east edge of Slum Lake with chaingun blazing away at a team to the north and we try to sneak up on them when another team to the northwest opens fire on us from across the fortified house, dropping a Bangalore ult on us. We're huddled in cover as best as we can and try to heal off the Bangalore ult which hits us, but my friend manages to Phoenix kit for basically a full restore after getting dropped down to 5-10 health by the Bangalore ult when the team inside the house comes out to play. We drop one of them, then manage to push in and wipe out the fortified team. Then it's just us and the squad that threw the ult at us, and we trade before pushing out of the house. I go down to a surprise flank by the enemy Gibraltar but my friend's gold Devotion + some grenades i had thrown before pushing out split the two enemies up enough that he could get 2 1v1s and secure the win based off our better trade damage.
Yeah, last night I had a guy whose kids were jumping on the bed behind him. One of them got pissed at the other and started screaming bloody murder and the guy is yelling at them and I couldn't hit mute fast enough.
started at survey and slow rolled in all the way south following a far off ring closing in on factory when a team ahead of us tried to gatekeep the zipline on the round building north of factory
Being Pathfinder, we just go around but the team is thirsty for blood, chasing down my 2 buds on the ground floor of the large Sorting Factory building, dropping 1 while i'm trying to move to reinforce from the roof. my surviving friend gets to cover in the midlevel rooms and manages to get one while i'm still on my way to reinforce, but goes down as i get there due to a push by the Wraith and the Bloodhound flanking by climbing up the crates, leaving me on the catwalk stairs right above.
Then a miracle happens and the two of them decide to charge me while I have the high ground, literally throwing their heads into my Hemlok bursts and I drop them both in quick succession. I revive my one friend and manage to drop a decent zipline and get the respawn so our 1 teammate can recover, then we skirmish while running in with another team trying to move in through Sorting, which comes to a head at the train tracks south towards Launch Site - their team gets split up because Octane is trying to be clever staying on the roof while their Gibby and Rampart ran on ahead, so i grapple up and around the Octane dropping him with Mastiff shots. His pals come back but due to my position on the roof i slide down for an easy flank on Rampart, dropping her with the Mastiff too. We finish the Gibby off and loot quick so we can run in with 2 other squads left. We're peeking around at Launch Site when we see a death totem'd team trying to run at us, so we trade shots. Then this team unfortunately gets sandwiched by the 3rd remaining team and they get taken apart because we rush in after seeing that and just unload all of our grenades. There's just one person left forced back to the few crates outside the building, and I push on him and drop him. I even get to hi-5 him to take the win because he had gold shield!
I also stayed up way too late.
Sounds just like when I play with Walrus & Fallout, but I'm pretty sure that's because the SBMM is putting me in higher skill lobbies when I'm with them.
Yeah, I tend to do better when I stop partying. I think I get put back down in with the bad lobbies again.
Today I got carried to a win by a duo, one of whom got *11* kills. They were wiping out entire squads solo before I could get anyone in my sights.
Yeah, the alternator is a workhorse. The recoil pattern is pretty much vertical if you ignore the slight left and right of alternate bullets. This means it's kinda janky at anything out of close range, but so long as that alternation is less than the width of the average torso at your range then you're good to go!
On the same R99less front I'm getting some serious mileage out of the RE-45. Super rapid fire compared to the other light weapons and again, a mega controllable diagonal recoil. I find myself almost 1 clipping people with it fairly regularly with a decent extended mag.
I finally have to ask, what's the deal with this quest thing? It says something about treasure packs being needed to unlock more of it, but I've collected like four or five now and nothing seems to be happening.
Each treasure pack advances you one "reward" further along the track, and I think every seventh reward is another comic w/weapon attachment?
The Quest Tracker UI is awful though, so I can't blame you for being unsure.
just collect as many treasure packs as you can, with how long seasons last as long you should be fine even if you miss some days
last season with Loba getting treasure packs actually unlocked small pve missions you could do for more lore tidbits; this season it's comic pages that you can click to read
Just something to keep in mind: the longer the pass is out, the more challenges unlock, and thus, the easier it is to get levels.
I’m not in love with battle passes as a general rule, I get that there’s some predatory manipulation going on to force ongoing engagement, FOMO, etc, but all told I’m pretty content with how Apex does theirs.
Just saying, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless you want it to be.
It says I need Level 1 for that first thing, but what is Level 1? How do I get to it? Have I secretly unlocked the first three not-gold things on the track and that's why they're brighter, or is it just a smooth gradient from left to right for no reason? What is going on?
I don't actually care about any of this because it doesn't seem to involve cool Lifeline skins, but it is baffling.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
We were constantly running and gunning as the ring was chasing us since there seemed to always be another squad pinning us down with a Triple Take, but somehow between Octane's speed and... uh... big guy... Gibraltar's shield we managed to never get taken out in our mad scrambles.
The Eva 8 with double tap does work, holy moly.
I feel like the mastiff is just the super close range shotty compared to the EVA8. Regardless of how bad I am with it, I will always love the mastiff for being able to 1 tap a downed opponent.
Also the ADS with the mastiff reduces the spread significantly. Certainly something to bear in mind!
Hipfire for Eva-8 and PK, aiming does nothing to spread.
In the few streams I've watched, the pros quickly ADS to fire off a shot and out again. Gives you the view advantage of hip-fire, with the spread advantage of ADS. I've not bothered trying to learn the muscle memory yet, but it definitely seems to work nicely!
aiming with the peacekeeper does choke your shots though :P
Torn because I liked getting faster kills with R301 when initiating a fight. But definitely a few times that I felt instant killed. This also hurts Snipers though, and that always makes me happy.
It's something BF4 suffered a lot with, and community uproar got it upped from 10hz to 30/60/120hz (Depending on server settings). Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the same for Apex.
I agree completely on why they reduced the 25 health, you should be able to win a fight if you got the drop, too many people complained about not being able to react "When someone is shooting from behind" and I'm like, well yeah? There's nothing more frustrating than getting the drop on a team and dying because they are just better at aiming than you are.
Season 6 patch let’s you toggle this on-off (same for triple take). Part of the reason why is the lack of spread change on ads.
Should be easier to upgrade shields now too, since everyone will have more health to chew through if you win the fights.
I think this is a really good change, though I do suspect we will eventually see a damage required increase for red shields.
We also really need to be able to see damage remaining on shields in death boxes, but I’m being led to understand that’s in the works.
Until they fix Audio Cues, I think it’s for the best that TTK be a bit higher.