I used the Ignore function on a user earlier this week, then a couple days later realized they weren't actually being ignored. Tried it again and it didn't seem to stick. I can go through the process - Ignore, "Are you sure you want to ignore Person? Ok" but then it just goes back to default. If I select the option again, it just goes through the same thing - no Unignore option or anything.
I have a couple other users that I ignored forever ago that still work, so it seems like it must be something with the initialization process or whatever.
There's a limit of 5
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
When I last asked this question myself (some years ago, it's true) the answer had more to do with community goals rather than software limits. Tube's response was that he considered the ignore feature "childish" and if you really didn't want to talk to someone then just don't talk to them, no need for an ignore. Eebs would need to weigh in on whether that still holds true. Originally the ignore list was 10 people long, I personally think it should at least be extended that much. Like on the one hand I agree that we don't want to become so much of an echo chamber that you can never hear dissenting opinions because you have 500 people on ignore. But on the other hand, some people say things that are triggering for certain people, and those things are not necessarily outside the bounds of the rules, so some flexibility is needed.
Edit: I'd like to provide a use case for this feature, why I think it's needed beyond five person limit. There was a time - again, this was some years back - where I felt that certain people's opinions were attacks on me as a person. This was a mix of different varieties of poster; one of them was a person who simply seemed to feel that women were less important than men, and he made sure to expound on that belief in his many posts. Another guy felt I was undeserving of posting in the chat thread, and drove me out of that thread to the point I haven't returned to this day - this guy was actually eventually banned for being an asshole. I don't remember the other circumstances of the other ignores, but I was posting a lot of Feminism threads back then so I expect most of them were about people with unexamined misogynistic opinions. The thing is, the misogynistic opinions were never so overt as to call for an outright ban of a person. It was stuff like thinking that it's OK to badger a woman who says no to you at the bar. It was, shall we say, gentle patriarchy? But at the time I was in a state of just realizing how I had been fucked over as a woman all my life, and I was pissed about it, and not really in a state to hear those opinions. To share with you my state of mind, I couldn't watch the TV show Archer because even though it's satire, it's just another reminder of how straight white men get bumps smoothed out for them. This was decidedly a "me" problem and I've cooled down since then! But at the time I just really needed those people's posts to not be visible to me for my mental health. My ignore list now is one person long, and I no longer regularly participate in debates that harm my mental health. But the fact that most of the people who had been on my ignore list were banned or left of their own accord sort of speaks for itself. The ignore list was a sort of pre-ban for until the mods had enough behavior that they were on board with the ban. A mod could say to this, "why didn't you report?" and the answer is that I did, but it was usually ignored because no individual post of the people in question called out for action, it was their personalities as a whole that were poison. (Though I suppose they did, eventually, make posts that crossed the line and that's why they were banned. All except the "I ignore no" guy, he stuck around until he got bored, no ban.)
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
It is childish, it shouldn't exist in the first place. I've seen forums that have huge ignore numbers and what ends up happening is any thread that is particularly interesting or provocative turns into two simultaneous threads - half of the people posting are ignoring the other half, so you end up seeing the same post over and over again by different people because none of them knew that the point they were trying to discuss had already been made 3 times yesterday because everyone who already made it was on their ignore list.
We're all (presumably) adults here, if you don't like someone than just don't read their posts. The majority of posters have avatars, and the entirety of posters have names, when you see one you don't like just keep scrolling.
That's why I agree a 500 person ignore list would be way too long. But a 10 person ignore list shouldn't cause that problem, IMO.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Of course, there are other options. You can accept that this is how it is. You can leave the threads in question. You can leave the forums. I am not saying or alluding to a notion that the forums should be exactly as how I see it, but at the same time there are some folks who are eager to engage endlessly on the same things time and again. The ignore feature might seem like a way to skip their BS, but it's a mixed result at best.
If they're annoying enough to get banned, sure, the matter is settled, but otherwise the ignore feature is more of a bandaid in at least some cases, and I don't think I'm talking about a particularly niche situation.
I also agree with Cambiata. 10 ignore spots seems reasonable. I think that if you end up having more than 10 people on ignore it's pretty clear the forum culture and/or moderation style is not a good fit for you as a participant.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Just replace 2243 with the id of the person to block, which you can find by right clicking on any link to their user account and hitting Inspect.
It's not a substitute for the built-in ignore feature because it's device specific and won't help if they get quoted, but it's something you can do without relying on the forum software.
If a user is enough of goose to warrant banning, it's actually better for the community to have very small or no ignore lists, so that people will actually bother using the report button over just opting to ignore them and make it someone else's problem. This also means that trolls get a chance to stick around far longer than they should because the mods can't be everywhere and until they see an offense, they can't really do anything.
This isn't a site with a massive userbase, where curation is needed to make the site usable. Like part of your block list isn't just about keeping toxic people off because they won't get banned, it's also filtering out people talking about topics you don't care about. On this side, you don't have a feed where you need to worry about someone bringing up clogging it up with posts about vintage cars, when you have no interest in those. You can just go to or make a thread about vintage cars, if you decide you do want to talk about them.