Do you like travelling the world? Exploring ancient wonders? Losing your sanity searching for a bookstore? Then I’ve got the game for you!
This is the second game on the forums, the first ended
here with the four investigators getting devoured.
Eldritch horror is a cooperative game by Fantasy Flight Games, based on HP Lovecraft’s works. Here’s how FFG describe it:
An ancient evil is stirring. You are part of a team of unlikely heroes engaged in an international struggle to stop the gathering darkness. To do so, you’ll have to defeat foul monsters, travel to Other Worlds, and solve obscure mysteries surrounding this unspeakable horror. The effort may drain your sanity and cripple your body, but if you fail, the Ancient One will awaken and rain doom upon the known world.
Sound like fun? I’m looking for 4 or 5 investigators to try their luck solving the mysteries and fighting monsters.
Here's the board:
How do I play?
Each round is divided into three phases; Action, Encounter and Mythos. All the players take two actions during the action phase, then all the players encounter something in the world. Finally in the Mythos phase the Ancient One stirs in its slumber and things go badly for the world, usually.
The Action Phase
During the Action Phase each player, starting with the Lead Investigator, takes two actions from the spoilered list.
No Investigator can repeat an action1. Travel – The investigator moves to an adjacent point on the map. They may discard any train or ship tickets to travel an additional space for each ticket along the appropriate paths (one space along rails for a train, and so on).
2. Prepare for travel – If the investigator is in a City space, they can take a train or ship ticket. No investigator can hold more than two tickets.
3. Rest – If there are no monsters in the same space, the Investigator can rest to regain 1 health and 1 sanity.
4. Trade – The investigator can trade possessions (Assets, Artefacts, Clues, Spells, and tickets) with another investigator on the same space.
5. Acquire Assets – If there are no monsters in the same space, and it’s a city space, the investigator can make an Influence test to acquire an asset from the reserve. The Investigator may take one card with a value (top left corner) equal to or less than their number of successes. The Investigator may also take a Bank Loan, gaining a Debt condition in return for an additional two successes on the test. If they decide not to take a card, they may choose a card to discard which will then be replaced with a new card.
6. Component Actions – These are actions found on the various game components, such as Investigator cards and assets. Actions are denoted by “Action:” on the card. Actions with “Local Action:” may be done by any investigator in the same space as the card, not just the investigator in possession of it.
The Encounter Phase
Here, the Investigators interact with the world. Again, starting with the Lead Investigator, each investigator has an encounter from the ones in the spoiler.
1. Combat Encounters – If there are any monsters in the same space the Investigator must encounter the monsters. The investigator chooses the order in which the monsters are encountered, and resolves a combat against them in turn. If, after all combat encounters are complete, there are no monsters left in the space the Investigator may have an additional encounter.
2. Location Encounters – The investigator encounters the location they are in. If there are multiple options, the investigator chooses one. For example Rome is both surrounded by an orange border, denoting a Europe encounter, and has a city symbol allowing a general city encounter.
3. Token Encounters – These come from encountering various tokens on the board.
Clues → Research Encounter, required to collect the clue.
Gate → Other World Encounter, a trip to another world, which usually provides the opportunity to close the gate.
Active Expedition → Expedition Encounter, which can provide clues and artefacts.
Rumor → Required to solve Rumor Mythos cards, which have ongoing effects until solved.
Defeated Investigators → Encounter Dead/Insane investigators, take their stuff, and maybe learn something more.
The Mythos Phase
Once all investigators have finished their encounters, a Mythos card is drawn and things go downhill. A number of things happen, including spawning clues and gates opening. The most important to keep in mind are the Advance Omen (4 circles and an arrow) and Resolve Reckoning Effects (a red comet orbiting). When the Omen advances, the counter in the top right of the board moves clockwise, and then doom increases 1 for each gate with the new symbol. Doom is bad, and when doom hits 0 it’s game over. Resolve Reckoning effects activates (usually negative) effects on other game components, such as debt collectors coming to collect on your bank loan. If a card has a reckoning effect, it has a matching red symbol in the bottom right corner.
At the end of the Mythos phase the Lead Investigator may pass the token to the player of their choosing. This is also when new investigators will join if there are casualties.
How do we win?
Each Ancient One has a series of mysteries, randomly chosen. Each involves jumping through a number of hoops, usually killing monsters or collecting clue tokens and using them in certain ways. To win the game, the investigators must complete 3 mysteries and then the Final Mystery.
How do I fight a monster?
Fighting a monster usually involves two tests, a Wits test (to overcome the horror), and a Strength test (to actually kill it.) First the investigator tests Wits, and loses one sanity for each point of sanity damage the monster does that isn’t cancelled by a success. The the same for Strength. After the Strength test, the number of successes are applied as wounds to the monster, hopefully killing it.
What’s a test?
To achieve almost anything in this game, and Investigator has to make a test. To make a test, roll a number of d6 equal to the stat relevant to the test. Normally a 5 or 6 is a success. One success is enough to pass the test. If the Investigator is blessed, a 4 is also a success, however if they’re cursed only a 6 counts.
How about more details?
This is already getting pretty long. Luckily FFG provide all the rules for free
If you want to read through the rules yourself, please go ahead. Otherwise I’ll explain things as they come up.
Another useful site is the
wiki. It contains the details for all the cards that can come up.
Sign me up!
Alright! First, go
here and choose one of the core set investigators.
here and vote for one of the core set ancient ones, or Yig from Forsaken Lore. Or just leave it to chance.
Finally, how difficult should we make it? Please vote to either include or exclude easy or hard mythos cards.
Good luck, and don’t get eaten.
Tri-Optimum reminds you that there are only one-hundred-sixty-three shopping days until Christmas. Just 1 extra work cycle twice a week will give you the spending money you need to make this holiday a very special one.
Am apparently Jim Culver
Dooter of skeletons
Sorry @jdarksun @daemonis and @discrider
Not sure how you had time to host on parental leave; My computer's basically been mothballed since my kid.
It's amazing what you can get done with one free hand and a baby sleeping on your chest.
Yeah, but that's Pokemon Go time
So I'm pretty impressed that you've managed to host anything.
All the setup was actually before the baby was born, so that was the hard part. Actually running the game is not so tough, just a lot of print screen and cropping. But yeah, going back to full time work is going to make even that tough.
My oldest had reflux, and couldn't sleep laying down. I basically spent 2010 holding him all night.
I played about 500 hours of Civ5 that year.