A serious lack of work satisfaction has become a major problem in my life. After a lot of thinking I've decided that I really miss learning, and working in a more interesting field with better compensation. I'm currently a programmer/operator for a CNC laser shop in Ontario. It's not a terrible job by any means, but having reached the essential pinnacle of it there's not a lot more to do other than punch the clock. The cost of living continues to climb and my compensation for my work will not be anytime soon according to my employer.
Having discussed this with a pile of family and friends I've decided that the best thing I could do for myself is return to school and finish the degree 've always wanted, but never felt I could afford to get going on. College was a bust towards the end as the continued high school mentality I had to deal with drove me crazy. My famioly and a couple of good friends have offered amazing support for this, including offers of some serious funding to help cover the costs. Along with selling my house I think I could pay for school without incurring any major loans. With all the help being offerd to me, and the fact that I believe I have the ability to succeed, it would be a terrible choice to NOT try to do this. I hope to be starting in the September 2008 semester. So, the questions I hope to get some advice with is this:
Where do I start getting the foundation laid? I have a decnet idea of the program(s) I'm interested in.
Do I talk to the OUAC first? Or with the Universities? I'm looking closest at Waterloo and UOIT right now.
Other info I should add to this post?
tl;dr: I'm looking for advice on successfully applying to university in Ontario for engineering in Sept. 2008. Best route to get the job done?
Also...scaning the website for all info, etc. Some of the sites have been all kinds of confused.....or maybe I am.
Good luck!