So I got a new sink faucet and everything has gone well with removing the old one and putting in the new one - except reattaching the water lines.
Keep in mind, I'm too broad shouldered to get in under the sink so I'm doing it blind.
Anyhow, for the life of me I cannot get the two water hoses connected to the new one. They refuse to latch (thread?) with the new faucet. I tried to attach them to the old sink faucet and had no issues.
Is it possible the new faucet is bigger somehow? I assumed they were all standard and it takes forever to unscrew stuff because I'm basically bending my arms at 90 degrees.
I've had the same problem trying to install a new faucet, and one of these things is a miracle worker for big guys.
You should be able to pick one up for 15 dollars at any reputable hardware store, or for 6 at Harbor freight.
Keep in mind the "fastener" is a plastic... something. Like, imagine a plus sign but with a hole in the middle.
Sorta like this:
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