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"Big City" Tips

nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
edited June 2007 in PAX Archive
Ok... Seattle isn't exactly New York but for many attendees it might be a bigger or more urban environment than they're used to. There are already tips for getting around, places to eat, places to stay and all that stuff in other threads...

This thread is for tips "in general" for dealing with being in a urban/city environment. Feel free to add your own serious/humorous advice:

- Making direct eye contact with a crazy person (note: there's a difference between a homeless person and a CRAZY person) is taken as you initiating contact with them, or sometimes taken as a sign of aggression. It seems to cause them to "lock on" to you.

- Don't jaywalk. Obey the traffic signals. Seattle traffic cops can be jerks when it comes to writing up jaywalking tickets... especially late at night when they're just looking to bust balls of the bar crowd.

- Despite being "in the city" the average person you meet on the street is probably quite nice if you need to ask someone for directions... they'll at least try... but if they're like me they probably won't know.

Thats all I can think of at the moment... add your own.

nearlysober on


  • OfficerOfficer Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I don't know much about Seattle, but if it's anything like San Francisco, comfortable shoes are a must. Walking is the primary mode of transport. Wearing nice looking, but uncomfortable shoes will RUIN your feet, if you plan on sightseeing at all.

    Again, this was my experience in San Francisco, but crazy people tend to inhabit big cities in numbers. They come in a variety of styles. One guy I saw was giving an entire Christian sermon on a street corner in a whispered voice in a dirty ragged coat and scraggly beard. Not to mention, I swear, he sounded like he was growling every so often. So, what I'm saying is... bring a video camera, shit like this is gold and deserves to be saved forever.

    Officer on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Be careful, though. Showing him your video camera can be the difference between a sermon on the benificent and loving god and said preacher's attempt to show you what heaven's like firsthand.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I luv the crazy and homeless people. They make a boring street fun. Like candy on pizza.

    Buraisu on
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Buraisu wrote: »
    I luv the crazy and homeless people. They make a boring street fun. Like candy on pizza.

    Says the guy who lives 50 miles away... seriously when I lived downtown Seattle and had to walk through Pioneer Square at 2 am from my night shift job, I always had one hand on my .45 inside my coat as various strung out bums asked if I had any drugs to sell them.

    Not that this should scare people who haven't been here before, the area around the Convention Center is pretty safe (except for the Freeway Park... lol). Not that exceptions aren't impossible, a homeless crazy guy attacked a guy in Westlake Plaza not to long ago, luckily the person being attacked was armed and now there's no more crazy guy.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Buraisu wrote: »
    I luv the crazy and homeless people. They make a boring street fun. Like candy on pizza.

    Says the guy who lives 50 miles away... seriously when I lived downtown Seattle and had to walk through Pioneer Square at 2 am from my night shift job, I always had one hand on my .45 inside my coat as various strung out bums asked if I had any drugs to sell them.

    Not that this should scare people who haven't been here before, the area around the Convention Center is pretty safe (except for the Freeway Park... lol). Not that exceptions aren't impossible, a homeless crazy guy attacked a guy in Westlake Plaza not to long ago, luckily the person being attacked was armed and now there's no more crazy guy.
    :o Listen! ElectricTurtle knows! Everyone should hire a big bouncer like me to lay the smack down on any crazy people. Then, the world will be safe. You can't fight crazy without being a little crazy.

    Buraisu on
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I actually found Seattle bums to be far more polite than Vancouver bums.
    Up here we have a thriving population of crazies and addicts , but in Seattle their numbers seem to be fewer, and they themselves are better behaved.

    I've walked all throughout downtown Seattle by myself on a Friday night, and didn't run into any problems.
    There's a pretty solid police presence downtown late night, and hotels, food, and fun things are close enough to avoid venturing into Tweakertown.

    Edit: Failing that I'm hiding behind Doc the entire time.

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • randomguyrandomguy Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    if you have never been to seattle, prepare to be eaten alive.

    randomguy on
    "i ate your babies princess."
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Trillian wrote: »
    I actually found Seattle bums to be far more polite than Vancouver bums.
    Up here we have a thriving population of crazies and addicts , but in Seattle their numbers seem to be fewer, and they themselves are better behaved.

    Hastings was fun when I was there at 2-5am.

    leaf on
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    What in the name of Christ were you doing there at that time?

    Also, if you can't make your way around Seattle with the numbered streets I'm not sure you should have ever ventured out of your mother's basement.

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • randomguyrandomguy Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Trillian wrote: »
    What in the name of Christ were you doing there at that time?

    Also, if you can't make your way around Seattle with the numbered streets I'm not sure you should have ever ventured out of your mother's basement.


    randomguy on
    "i ate your babies princess."
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    randomguy wrote: »
    Trillian wrote: »
    What in the name of Christ were you doing there at that time?

    Also, if you can't make your way around Seattle with the numbered streets I'm not sure you should have ever ventured out of your mother's basement.


    the ones with leaves or the ones in wheelchairs?

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • BrokenAngelBrokenAngel Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Trillian wrote: »
    randomguy wrote: »
    Trillian wrote: »
    What in the name of Christ were you doing there at that time?

    Also, if you can't make your way around Seattle with the numbered streets I'm not sure you should have ever ventured out of your mother's basement.


    the ones with leaves or the ones in wheelchairs?


    BrokenAngel on
    k9mk2carn.pngeleventhdoc2carn.png *Proud Head Girl of Slytherin & Team Red*
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Trillian wrote: »
    What in the name of Christ were you doing there at that time?

    Also, if you can't make your way around Seattle with the numbered streets I'm not sure you should have ever ventured out of your mother's basement.

    Oh you know. Hit a couple of the low end gay bars. Got suitably drunk. Stumbled around town having a couple adventures. Same old.

    leaf on
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    A quality night out.

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I've walked around the convention center area 11pm til 1:30 am many times, since I live there (and Gameworks is open late), and never once had any problems or been afraid, even going up away from it towards the bars where my grocery store is. The bums around here are "unique" - for example, the guy who holds a sign "Parents killed by space-ninja's, need money to learn karate". And there are a few musical folks around too, playing everything from bongos to violins to bagpipes (though not late at night, of course). It's so rare that something happens, it's always big news (like the previously mentioned shooting at Westlake plaza).

    Dreamwriter on
  • slacktronslacktron Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    The bums around here are "unique" - for example, the guy who holds a sign "Parents killed by space-ninja's, need money to learn karate".

    That's amazing. I've seen a guy with the exact same sign here in Eugene at the corner 29th and Willamette.

    Maybe they are brothers.

    slacktron on
  • BuraisuBuraisu Psychomancer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I know what sign I am making before going to PAX.


    Buraisu on
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Buraisu wrote: »
    I know what sign I am making before going to PAX.


    That should get you some free pizza at least.

    TNTrooper on
  • Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Crazies are fine, just ignore them. Ignore anyone asking for money, too.

    Streets are only numbered as you travel east - west. North - south, they have names. The downtown core goes like this, from south to north:


    The easiest way to remember them is with the following mnemonic:

    Jesus Christ made Seattle under protest

    The water's on the west and the hill is on the east.

    Busses are the secondary means of travel in the city, and they work a little weird depending on the direction they take. Since the downtown area is the Ride Free area between 6AM to 7PM, one can always board the bus at no cost there. Once you're out of the Ride Free area, things are a little tricky:
    • If you're headed away from downtown, you will pay as you leave.
    • If you're headed towards downtown, you will pay as you enter.

    Fares are $1.25 for adults aged 17 and up, $0.50 for those under 17. Peak times vary from bus to bus, but they generally go from 3ish until 5-6ish. Peak time fares are $1.50 for adults, same for teh kids. Metro also has a visitor's pass that allows unlimited rides for that day only for $5. If you're taking more than four busses, then it's definetly the way to go. You can't buy them on the bus, you have to head to the customer service offices or buy online.

    Whenever in doubt with the bus, do as others are doing. The coin box in the front will also tell you how much the fare is and when you pay it.

    If you must call a taxi, go with Yellow Cab. They're the most knowledgable and reliable of the three, but that still means they suck ass. The other two are horrible. Their number is (206)622-6500.

    Seattle cops are not assholes, and I've never seen them busting anyone for jaywalking. Still, the only real jaywalking I ever see around here is the "cross at the crosswalk when there's a Don't Walk signal yet no cars are around" kind. Still, it's not a license to go nuts or be a dick--they're still the fuzz, and they will fuck you up if you break the law.

    And the people themselves are a little different. We're more apt to cross our arms at rock shows instead of dance, and mostly keep to ourselves in public areas like buses and elevators. We're a polite bunch, if a little chilly, so don't be put off if people aren't all smiles.

    Also, there's a local legend that probably warrants a heads-up: Juan the Frye Apartments Guy. Without getting overly detailed on his history, the Frye Apartments are a low-income housing project that has a long waiting list and a strict set of rules for living there. He is called the Frye Apartments Guy due to the sign that he wields, denouncing them as "communist devil" [sic], as well as the police and the Catholic church. His sign also touts a couple if Bible verses and something about Jesus saves.

    He has been standing in front of the Pacific Place mall at 6th and Pike (remember your mnemonic!) for years, alternating between shouting about the police, the Catholic church and the Frye Apartments as "communist devil" [sic], and shouting about Jesus as the path to salvation. He's a kick, for sure.

    Seattle Thread on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    You sir, rock my face.

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • TheProphetElijahTheProphetElijah Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Geez Makershot way to give away a bunch of our secrets, heck you even taught them the Jesus Christ mnemonic. Next thing you know you’ll start teaching them the secret way to get into the Showbox early, or where to find guaranteed parking in the Market. That’s it sir you have shown your self to be a breech of security, you better start looking over your shoulder cause the next person you see with a goatee just might be hit man for the Seattle hipster-mafia. ;-)

    TheProphetElijah on
  • nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Makershot wrote: »
    Also, there's a local legend that probably warrants a heads-up: Juan the Frye Apartments Guy. Without getting overly detailed on his history, the Frye Apartments are a low-income housing project that has a long waiting list and a strict set of rules for living there. He is called the Frye Apartments Guy due to the sign that he wields, denouncing them as "communist devil" [sic], as well as the police and the Catholic church. His sign also touts a couple if Bible verses and something about Jesus saves.

    He has been standing in front of the Pacific Place mall at 6th and Pike (remember your mnemonic!) for years, alternating between shouting about the police, the Catholic church and the Frye Apartments as "communist devil" [sic], and shouting about Jesus as the path to salvation. He's a kick, for sure.
    Never knew his name before. He also has a little scepter that he sometimes weilds. His sign is hard to read.

    nearlysober on
  • BehemothBehemoth Compulsive Seashell Collector Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Makershot wrote: »
    Crazies are fine, just ignore them. Ignore anyone asking for money, too.

    Streets are only numbered as you travel east - west. North - south, they have names. The downtown core goes like this, from south to north:


    The easiest way to remember them is with the following mnemonic:

    Jesus Christ made Seattle under protest

    The water's on the west and the hill is on the east.

    Busses are the secondary means of travel in the city, and they work a little weird depending on the direction they take. Since the downtown area is the Ride Free area between 6AM to 7PM, one can always board the bus at no cost there. Once you're out of the Ride Free area, things are a little tricky:
    • If you're headed away from downtown, you will pay as you leave.
    • If you're headed towards downtown, you will pay as you enter.

    Fares are $1.25 for adults aged 17 and up, $0.50 for those under 17. Peak times vary from bus to bus, but they generally go from 3ish until 5-6ish. Peak time fares are $1.50 for adults, same for teh kids. Metro also has a visitor's pass that allows unlimited rides for that day only for $5. If you're taking more than four busses, then it's definetly the way to go. You can't buy them on the bus, you have to head to the customer service offices or buy online.

    Whenever in doubt with the bus, do as others are doing. The coin box in the front will also tell you how much the fare is and when you pay it.

    If you must call a taxi, go with Yellow Cab. They're the most knowledgable and reliable of the three, but that still means they suck ass. The other two are horrible. Their number is (206)622-6500.

    Seattle cops are not assholes, and I've never seen them busting anyone for jaywalking. Still, the only real jaywalking I ever see around here is the "cross at the crosswalk when there's a Don't Walk signal yet no cars are around" kind. Still, it's not a license to go nuts or be a dick--they're still the fuzz, and they will fuck you up if you break the law.

    And the people themselves are a little different. We're more apt to cross our arms at rock shows instead of dance, and mostly keep to ourselves in public areas like buses and elevators. We're a polite bunch, if a little chilly, so don't be put off if people aren't all smiles.

    Also, there's a local legend that probably warrants a heads-up: Juan the Frye Apartments Guy. Without getting overly detailed on his history, the Frye Apartments are a low-income housing project that has a long waiting list and a strict set of rules for living there. He is called the Frye Apartments Guy due to the sign that he wields, denouncing them as "communist devil" [sic], as well as the police and the Catholic church. His sign also touts a couple if Bible verses and something about Jesus saves.

    He has been standing in front of the Pacific Place mall at 6th and Pike (remember your mnemonic!) for years, alternating between shouting about the police, the Catholic church and the Frye Apartments as "communist devil" [sic], and shouting about Jesus as the path to salvation. He's a kick, for sure.

    I always wondered what that guys name is! I see him all the time, but not always on his favorite corner. One time I saw him inside Pacific Place down by B 'n' N just sitting there drinking coffee with his stick and sign resting on the table.

    Anyway, yeah, we have very polite bums in Seattle. There is little, if any, harassment, and most of the people you see will either have humorous signs or be playing music. My favorites are a guy taht dresses like a pirate and plays an accordian, and a guy who plays on bottles and plastic containers by westlake.

    Behemoth on
  • Sl1pstreamSl1pstream [E] BelgiumRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    If I were to say, go shopping (electronics and games not released in Europe), where would I do that? Preferably closest to hotels, don't care if it's EB Games as I've never had the annoying clerk experience over here. Being from another continent, I don't really think they'll be able to push any worthless crap onto me either. Already found a brewery that sells Belgian beer. It's imported so it'll probably be expensive but at least it'll be real beer :p

    Sl1pstream on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Sl1pstream wrote: »
    If I were to say, go shopping (electronics and games not released in Europe), where would I do that? Preferably closest to hotels, don't care if it's EB Games as I've never had the annoying clerk experience over here. Being from another continent, I don't really think they'll be able to push any worthless crap onto me either. Already found a brewery that sells Belgian beer. It's imported so it'll probably be expensive but at least it'll be real beer :p

    Westlake center has a Gamestop/EB and a few other small electronics stores.

    Although I sugguest if you want to see electronics, that you find a way to go to Frys in renton. :D

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • GnomeTankGnomeTank What the what? Portland, OregonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Semi off-topic, but I saw someone mentioning their .45.

    Does WA have a concealed license, and if so, do they honor the Texas license? I know some states have a deal where they honor each others licenses. If so, I am going to bring my carry pistol and my license with me to Seattle. I used to live in Redmond, so I know it's not a terribly unsafe place to be, but I just don't trust anyplace or anyone these days. No I won't bring it near PAX itself, just for when I am out sight seeing late at night down town (and by sight seeing, I mean watching my wife drink).

    I guess I should go look this up....

    I am assuming of course you people talking about being armed have carry licenses *glares*

    GnomeTank on
    Sagroth wrote: »
    Oh c'mon FyreWulff, no one's gonna pay to visit Uranus.
    Steam: Brainling, XBL / PSN: GnomeTank, NintendoID: Brainling, FF14: Zillius Rosh SFV: Brainling
  • TheProphetElijahTheProphetElijah Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Their are actually 2 EBGames stores within a couple of blocks of the Convention center, one under Pacific Place, the other under Westlake.

    As for Beer. The Pacific Northwest unlike the rest of the US is pretty well known for it's huge number of Microbreweries and honestly if you are a true beer connoisseur you really should try out what we have on tap. I bet you will be mighty surprised, especially if your idea of American beer is bud, miller, or coors. My personal suggestions are in order:
    Moose Drool
    Fat Tire
    Terminator Stout
    But those are just the tip of the iceberg, and honestly you should take a chance and see what we have to offer in the way of cold malty beverages.

    And yes I have been to belgium and germany and I have had some great beer there, but I would honestly put the four I named up against anything I tried in my travels in Europe.

    TheProphetElijah on
  • Sl1pstreamSl1pstream [E] BelgiumRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    I'll try them but I'll also get some Palm just to be sure.

    Sl1pstream on
  • nearlysobernearlysober Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Ah yes... if you're a beer drinker you gotta try my favorite: Mac and Jack's African Amber Ale (just order it as a Mac & Jacks). It's yummy.

    It's only available on tap, and only in Western Washington (maybe Eastern WA & Portland... but its got a small distribution and it is not bottled)

    nearlysober on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2007
    Sl1pstream wrote: »
    Already found a brewery that sells Belgian beer. It's imported so it'll probably be expensive but at least it'll be real beer :p

    I would double check on the alcohol percentage in said beer as sold in Europe and compare it to the stuff sold in the US. Most imported beers are watered down for US sale.

    liquor ftw

    Moe Fwacky on

  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    GnomeTank wrote: »
    Semi off-topic, but I saw someone mentioning their .45.

    Does WA have a concealed license, and if so, do they honor the Texas license? I know some states have a deal where they honor each others licenses. If so, I am going to bring my carry pistol and my license with me to Seattle. I used to live in Redmond, so I know it's not a terribly unsafe place to be, but I just don't trust anyplace or anyone these days. No I won't bring it near PAX itself, just for when I am out sight seeing late at night down town (and by sight seeing, I mean watching my wife drink).

    I guess I should go look this up....

    I am assuming of course you people talking about being armed have carry licenses *glares*

    For future reference, is the source for state-to-state concealed carry information. As it is, Texas has reciprocity with just about every state between it and Washington but not Washington itself. WA does issue CPLs (as they are called here) to non-residents, but you have to apply in person.

    Fun fact: WA's concealed carry law is one of the oldest in the country, as a result it also has one of the highest rates of carry per capita (third in the country I believe). I've learned that despite our state's liberal bent it actually pays to be open about carrying, because if you have 10 adults in a room, chances are at least one is carrying or has carried with whom you can commiserate.

    Oh, and just so you know, since you spoke of watching your wife drink, WA law does prohibit people from carrying in those portions of a restaurant or bar that are restricted to people over the age of 21.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • AceRimmerAceRimmer Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    The Stumbling Monk on Capitol Hill is a great place to go for high % alcohol Belgian beers.

    AceRimmer on
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    BigRed wrote: »
    Sl1pstream wrote: »
    If I were to say, go shopping (electronics and games not released in Europe), where would I do that? Preferably closest to hotels, don't care if it's EB Games as I've never had the annoying clerk experience over here. Being from another continent, I don't really think they'll be able to push any worthless crap onto me either. Already found a brewery that sells Belgian beer. It's imported so it'll probably be expensive but at least it'll be real beer :p

    Westlake center has a Gamestop/EB and a few other small electronics stores.

    Although I sugguest if you want to see electronics, that you find a way to go to Frys in renton. :D

    Yeah, the two Gamestops at the two local malls are just one and three blocks from the Convention Center, and there's an FYE and a video store at Westlake Center. I second the vote for Frys - huge huge huge electronics store with everything you ever wanted (computer components, videogames, movies, appliances, solar cells, robots, other random electronic doohickeys), but it's 16 miles from the Convention Center, 20 minutes with no traffic, and would probably be quite the adventure to find a way there by public transit.

    Dreamwriter on
  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Actually, there are quite a few buses that run close to Fry's, probably thanks to Boeing. Metro's trip planner says either 101 -> 560, 101 -> 240 or 550 -> 560, but first you have to walk about a half mile (9th and Howell is the start for all 3).

    whypick1 on
    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
This discussion has been closed.