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Penny Arcade - Comic - Egg Theory

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2020 in The Penny Arcade Hub
imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Egg Theory

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    Honestly, this is a little more than I want from a comic about video games

    brb, need to huddle in a corner and weep for a while

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Was it ever substantiated that Pedro left? I've only seen unconfirmed rumors online.

  • KagatoACKagatoAC Registered User regular
    A fairly simple Imdb search shows pedro as credited for 16 of the 17 episodes currently listed for the series. so it seems unlikely. :twisted:

  • SeagullSeagull Registered User regular
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Was it ever substantiated that Pedro left? I've only seen unconfirmed rumors online.

    Yeah, it seems like it was just social media starting unsubstantiated rumors.

  • EspantaPajaroEspantaPajaro Registered User regular
    Taximes wrote: »
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    Was it ever substantiated that Pedro left? I've only seen unconfirmed rumors online.

    Yeah, it seems like it was just social media starting unsubstantiated rumors.

    Thank god , he was awesome it would have sucked to lose him.

  • Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    No interest in the launch titles, no interest in the exclusives, even among their evergreen franchises, but I still want my ENTIRE Xbox library playable in one place. So if it pulls that off, and does it well, then I have a nice space for it to heat up when it gets back in stock and I can check out some impressions from daily users.

    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I mean I look at the new series x like getting a new computer, I don't have anything new to play on it yet, but all my current stuff will run better.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Jerry's newspost today makes a very good point.

    The first party titles and games that are coming out on the Series X and PS5 don't honestly matter that much, because as soon as Cyberpunk drops a week later, everyone is gonna drop whatever they're playing to play that instead.

  • AsheramAsheram Registered User regular
    Rumor goes, according to sources, that Pedro withdrew from the scenes and is going to be only voiceact the Mandalorian with someone else in the suit.

  • MarcinMNMarcinMN Registered User regular
    I'm still curious to see if they will introduce some lore reason that the Mandalorians now don't let people see them without their helmets. Because you see them without their helmets all the time in Clone Wars and Rebels.

    "It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."

    -Tycho Brahe
  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    MarcinMN wrote: »
    I'm still curious to see if they will introduce some lore reason that the Mandalorians now don't let people see them without their helmets. Because you see them without their helmets all the time in Clone Wars and Rebels.

    Different subcultures, I think. Even in Clone Wars Mandalorians didn't seem like a monoculture. I assume the Tribe are just particularly conservative about the Old Ways™.

  • MarcinMNMarcinMN Registered User regular
    MarcinMN wrote: »
    I'm still curious to see if they will introduce some lore reason that the Mandalorians now don't let people see them without their helmets. Because you see them without their helmets all the time in Clone Wars and Rebels.

    Different subcultures, I think. Even in Clone Wars Mandalorians didn't seem like a monoculture. I assume the Tribe are just particularly conservative about the Old Ways™.

    That would probably be the best way to approach it. Still, if I think of Death Watch in the Clone Wars, I would think they would be a group that would be sticklers for tradition, but we still saw Pre Vizsla without his helmet quite a bit. :)

    "It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."

    -Tycho Brahe
  • hibryd7hibryd7 Registered User regular
    In summary, your thing sucks and you are bad for liking it.

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