Hey, folks! I am stepping down as moderator, effective.......
I've been a mod here for almost 20 years (
Jesus fucking Christ, is that right?) and I think that's probably enough. It's been, on balance, a pretty good time, and you guys are family.
I'm not going anywhere. I still plan on being a part of this community, just not a part that tells you to,
for the love of God, stop turning this thread into a discussion of Donald Trump's second impeachment, this is supposed to be the Lego thread.
Anyway, please be nice to Jake and Elki and whoever else winds up moderating this place. I love you all.
In conclusion, cocks dicks lol.
I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission,
follow this link.
And now his watch is ended.
You'll always be the grizzled prospector to me.
Fun fact: my current av is actually a selfie.
Doesn't that make the AI threads a conflict of interest
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
Would you say you had a plethora of moderating?
I wonder if John Cusack is on Cameo
....the light, the heat...
You want to tell me that you refuse to buy, sell, or process things, or buy anything sold or processed, or sell anything bought or processed, or process anything bought or sold?
Actually I was thinking he could sing Word Up, by Cameo
I hereby petition that ElJeffe be renamed ElJeffe the EXTREME
I can finally finish my side project of building a scale model of the entire forums out of Lego.
“…and then he lit it on fire, yeah it was definitely some kind of performance art”
Itll be worse right
Gives new meaning to 'The Banhammer'
It'll be different, that's for sure. Don't want to doom this place.
Quiet you fool!
One day you're just a polar bear asking idle questions as a joke and the next you could have a badge and having to try and wrangle forumers!
what is even happening.
Jesus. Trying to wrangle the election threads.
That literally has to count as penance for some very heavy sins.
*look up from giant tome*
There's nothing in here that says you can't just DM him random reports!
You've been a constant here since I first started lurking, glad you are sticking around in a non-mod capacity. You definitely deserve the break.