UPDATE: Game is in early access at playpaxdei.com/en-us/early-access
Pax Dei
(official website) is a recently (February 2023) announced sandbox MMO.
Here's the announcement:
and the initial trailer:
As someone who's been waiting for years and years for someone to iterate on the EVE Online concept, this looks very promising. Many of the leads are ex-CCP (developer of EVE) veterans.
The name refers to the "divine peace" that rules over the central part of the gameworld, where it looks like there will be little to no pvp. Outside of that center, things will become more dangerous and there will probably be no-opt-out pvp. According to the announcement, they'll be using at least some procedural generation (mixed with custom-designed areas) to generate the world.
The gameplay looks to be more actiony, as opposed to hotbar/tab target. Some clips showed reticule aiming for a bow.
If the devs' statements are accurate, all or nearly all of the structures in the world will be player-made - meaning that almost everything will be player-driven, from construction to economy and (potentially) politics.
If it sounds interesting, there's an alpha you can sign up for on their
website. No idea whatsoever when the alpha will be launched.
Reminds me of Landmark.
Doesn't really show much new though. Supposedly there's going to be some kind of early access or alpha thing this Spring?
hopefully that gets dropped because this game looks like a ton of fun
edit- the big thing I ran into is that the game feels hostile if you're playing solo. It can feel like you're not making progress, even after hours of trying to level crafting skills. That shit is poison if you're trying to sustain an MMO.
Hopefully they'll avoid the Titan Trap
as we know, this only means that people will be running 8 accounts.... just like eve! and every other game in history that has ever tried to do interlinked crafting going back to SWG
New World didn't do much right, but they at least understood that you might as well let everyone do everything because thats what your best customer is going to do anyway
I did see a clip of one of the more recent alphas where Asmongold managed to organize a huge bunch of his community to build an entire mountain fortress town. That was neat.
Reading early impressions of the early access, I'm getting the feeling that they released too early. It sounds like a huge chunk of the promised features, including a lot of the social and economic stuff is not in, and at this point, this is just a bare-bones craft/build/survive game with a slightly higher than normal player count, but missing a ton of feature parity with other craft/build/survive games.