Hello Everyone!
I am looking to gauge interest in an OPEN game of Microscope, with some tweaks to fit a larger audience than one would find at the table. Lower down this post you will find some basic information about what the game actually IS. I've tweaked things a bit, so even if you're familiar with the system, have a quick glance as some rules don't lend themselves to a big group.
As there's no set end point to the game, the game will end 1) When the history gets too big for me to store, 2) When it's clear to me that folks aren't as interested in the history anymore or 3) A group consensus to move on. At which point, group interest willing, we can set up a brand new game and start fresh from there.
Q: What do I, Joe Average Poster, do to contribute? (While a session is active).
A: All I ask is you post in this kind of vein (The structure isn't strict, but I do need all of the information):
I Introduce a new [Period/Event/Scene]
This [Blank] takes place before [Period/Event/Scene] but after [Period/Event/Scene]
[Insert Title/Summary here]
[Optional Explanation/Extra Fluff]
This [Period/Event/Scene] is Aligned [Light/Dark]
UPDATE: Each 'Focus' period will last for roughly a week, with the Lens closing the focus and moving on to a new lens around the weekend.
Game 1:
1) Demi-god Frangilia
Lens queue:
1) The Brayster
2) Endless_Serpents (Active)
Microscope in a Nutshell...Humanity spreads to the stars and forges a galactic civilization…
Fledgling nations arise from the ruins of the empire…
An ancient line of dragon-kings dies out as magic fades from the realm…
These are all examples of Microscope games. Want to explore an epic history of your own creation, hundreds or thousands of years long, all in an afternoon? That's Microscope.
You won't play the game in chronological order. You can defy the limits of time and space, jumping backward or forward to explore the parts of the history that interest you. Want to leap a thousand years into the future and see how an institution shaped society? Want to jump back to the childhood of the king you just saw assassinated and fnd out what made him such a hated ruler? That’s normal in Microscope.
You have vast power to create… and to destroy. Build beautiful, tranquil jewels of civilization and then consume them with nuclear fre. Zoom out to watch the majestic tide of history wash across empires, then zoom in and explore the lives of the people who endured it.
Microscope works differently than some other role-playing games you might have played, so let’s abandon some preconceptions:
You won’t have your own character.
You won’t play the game in chronological order. You may know all about the future, but be surprised by the past.
You’ll build the story from the outside in. You’ll decide the big picture, the grand scheme of history, and then burrow down and carve out the details.
It’s fractal gaming.
So think big: you have a massive chunk of history to play around in.
Flow of the Game:1) Big Picture
Before anything else, the Big Picture is established, by which the very overarching theme of the game is introduced. This will be a single sentence or phrase that will act as the overarching descriptor of the entire history we set out to create. This is all fiction and imagination, this can be ANYTHING, just make it BIG.
An ancient empire rises and falls.
Cavemen at the dawn of time found the first civilization.
Mankind leaves the sick Earth behind and spreads out to the stars
2) Bookend History (with Periods)
The history we create will first be divided into Periods. These are the largest individual chunks of time in the game - all other Events and Scenes will fall within them, so they must be sufficiently wide. We will therefore create two Periods to 'Bookend' the history with, a chronological beginning and end to the History we wish to create. This is not to say that this would be the beginning and end of the universe - just the beginning and end of what we wish to explore. It is reasonable to assume the universe existed before the beginning and after the end of the History. One of these will be Aligned Light, the other Aligned Dark, it matters not which way around (except for the tone, naturally. Knowing the future brings Hope or Doom can do a lot of narrative lifting).
3) Palette
The Palette serves to get everyone on the same page about what is going to happen in the game, what will happen in the History and what will not. This will be divided into a simple 'Yes' column and 'No' column. For the purposes of this game I will keep the palette to a maximum of Five (5) items per column. If suggestions exceed this I will determine what goes up by Vote or by Diceroll, whichever seems most appropriate at the time. Also note: This is not an exhaustive or confining list of what can be introduced as we go, simply a list of exceptions before we start.
'Yes' - This column is for things you think the other players would not expect to be in the setting, but you want to ensure is included. During the rest of the game it’s okay to introduce it into the history even if it doesn’t seem like it fits. By playing the game you’ve all agreed it belongs. E.g., Magitech in an otherwise Fantasy setting.
'No' - This column is for things you think the other players would expect to be in the setting, but you don't want it to. If something is in the No column, it’s never okay to bring into the game, no matter what. You’ve all agreed it’s not part of the history. E.g., No Dragons in a Fantasy setting.
4) Lens Action
To run this game in a forum format, the usual rules will not apply here. Instead I will ask that anyone interested in being the Lens of a Session of Play to make themselves known. I will make a list of interested folks, then go down the list on a First Come, First Served basis. The Lens player opens up a session with a Focus, the part of the History that all the players will contribute to this session. They will also look to the previous Focus and pick one Legacy Once the session has been PAUSED, the Lens will add a final Period, or TWO nested things (two events, two scenes, or one event/one scene) to close out the focus they introduced.
5) The Session
Once the Lens has done their bit, the floor is open for everyone to submit a Period, Event or Scene into the timeline for the next 48-ish hours, based upon the focus the current Lens has set.
After 48 hours or so I will call for a PAUSE, during which the Lens will finish up their role, a new lens will be selected, and I can organise everyones contributions into what I hope will be a faily neat timeline. When I'm done, we'll start again from 4).
The period is the 'Top Line' of the History, covering the widest period of time. The time itself can vary wildly from one Period to the next, so long as within this period multiple Events and Scenes can be nested.
When creating a Period, make a short statement about what it is E.g. 'The Reign of Godwin II', 'The War of the Three Lions' etc. It's good to keep this concise yet open ended to let others really explore it, but perhaps include a bit more detail in your post if it isn't immediately obvious.
Remember to align this as 'Light' or 'Dark', perhaps with a justification if it isn't immediately obvious as to why. You must also state which existing Periods this new one falls between.
An Event is one factor down from a Period, and details something more specific in both time and scope within the Period it is embedded. This is a shorter time span than a Period, but still longer than a Scene.
The statement you make for an Event still needs to be concise (so I can fit in on a 'card', please), but can be a good touch more specific than the Period it falls under. The Period 'The Reign of Godwin II' might see someone introduce the Event 'Disgruntled Nobles Attempt to Assassinate the King'. Far more specific than the Period it falls under, but still broad enough for any Scenes other players might want to introduce within it.
When posting an Event, remember to Align it as 'Light' or 'Dark', and be sure to state when it takes place [After Event X, but before Event Y] during the period.
A Scene is the most specific post you can make, embedded into an existing Event. It is the smallest in both time and scope.
A Scene is slightly more involved, and consists of three parts; 1) A Question, 2) A Summary, 3) An Answer.
The Question should be short, and introduce why you're introducing the Scene in the first place. What is it about the Event that you want to see in more detail?
The Summary should be just that - a summary of what went down in the scene, to help you arrive at an answer to your question.
The Answer should then take the most relevant part of your Summary to answer the question succinctly.
For example, a Scene under the event 'Disgruntled Nobles Attempt to Assassinate the King' might read as:
1) Who is the ringleader of the Assassins?
2) Duke Tristan of the Western Isle helped to organise and bankroll the assassins after King Godwin abducted his daughter to force her to be his consort.
3) Duke Tristan
Your summary can be as detailed as you want but I will inevitably need to shorten it to fit on a card. You also need to mention if this Scene is Aligned Light or Dark.
When the Lens for the session closes their Focus following a PAUSE, they also select a new Legacy. A new Legacy can be anything that came up during the current Focus, whether it was introduced for the first time or is a re-ocurring thing from a previous Focus. These should be something that the Lens particularly liked and feels should be something to come up again in the future (or past, hee hee). An existing Legacy can even be used by another Lens as a Focus if they so wish.
This is cool in any case! One time I tried to create a version of D&D with color coded experience that required everyone to contribute to co-op world building --- like, you want more hit points? Design a city. Want to learn advance in your main class? GM a session. Advance in an off-class? Do a thing. Etc. This seems like a smoother version of the world building aspect of that.
That's perfectly fine by me! In fact, it is the intent! By making this open to everyone, rather than getting a set group, people can put in as much or as little as they want to, without fear of letting anyone else down.
No one owns a character, no one has any posting obligations. This is essentially a community project.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
It's a fairly simple system.
You pick a big, medium or small piece of time to describe and add it to the story.
Smaller pieces of time must exist in a larger one.
They are all also either good or bad (Light/Dark).
The person who is currently the Lens will also describe what topic each new piece of time needs to be related to.
And there's an overarching story arch that is also followed.
Once 48 hours have passed, someone else can be the new Lens and everyone can post another piece of time.
The idea is that the larger pieces of time give enough space for questions that can be answered later by other people in the smaller pieces of time.
I'll pick a 'Big Picture' from the sample list and take the first turn as a Lens to demonstrate.
Our first Big Picture will be 'THE RISE AND FALL OF AN EMPIRE'.
Sufficiently vague and open, it could in theory go anywhere.
Before I open up the game itself, there is the matter of the Palette. The rules of the Palette are in the OP, but simply put, we need a list of FIVE things each for both a YES and a NO column.
- The YES column is for things the players might not necessarily expect in the game, based on the BIG PICTURE, but you personally would like to see in there, at least as an option.
- The NO column if for things that you anticipate might feature, but you DO NOT want to see.
I would like to open the floor to any and all suggestions.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
NO - Electricity
NO - Sky
I feel the need to clarify - When you say No Sky, do you mean no events taking place in the sky, or do you mean an outright ban on the Sky as a concept? (Say, for a race of subterranian/subaquatic people who wouldn't understand the concept).
PSN: TheBrayster_92
An outright ban on the sky as a concept.
YES - Demi-gods (Real or in legend)
NO - Motorized/Mechanized vehicles (Living Steeds acceptable).
Just need 2 more.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
YES - Flowers as money
I'll take the first turn as the Lens, but if anyone would like a turn at it, let me know at any time starting now and I'll make a list on a First Come, First Serve basis.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
NO - Monotheism
I have updated the OP with the agreed Palette for Game 1. Please be sure to refer back to it regularly when making your posts.
To start the game I have bookended the History, beginning with a Light and ending with a Dark (As implied by the Big Picture).
The beginning period reads 'The First Signs of Life Appear in the Underdark' (Light). The ending period reads 'The Doom arrives to test the resolve of a fractured people' (Dark).
As the Lens, I will declare the current focus to be 'Growth of Civilisation'. Please centre your contributions to this focus for this round of the game.
I will begin by declaring a New Period:
The Hyphae is established, which will grow into a capital city.
This will take place after 'First Signs of Life' and before 'The Doom'.
This period will see the development of/investment in the new Capital City for the civilisation, and as such will be marked as LIGHT.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
Discovery of Perraniel. It is the first Event in that Period.
Perraniel is a plant that the early Dwellers were to attracted to because of its distinctive five-pointed flowers and range of colors from pale yellow to deep blue. Its uses, which varied by color, would be developed over time, but its innate value was immediately apparent.
This Event is aligned Light.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
Dissolution of the High Voice.
A shared language, first created by scholars with the assumption it would be used by the wisest beings across the ‘Underdark’*, it was eventually adopted by all as a trade language. It was notable for its ability to travel huge distances when performed correctly.
By this point in history, its use has dwindled backwards to a handful of separated historians.
This Event is aligned Dark.
*Subject the a more unique name?
The Scattering
As the borders of the kingdom spread ever outward, factions within the people lead to the splitting off of self-governing fiefdoms of Dwellers; ever more removed from the Hyphae just as it grows ever more removed from the furthest regions
This is a Dark Period
Absolutely, if you have an idea for something more specific!
It's worth stressing, in regards to this and everything else introduced in the game - No One Owns the Lore. What this means is, anything you introduce to the game becomes the property of everyone from that point.
If I introduce a named character you can kill them off, or vice versa.
If someone mentions a nearby race/civilisation, go ahead and name or define them.
If someone introduces something 'vague', you can go to town making it Hella specific of your own accord. I always make my Bookends very open and vague directly to facilitate this. Hence 'Doom' and 'Signs of Civilization'.
The only exceptions are:
1) Don't outright contradict history thus far.
2) Don't breach the 'No' column of the palette.
To loop it back round, the 'Underdark' might be how the world might have been referred to before any given empire popularised a new name for it. Or it might just be synonymous with another name. Or whatever else you fancy.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
The Hyphae grows from Frangillia’s golden spore.
The demi-god Frangillia returns from her dream guided quest to the endless Outer Darkness with a single golden spore that will form the core of The Hyphae once planted. After handing it to the people without explanation she enters a period of deep sleep and will not emerge again in this age.
I place an Event within the period 'The Hyphae is established', placed after the event 'The Hypha grows from Frangillia's golden spore'.
The event is 'The Supreme Ancestor Agaricus Augustus unites his people'.
From his base at The Hyphae, The Supreme Ancestor unites the local clans and kingdoms through a series of shrewd diplomatic moves, with himself positioned as the new Emperor, a beacon to his people. His true name has sadly been lost to time, but he has been graced by historians with the moniker 'Agaricus Augustus'.
This event is light.
I'd also like to ask if anyone is interested in being the next Lens? If not, I can just do it again, but it is a good way to steer the game into an area you are itnerested in exploring.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
Discovery. Throughout history the dwellers have climbed towards the cavernous ceiling, glided down to the lightless depths and sailed the tideless seas in search, not always for something, but simply because it can be done.
What have they found? What will they find?
The Age of Gliding
Multiple sources of limited flight are invented, to make use of natural uplifts.
This period exists half way between the establishment of the Hyphae and the Scattering.
The period is aligned with light.
Just before we move on, as the lens I must 'close' the focus by picking 1 period OR 2 nested items to contribute, then choose a 'legacy', something that has come up during this focus that I think might be worth bringing up again in future focuses (or even be the focus itself).
On this occasion, I will choose to close us off with Two Events, to bring an end to the focus 'Growth of Civilisation'.
1) The Book of Laws is written.
For as many people to live in close proximity as those living in The Hyphae, life would become especially difficult unless everyone was on board with similar understandings of how to conduct themselves in their day to day lives.
This Event takes place during the Period 'The Hyphae is Established', after 'Frangilias Golden Spore' and before 'The Supreme Ancestor unites his people'. This event is LIGHT
2) The Disapperared
In the beginning of recorded history, the number of different clans and family units in the 'Underdark' grew to the point where they had been beyond counting. However, over time this number seemed to decrease gradually, with no obvious understanding as to why. Historians debate whether or not these people truly existed in the first place.
This Event takes place during the Period 'The First Signs of Life', after 'Discovery of Perraniel'. This Event is Dark
The Legacy I am choosing from this Focus is: Demi-god Frangillia
With that, my time as Lens ends and Endless_Serpents' begins, with the new focus 'Discovery'. Please tailor your responses for this week towards this focus.
I will update the Mural tomorrow when I have a bit more time, but feel free to post in the meantime.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
PSN: TheBrayster_92
This is descriptive of / expansive to the Discovery of the Perraniel and some info about the Dwellers, but I'm not sure how to term it as a period / event / etc. I hope this works?
The Dwellers have always been drawn to the Perraniel's delicate perfume, subtly different for every flower on a scale only detectable by their sensitive gills. Like other flowers, Perraniel will wither if picked from their stem. The Dwellers have thus always adorned themselves by allowing the flowers to transfer and root on their own massive bodies. Elder Dwellers may accrue thousands of blossoms, and vine structures that beget their own blooms, to the point where they are more Perraniel than Self. Their deaths lead to explosions of growth as the Perraniel consumes their remains.
What you have there is a Scene.
You've taken a look at the subject of an Event and asked a question, along the lines of -say - 'Why were the Dwellers drawn to Perraniel?'. You have then described the detail to drill down to what you feel ought to be an acceptable answer. Your answer would then, if I may be so bold, be something along the lines of 'Initially drawn by the scenet, Dwellers take to Perraniel and adorn themselves with it'. (The 'answer' is super condensed compared to the detail so I can fit it on a card).
PSN: TheBrayster_92
When the Plunim clan first discovered Perraniel, they first attempted to relocate it.
Being as it was, amassed in an otherwise open alcove within the caves, there was always fears that something or someone might happen across the field and damage it irretrievably.
Experiments at replanting the flowers in other soils failed.
And in their fumbling, the Plunim destroyed half of the plants by disturbing them.
This was a dark time.
Can I just clarify, is this an Event or a Scene? The previous entry was a scene within 'Discovery of Perennial', so to take place before the scene prior but 'after' the discovery, it'd also have to be a scene.
Unless I've misread something somewhere.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
I didn't really understand whether fading's contribution was a scene or an event.
If it's a scene, then this is a scene before it.
Hopefully you guys don't mind if I paraphrased your scenes a bit, to make them even remotely readable in this format. I might start having to do some zoom-ins soon.
I have added a new Event 'A Series of tunnel excavations reveal the Monorium Tribe'
set during the Period 'The Scattering', after the Event 'Dissolution of the High Voice'.
Keeping it intentionally vague to let anyone build on it, but my idea is the Monorium Tribe are a race of ant-people, not too friendly with those not of their kind.
This event is Dark
PSN: TheBrayster_92
Discovery of Mount Jutabora. It is the first Event in that Period.
Far from all forms of civilisation, the tallest peak in the world becomes a point of inspiration and religious awe.
This Event is aligned Light.
I place an Event in The Age of Gliding
Fortification of Mount Jutabora. It is the last Event in that Period.
The Jutites from all tribes come together and conquer Mount Jutabora in preparation for foretold calamity,
This Event is aligned Dark.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
I guess it is someone else’s turn now.
On a related note, any volunteers for the next Lens?
PSN: TheBrayster_92
My legacy would just be: Let’s add way more about mushroom people letting things grow on them, and if everyone is ok with that.
What I would ask for are some opinions - Is this something you enjoy? Was it maybe too awkward? Any other opinions? What kind of style of game would you like seen run in this more open-ended format?
PSN: TheBrayster_92
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
I think you just need to advertise in advance in the general roleplaying threads we have on here.
Have a go at The Quiet Year next or something like that.
You and I have exactly the same brainwaves apparently because I've just made an initial post for exactly that.
Don't worry, I don't see it as a 'failure' or anything. There inevitably comes a point when you bring out a game for the table that maybe doesn't catch the group vibe. I find that the answer to that is to say 'Maybe next time, but in the meantime, how about THIS'
PSN: TheBrayster_92