OP copied from the last one, including this sentence.
This here is your official thread for discussing the great basket of wonder and joy that is the upcoming 2020 election.
What You Can Talk About:
- Any national or local 2020 US election.
- The impact of the conventions that just happened.
- The policy platforms of candidates AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE ELECTIONS. "Biden plans to roll out a public option" is okay. "A public option is awesome because of X,Y, and Z" is not.
- Polls related to the election.
- Voting outreach efforts
- Other things that directly pertain to the 2020 election and have not been explicitly banned.
What You Can't Talk About:
- The 2020 primaries that have already occurred. Upcoming 2020 primaries, if there are any left, are okay.
- Bernie Sanders
- 20-motherfucking-16
- Hillary Fucking Clinton
- Policy in general. This is not the place to discuss health care or taxes or policing in general. We have threads for all those things! If not, feel free to make one!
- Who you plan to personally vote for. Nothing good has ever come from a conversation in these threads about why you're definitely voting for Biden / voting third party / not voting. Just rest assured that your personal reasons for voting are the best in the whole world and everyone agrees with you and thinks you're smart and good looking. Masterfully done, you.
If you have previously been banned from this thread, you are still banned from this thread, sorry. Rest assured you can participate in discussions when 2024 rolls around, assuming elections are still a thing that exists in that far away time.
HEY! LISTEN! Some bright spark had the excellent notion to link the resources thread from SE++ for people who are having a hard time, so:If you're having a tough time of it in these testing times, here are some resources that can help.
Your arse clenches with fear and you offer a silent prayer to a God you doubt exists that please please oh please let us hang on.
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The act of settling for less
Maybe it's where you live. They might think that's the local custom. :P
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Aaron Rupar is eternally cursed to cover Trump events.
Even for Trump this shit is unhinged. This is at one of his deep red county stops in Arizona.
I think you can stop with "does Trump think" at this point.
and yet... here we are once again, in the dumbest day in american history.
only to be again surpassed by tomorrow.
The best way to get a reduction in calls is to never be on the list in the first place, in my experience.
I was annoyed that after voting the volume didn’t drop but now I realize that my vote wasn’t recorded for two weeks after I mailed it and now I think the volume actually has dropped.
Democracy works
Californians to Trump on Nov 3rd:
I think "Why shouldn't they?"
He just saw that documentary about drowned camp kids because it was topical.
You know, Friday the 13th
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The thing is, nothing he says is actually that strange if you talk to the right kind of people. It's the exact kind of rambling bullshit people who don't really follow politics from real news sources talk about because they heard it on a chain email or these days on Facebook I guess.
This shit is just the covid equivalent of "Did you hear about this new rule that says X at <insert university here>? Those goddamn PC liberals are so silly."
....did you vote though
Every time I see an aggregator say Trump only has a 1 in 10 chance of winning I scream "HOLY SHIT HE HAS A 1 IN 10 CHANCE OF WINNING, FUCKING VOOOOOOTE PEOPLE"
Of course a mod would prefer an unelected oligarchy rather than have pesky elections!!!111!!!
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
That's about the odds of rainy weather in Los Angeles, which rains 36 days a year!
Russian Roulette is around 16% and a way too apt metaphor right now
Edit: or maybe January is when the real protests will get started..
I've asked them to take me off contact lists but i still get texts reminding me to vote. Even if I tell them I voted and my vote was marked as accepted they still respond with the boilerplate info on how to monitor my ballot status.
It's not close enough for that, honestly.
that is very much the result I'm praying for. But if Trump has a 10 percent chance to win, without cheating, than what are the odds WITH cheating?
Are you Magic Johnson
Cheating is priced into the polling and models, basically.
I don't know. I got a text about how my sister hasn't voted yet today.
{Twitter, Everybody's doing it. }{Writing and Story Blog}
If that's not a joke, it's terrifyingly creepy.
{Twitter, Everybody's doing it. }{Writing and Story Blog}
For Senate I ranked Lisa Savage first. Shes an independent running to the left of our rather disappointing Democratic candidate, Sara Gideon. I was disappointed in Gideon's victory in the primary, so I was happy to have someone representing policies like Medicare For All and Green New Deal in the race (Gideon prefers tinkering with our existing broken systems and not rocking the boat by taking actual positions on things). However, Savage's campaign never really got off the ground, perhaps either due to lack of funding or just a more partisan mindset this election cycle.
Regardless of my qualms, I ranked Sara Gideon 2nd, because she won't be as bad as Susan Collins. Isn't it neat how I was able to vote for the better candidate while still backing the Democrat to prevent a GOP victory? Y'all gotta get your states off their archaic voting systems, our ranked choice system is objectively better in every way.
For president I voted for Howie Hawkins first, because why not. Put Biden second though as is my civic duty or whatever.
Oh come on, everybody knows that's worse!
For real though, hope your mom stays safe when she goes to vote in person. It's going to be a clusterfuck.
I'm a UK citizen who's been to the US for a total of eight days in my life, and those were before I got this phone number.
Real question: if this went to the SC, what are the odds that two of them would recuse themselves on account of Trump giving them the job hahahahaha I'm kidding I know the answer.
(She thinks her mom gave the Florida Democrats my wife's number instead of her own number for some reason)
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