Well. Shadowrun.
It started as a PnP game, but was lovingly turned into an FPS by the lovely team at FASA. It is multiplayer only, but for the first time it can be played cross system with both PC (Vista only, sadly) and 360 users able to play together.
Shadowrun is a first-person shooter introducing mild cyberpunk elements to the gameplay. The game takes place in Brazil in the year 2031: before the events that shaped the Shadowrun universe.
The player will choose from two factions to play as, the megacorp RNA Global and the resistance group known as The Lineage. Playable races are Human, Elf, Troll, and Dwarf. Each race has their own racial traits.
Players will purchase magic, tech, and weapons in between each round of play. Magic will include teleportation, resurrection, and a castable tree of life that will slowly heal any players that stand near it, turning into smoke for invulnerability, summoning a monster to do your bidding, casting a field of lethal crystals, and blowing a powerful gust at enemies and objects. Purchasable tech items include enhanced vision, which allows the player to see through walls, a glider, which enables short distance flight, wired reflexes, which greatly increases your physical attributes, anti-magic generators, Smartlink, which gives you greater accuracy and other specific advantages. Weapons include a sniper rifle, SMG, a shotgun, a minigun, a semi auto rifle, a rocket launcher, and a katana for assassinations and ninja style tactics.
In short, it is an amazing game.
Out now.
Demo out now.
Gamertag list-
PA Forum Name :: Gamertag
Vincent Grayson::Vincent Grayson
Trevor Goodchild::Liake
YerMum:: Pugilation
Polago:: Polago
Deamon_Aconis:: PJStelford
Snowbird:: PaShteamRoller
BloodyRoarXX:: PABloodyroarXX
Naked Ninja::Implementor
Saint Justice::Saint Justice
Nocren::Nocren v2
Shuklak::Mecha Shiva 0
Valdemiro::SIR MO PAIN
Hypodrmage::Hypo D
PolaGo:: Polago
Mspencer::Michael Spencer
YodaTuna::YodatTuna CTU
Djiem:: Djiem
BionicPenguin:: RoboPotato
Avoid Spikes :: Shadow Jim
Paradox Control::ChernobylWang
Damion:: Damionitc
The Metromantic:: The Metromantic
Backlash:: Absoludacrous
Cryxx44:: Petriefied
Undead Monkey: : D3ad13
RhettD :: RhettD
Helpless Rock :: Car1gt
The Sneak! :: PA The Sneak
Wulf :: Wulf
plweber :: Ebolaids
PC Info- Vista and an Xbox Live account required to play. Gold to play with 360 people and PC, free silver to just play with other PC.
More info- Trolls with Gliders and miniguns. Come on man!
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
June 4th.
6th actually
Go die. You're not supposed to spread correct information on the forums.
Well, my guesse it would no different than any other Console vs. PC FPS. though I am interested in that both formats can play togerther
And the Demo comes out June 6th, will edit OP.
Man if I had Vista I'd be all over the PC version is I was getting it, its cheaper. and I can run it in a higher resolution or at lesat id hope.
lol? Please tell me that's not in the final game.
Looks like it's another console game with a PC port. The fact that this keeps happening because of the XBox and 360 doesn't make me too happy but I don't mind console shooters too much. I'll wait for some reviews.
They have an article on the Shadowrun site on the matter.
Yeah, looks like I'm not getting this game. Vista-only can suck my nuts.
Not so bad IMHO cause I planned on using a 360 controller anyways on the PC
But I will be there. Help kill time 'til H3.
I'll be picking this up today for xbox.
That said I'll be playing Shadowrun sometime next week when my copy arrives.
I would say let's post some gamertags, but how does Vista Live work? I can only assume it uses gamertags as well. Can I use my Xbox gamertag with it?
My one question about the actual game: If I am a spectacular judge of distance, can I telefrag people with the teleport skill? PLEASE GOD PLEASE
First off, no reviews yet. On yesterday's EGM Live, the guys said that they haven't even received a reviewable copy. There's also the thing about FAFSA being dissolved. Why kill the studio? It's obviously not due to sales, at least not yet. Then there's the thing about the demo. If they really wanted to sell this game, that demo would be here already. It seems as if they're hoping people will grab this game on an impulse buy, having not played a demo or read a review. When the demo hits, that will help grab people who still may be interested in the game. A late demo usually means that an early demo would have hurt sales rather than helped them.
I want this game to be good. I've never been in to Shadowrun, so my mind is fresh for the possibilities of a first-person fantasy game.
I love me some *real* Shadowrun, and even if it's not the game I wanted, I don't know if I can complain about teleporting through a wall to cut some fucking elves with a katana.
See? If this game works out, it could be a fresh addition to the console FPS genre. I wanna cut some elves too.
i dont know if this is always the case. the Viva Pinata demo came out months later and was a great game. this game looks pretty fun I'll be picking it up if the demo doesn't suck and people don't kill it on this site.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
I thought so as well...I thought the "real" FASA Interactive was killed off years and years ago.
I think that's an entirely different situation all together. Pinata didn't sell well at all, and demo was put out months later to try and salvage a few more sales. The Shadowrun demo isn't months later, it's just a week. I seriously think Microsoft is trying to get as many impulse buys on this title as possible. Next week when the demo hits, anyone who actually will like the game will play the demo, find out that they like it, and then go buy it.
Unconfirmed reports say the game was pretty much done, and the whole studio was given the boot, which means likely there will be no content updates and any patches will be handled by people with no working knowledge of the game so slow to come or buggy.
Which was fucking stupid cause if a real demo would of came out before I know many people who would of bought it. They all bought it used at BBV instead.
Hm. I wonder if this will signal Microsoft losing the license for FASA games.. which I really hope they do.
This might also be MSFT's way of cutting off an RPG Shadowrun at the pass, as FASA interactive always claimed that was their goal.
It's a shame FanPro/InMedia are in the negotiations to change development of the real Shadowrun, for we aren't getting any new product on that angle either. =(
could be and it's not a bad idea since fps games haven't been pouring out lately. forza 2 and this are the only retail games ive been interested in since febuary to be honest.
the demo did a good job in selling some more copies of pinata. i and three of my friends picked it up right after the demo.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
A little bit off topic, but Pinata was a real marketing fuck up. Microsoft and Rare seemed to have completely different visions for the game. MS marketed the game towards children; things like the cartoon and the colorful plastic packaging really show this.
Now if you've played the game, you know very well that this is NOT a game for children. It's complex and often frustrating, even for an adult with a lot of experience with these kinds of games. The people who would appreciate the game didn't know that this was a game for them at all, and so they didn't buy it. Children couldn't appreciate the complicated game, and it didn't sell to them either (and how many children have a 360?).
well one of the more interesting features of the game is an adult can play with his kid using two controllers. if the kid couldnt handle it an adult can "guide" him by basically playing for him but still giving the tyke a feeling of control. i thought this was really innovative and I for one know two parents who play along with small kids.
i dont think most kids could get everything in the game but most kids are smart enough to sex up the animals and make 'em eat stuff. At 8ish I was playing the original sim city so I don't think this one is too much of a stretch.
woops: on topic. demo yes the troll is funny looking see y'all there is shadowrun
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
1. How is the loadout handled? Is it like Tribes, wherein all teams have equal access to their various choices regardless of winning/losing a round? (Say, all team members have $5,000 to spend on stuff every round regardless of whether they win), or is it more like Counterstrike where winning nets you more money to buy more equipment and as such perpetuate the winning?
2. How deadly are the weapons/spells/etc? Again, is it similar to CS where it's fairly easy to squeeze off a lucky headshot and kill a well-armed opponent, or is it more akin to say, Gears of War, where it takes quite a few bullets/shells/fireballs/etc to kill someone?