I’ve noticed recently that my iPhone uses mobile data while at home, rather than the WiFi network. I’ve got WiFi Assist on, but this behaviour is new and unexpected, since I have a fast, stable WiFi setup, and I’ve not made any setup changes. Does anyone here have an idea what might be going on?
"Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods
Island Name: Felinefine
Presumably it’s programmed to always prioritize cell signal so you might try using airplane mode to force it not to do that. Wifi still works when airplane mode is on.
It also needs to be told to connect to the home Wifi even though it’s done so many times in the past and I have auto-join enabled for the home network.
But yeah restarting the phone is always a good bet
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
"Nothing is gonna save us forever but a lot of things can save us today." - Night in the Woods