Fallen London is a free to play browser game from Failbetter Games. The premise is simple: the year is 1899, and 40 years ago, London was stolen by bats.
Though no one says "stolen" anymore, except for the revolutionaries. The rest of the residents have grown quite accustomed to the situation. Now London is ruled by the mysterious Masters of the Echo Bazaar, and is full of devils dressed like gangsters, talking cats, Clay Men (don't ask if they're actually made of clay; they don't ask you if you're made of meat), poets, murderers, monster-hunters and worse roaming the gloomy streets.
Most games use various baubles in their reward loops to keep players coming. Fallen London uses words. It has more words than War and Peace, with stories, plots, characters and narratives going back and forth between political intrigue, elder things from beyond the skies, real world historical events, multi-continental mythologies, colors that don't actually exist, and romance. You develop your character in whatever way you see fit - they can be agile or clever or persuasive or hulking or all or none. They can make important decisions unique to them and terrible mistakes delving into forbidden mysteries the rest of the playerbase has no idea about. They can join the player-vs-player leagues of Knife and Candle and stab their friends in their back. They can take part in a high stakes game of chance who's winner gets their hearts desire or go after the murderer of a loved one or steal a diamond the size of a cow. They can be you.
Over the last year, Fallen London have given player the opportunity to build their own railway into the hinterlands - the country west of the city where you might find things like mushroom farms, artistic communes, the old battlefield between London and Hell, a scottish castle overrun by anarchists, a factory where emotions are distilled into bottles and sold to european governments to quiet dissent, and more.
Just two days ago, they have unlocked the latest station: The Hurlers, a frigid wasteland where even the Devils don't visit, where only goat-demons lurk, and where a castle most definitely does not exist. And I can't go into too much detail beyond this but it very likely contains some of the most hard to grasp, philosophically complex concepts I've ever seen a video game try to tackle.
and in a few days the... festival? of Whitesun will be upon us, and you know what that means
Egg Hunt
Fallen London is
very good
The most recent, Sunless Skies, is apparently getting a console release soon.
Couldn't remember where I was, it has been so long since I have played.
I was in the Cave of the Nadir
Of course.
edit: also the latest Exceptional Story for April just dropped; it's about diving beneath the surface of the colossal underground ocean known as the Unterzee (the faux-german is just a nautical thing in Fallen London, don't ask) to reach the Gant Pole where ancient chthonic leviathans go to die
I just really want to know what people who opened the final gate read.
mind you some of those exceptional stories are the best thing in the game. Off the top of my head: the recent Fair Unknown about a jousting tournament in the land of dreams, The Shallows about doing Death a favour in order to interview dead murder victims, Fine Dining where you have to prepare the best meal you can for after a chef fell mysteriously ill for a food critic who's also a tiger, and HOJOTOHO about a gang of urchins inspired to do good by valkyrien operas contending with a mysterious kidnapper on the city's rooftops
and yeah they went hard on new content this past year, the whole lab is fresh, Whitsun is brand new and they keep updating the Mayoral race, halloween and valentines day each year with new stuff too
If you wish to become friends in the actual game, I am also lucid_seraph there.
cause I dont wanna spoil stuff on accident; if you just get into FL on the premise of "kooky gothic victorian setting" the shit the lore goes to gets wild
Honey is made by devils who are bees for some reason? Red honey is other people's memories instead of a drug? And red science is some kind of attempt to escape the great chain or something?
No; I was on a 7 year hiatus until like... last November or so? And I've only gotten as far as Balmoral.
Incidentally, I also accidentally nuked ALL my Connected because I left RIGHT before the Connected => Renown changeover, so I went from like 40 connected with everybody to 0 Renown, and I'm pissed lol. Especially since it's now way more expensive and time consuming to raise that shit.
If you need a mentor or someone to yell at you by mail for whatever reason, again, I am:
Same name.
/throws burning letters in your general direction
edit: I'm not sure I'd trust you with today's youth. Ouch.
Seven or five points of notability.
Ooh looks like the new content is expanding the Zee! I always liked the Zee. Time to break out the yacht.
And it looks like I was correct about the content, they state about 30% of fallen london happened last year on a text basis.
I don't do things by half-measures.
*edit* Also I could use some combustible post back, if you have the ability to send such.
Also how bad is it to just sell trade secrets? I know that they turn into a ton of money for 10 actions but I don't want to spend a week burning them.
Idk about trade secrets. re: Railroad, there's a new option at the Blind Helmsman where you can just fucking deck people for Justificande Coins & Bessmer Steel which you need for Railway Steel. Also, work on establishing a Parabolan Base Camp (for things like Hillmovers, additional Railway Steel, & other crap)
The really fucked up part is that you need to use the fucking Bone Market for a lot of shit and the Bone Market is the worst. Like everything bad about Fallen London (so much action gating! so much high end stat gating! a randomizer! too many options! FUCK)
Incidentally, the new Wiki is here: https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/ Now with 500% less malware infested ads.
The Discord is also very VERY helpful.
I don't like feeling perpetually poor.
EDIT - I changed provisions to Provident so I can enjoy the game more.
So am I reading this correctly that you can only easily get skulls buy buying the brass skulls at the start?
who'd have thought
This is so I can obtain enough Mortifications of a Great Power that I can create an impressive enough Cover Identity to convince some Devils to sell me a *second* Reported Location of a One-Time Prince of Hell.
This is because, though it is *technically* unnecessary, I feel the need to give Virginia her due, before I go off to *fucking trounce* (warning: Ambition Heart's Desire spoilers
in the final Marvellous Match.
I. Want. More. Life.
And no, not the parody of life that becoming a Curator would be. In truth, the "time" they offer will be paltry compared to my true ambitions.
But I have heard that Storm's kin consume Time itself as sustenance. And I have heard what the Thunder said. And I will embrace the Storm. I will sing with the wind. I will dance in the rain.
And to do that? I need more life.
And to the Dragons, Time is Life.
I choose Time.
(sorry, the latter part is pure headcanon, but being able to have that kind of headcanon is what I love about this game
you're insane! just fyi!
Now to convince the railway board to extend the track along the only possible route which they will be against because they hate trains.