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Pokecrawl 2023

smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
edited February 2023 in PAX East

The Pokécrawl is a non-profit Pokémon themed bar crawl dedicated to raising money for Child's Play Charity!

The Pokécrawl will be held on Thursday March 23, 2023 at 7pm.

In order to participate, you must register through Eventbrite. Tickets will become available 2/13/2023 at Noon. Space is limited.

By donating any amount ($1.00 or more) to Child’s Play, you will get 1 ticket for the corresponding team. Please do this twice in 2 separate orders if you would like to obtain 2 tickets for the same team. Please do not purchase more than 2 tickets per person. We'd love for you to give more, after all, it is for a good cause. Additionally, expect the teams to be selling various items during the crawl to raise money for Child’s Play. There is a serious competition to see which team raises the most!

Each team will have a different route in Boston's Faneuil Hall area. When you check in, you will receive a bag of several pins with your team’s logo on them. Along the way, you will meet up with other teams and be tasked with various drinking challenges. When you complete a challenge against a member of the other team, you swap pins in order to try and catch em all! Additionally, when you complete a challenge, ask a Professor or Volunteer to sign off on your challenge sheet. If you complete all the challenges, you will receive a special “Drank em all” pin at the last bar!

Check-in starts at 7:00 at the first bar. Every hour after that, you will rotate to another bar to meet a new team and challenge them using your elite drinking skills. All the bars are within walking distance of each other.

Attendees are limited to registering for 2 tickets (Yourself + 1) Duplicate/multiple orders, orders containing more than one ticket type, and otherwise suspicious orders will be cancelled. If you have an issue with registration, please contact us immediately.

You MUST provide your full name during the registration process.

You MUST be over the age of 21 and have proper ID. No minors allowed. This is a bar crawl, please don't bring children.

If you harass people on the PAX forums. Facebook pages, or basically anywhere, you will be removed from the crawl, and your ticket will go back into the pool.

Social Media Links:
Facebook Page
Facebook Event
Snapchat search for our group "Pokecrawl 2023"
Pokecrawl Community Discord

The Teams:
Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Bar Schedule:
Coming Soon

Where can I contact the organizers with any questions?
The best way to get in touch is through the Pokecrawl Community Discord

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?
This is a bar crawl so yes. You will need to be 21+ and have a photo ID available to show the bar staff.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
Either a printed ticket or a digital copy on your phone is fine. You will need one of the two to get checked into the event.

Can I reserve multiple sets of tickets for friends?
No. Duplicate orders will be deleted. This is to give as many people as possible a fair shot at getting a spot. Your friends are welcome to register on their own though!

What can/can't I bring to the event?
While we encourage everyone to have fun wearing costumes to the event do not bring any sort of weapons, fake or real, to the crawl. We don't want to see any attendees get tazed by cops or thrown out of the bars and will ask you to either discard the prop or leave the crawl.

Tips & Tricks:
Don't Be a Dick: First and foremost, don't do anything that's going to embarrass yourself or anyone else. Especially since alcohol is going to be involved, you're going to want to leave your asshole pants at home. Don't get punched in the face. This is Boston, after all, and these days they are quick to kick anyone out of the bar.

Know Your Limit: The only person who knows your alcohol tolerance is you. There's nothing worse than an overindulged drunk, so don't be that guy. If someone notices that you're getting sloppy, you're already past the point of no return. You should probably stop drinking when someone points out to you that you're peeing on a bar stool.

Leave No Trainer Behind: We arrive as a group and leave as a group. If someone has to be That Guy/Gal who gets so wasted that they think they're actually Brock, it's the responsibility of the crawl as a whole to ensure this person makes it safely back to their hotel. Use the buddy system, handcuff yourselves to each other, whatever. No one is to vomit in a bus terminal by themselves. Not on this night, at least.

Respect the Professors & Assists: We’re not just there to hand out signatures and herd you around. We're doing our best to make sure everyone's having a good time and that things run safe and smoothly. If they're asking you to stop being a dick or trying to help you get home safely, pay attention.

Eat before you come to the crawl: Drinking on an empty stomach is a sure fire way to end up black out drunk and feeling like death in the morning. Ordering food while on the crawl is a terrible idea. I've seen people do it and they're pretty much always left behind still waiting for it.

Drink water: Drinking water as you go is the best way to ensure you have a fun night, and an at least ok morning.

Bring cash: This is, after all, a charity bar crawl! Make sure you have some extra money for whatever goodies your professor may have for sale or auction. Also, using cash only makes the bartenders’ lives easier because it's faster than having to run a debit or credit card, and we need to keep the lines moving.

Bring a Valid ID: Massachusetts bars are strict, make sure your license or passport is not expired and be prepared to show a second form of ID (such as a credit card with your name on it) if your ID is out of state.

We're looking for volunteers to help us ensure everything goes smoothly - it mostly requires checking trainers in at the first bar, herding trainers from one bar to the next, and making sure we don't lose anyone along the way. It's a fun job, but we prefer our volunteers to be mostly sober. Sober-ish. More sober than the trainers. This is a great option for those that don’t feel like waking up hungover on Friday, but still like the energy and social spirit of the crawl. Volunteers do not need to register for a ticket. Please fill out our Google Form if you are interested in Volunteering!

smorggie on


  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Do you want to be the very best?! Well buckle up trainer! We are looking for new volunteers for our PAX East Pub Crawl benefitting Child's Play Charity! The Pokecrawl will take place the evening of Thursday March 23, 2023 during Pax East in the Faneuil Hall area of Boston. We are looking for help raising money and guiding groups from bar to bar. Volunteering is a great way to meet some awesome Pax people and raise some money for an awesome cause! Please fill out this Google form if you are interested in volunteering!

  • kewlratskewlrats Editor-in-Chief Detroit-ishRegistered User regular
    Woohoo!! One of my favorite extracurricular events at PAX!

    Curator of joy and love at
  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Mark your calendars! Tickets will be available Feb 13 at noon on Eventbrite

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    The Pokecrawl now has a Facebook Event, invite your friends! And remember, tickets go live tomorrow (Mon 12/13) at noon!

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Pokecrawl tickets are live on Eventbrite! By donating any amount ($1.00 or more) you will get 1 ticket for the corresponding team. Please do this twice in 2 separate orders if you would like to obtain 2 tickets for the same team. Remember, 2 tickets per person please!

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