Right, I know Bluetooth can be pretty bad, but this seems unreasonable.
The context is that I'm using this Bluetooth keyboard and mouse:
I like the form factor and the portability of the Bluetooth. I bought them for my Surface Pro years ago, but the Pro died (see my previous thread in here).
I built a new desktop that is Bluetooth-capable, and I wanted to keep using them.
The problem is they're doing something they never did on the Surface. Quite frequently they seem to.....go to sleep? There's no other way to explain it. I'll hit keys and nothing will happen, I'll move the mouse and nothing happens. Click the mouse, nothing happens.
The computer doesn't pop up a "disconnected" message, the lights on the mouse and keyboard are still on, they just take several (sometimes up to 15 seconds, I counted!) to wake back up and do things. This is really frustrating, especially when I'm trying to record lectures and advance slides, because many times the mouse or keyboard will fire multiple times after waking up and advance way past where I want it to.
So the question is- is this a common thing that happens to Bluetooth peripherals? Why didn't it happen on my Surface? I've reinstalled the drivers a few times, put fresh batteries in, and paired and unpaired the devices a bunch, is there anything else I could try?
Did you see this? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/bluetooth-keyboard-keeps-going-to-sleep-after-10/a2765db7-dfb5-4ed5-ac3a-9daa36a508fc#:~:text=Right click on the “Bluetooth,this device to save power”.
I think BlazeFire has the right idea with the devices going into a power save mode. Not sure if this is something to be toggled on the keyboard/mouse side or on the Bluetooth dongle.
You can't give someone a pirate ship in one game, and then take it back in the next game. It's rude.
I don't actually know. Or, more accurately- I didn't have to plug anything into my computer to get the bluetooth working, it seems to be built-in. I don't know if it's built into the motherboard or what, I didn't really build this PC by hand.
mRahmani - that's good info, at least, that this seems to be "Common" and my surface was just blessed.
Hmm! That might be a good idea to try, thanks!