So I've been single for a few months, and I kind of want to get into a relationship again.
Problem is, there are these three different girls that I'm interested in.
Girl 1: A blonde girl who lives across the street from the school. I helped her out when she had problems with this guy a while back and we started talking, and I occasionally go over her house and we just chill and flirt. I know that she's interested in me, but she's pretty shy about it.
Girl 2: Jewish brunette. She has a personality very similar to mine, and we always have really long conversations and she likes to stress how much she thinks that we are better than those around us. She just had a pathetic relationship with this kid who dumped her for another girl he met this weekend. We've always been pretty close. I just think it may be waaay too early for her to have another bf, and she seems pretty pissed at her ex so she's bound to try some kind of revenge relationship.
Girl 3: We'll call her Excalibur. She's the girl that everyone tries to get, but noone can have. Whoever could pull it off would pretty much be revered as the king around here. She's one of the nicest girls I've ever met, and she's sort of my confidant. She relies on me to get any guys that she doesn't like hounding her off her back. All of her friends as well as my friends suspected that we liked each other on more than one occasion, but I've never really expressed that to any friends. She's said repeatedly that she doesn't want to date for another year, since some problems with her last bf. I recently heard that she has some feelings for me, but she wants to keep her little oath, which I respect.
All these girls in the same clique, all of them being cheerleaders or rangerettes.
I don't know if I should go for one of them, or if I should maybe even just look elsewhere to avoid the whole fiasco.
Any advice would help, since my own friends have enough problems of their own.
If you need any other info on anything just ask.
For your choices as they are presented, assuming you CAN go and date the others at a later date if it doesnt work out :
If you want to pick NOW, i'd pick #1. From your description it doesnt sound like she has recent baggage, unlike girl #2 who i would certainly rule out for now. I mean, last week? WAY too soon, at any age. Girl #3 has her oath, which is fine, but from your description you dont really give me a good vibe there. You almost make her sound like some sort of trophy or status symbol which just isnt sitting well with me. Having said that, i could be way off base there. Either way, her oath. Yeah.
If you can wait a while it sounds to me you are more well suited to #2, so you'd just need to give her enough time to calm down about this last bf she had. The thing is, if #1 is REALLY interested in you, waiting for and dating #2 might well break #1's heart. I dont think the reverse is true because #2 is still occupied with vicious thoughts about her ex, yes?
So i'd pick #1, or wait for #2. I dont think #3 is a good option at all based on the information given.
edit : If you just want a relationship so you've got someone to go somewhere with, then just pick #1 imho. She's probably the most ready for right now. I'd kinda forgotten what highschool relationships were like till i read Chief's reply above me
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
May as well shoot for the moon.
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Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
But to clarify, the whole status symbol thing with #3 is the whole problem. One of the reasons she isnt dating is because she thinks that most guys just want her to show that they have her.
But in any case, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna try for #1, #2 and I have never been single simultaneously before but like you said, if that's goin anywhere I need to wait.
And hell, summer is pretty much here so anything from here on out is bound to change.
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I kind of knew what the deal was but I needed some reinforcement, and I got it.
As has been said, ask out whoever suits your fancy. We can't tell you for sure, but they all seem like good girls.