We had a plumber come out to install a new dishwasher a couple weeks ago. Part of the reason we looked for a plumber specifically was that we thought there were some problems with the water supply for the existing dishwasher, which didn't actually work. We mentioned this when we reached out initially and again when the guy actually got here. He connected everything, ran a test rinse cycle and charged us an arm and a leg ($400 CAD + tax), which I kind of figured we'd end up eating as the cost of not communicating properly.
Later that day we ran the first load of dishes and... something broke and started spewing water all over the place. So we called the plumbing company and they sent out a couple guys who came over and fixed the dishwasher connection, which had ruptured, for free. Unfortunately, the water went all over the place, through the floor, and was soaking a lot of the things in our basement.
We called our homeowner's insurance company and have started the claims process, which I suppose is fine on its own... but now we're not only going to be out the cost of the dishwasher install, but another $500 deductible for the claim. I don't know if they're planning to go after the plumber to recoup anything and can certainly check with them, but if there's nothing either way - is it reasonable (or likely) to get a refund for the original installation?
The rough case for is is:
- I specifically told them about the suspected issues with the water supply, which was the part that blew up
- When I called them to report the problem, they immediately told me about how the connection was old and crummy (before anyone arrived), which indicates they knew this was a problem and didn't even tell me when they did the original install
Is there a good way to phrase "refund plz"? As I paid with a credit card I think I can at least attempt a chargeback if that doesn't work... but I'm also not sure if it's small enough / not-their-fault enough to just suck it up. I figure since the original cost was so high it'll basically pay the insurance deductible.
Call your bank and plead your case and see if they’ll do a charge back.
I can has cheezburger, yes?