Welcome to Mighty Marbles, a cute physics based game where you control the level to guide the marble to victory. Inspired by the desire to see real life physics toys as a video game! Roll, solve and triumph in the fast paced bite sized levels. 20240109 Mighty Marbles (Early Access Action Casual Retro Physics)
RAID: Shadow Legends is a free-to-play collection RPG with 800+ playable Champions and 8 game modes. Heed the Arbiter's call and defend the dark fantasy world of Teleria. 20240109 RAID: Shadow Legends (RPG Dark Fantasy Turn-Based Combat Loot )
Embark on an epic journey in Primateria, a game redefining the roguelike deckbuilder with a nod to classic Yu-Gi-Oh! experience. Fuse cards, battle divine beings, and navigate through a universe teeming with challenges and surprises. Embrace the thrill of endless combinations and tactical depths. 20240108 Primateria (Card Battler Dungeon Crawler Roguelite Strategy )
Explore a vast open world and crawl through dungeons in first person, then fight tactical turn-based battles from a top-down perspective. Guide your adventuring party through Archaelund, mankind's last frontier, and uncover its many secrets. 20240108 Archaelund (RPG Adventure Early Access Party-Based RPG )
Iirc there's a full page splash screen that tells you that every tome you load the game or maybe even every time you start a new run?
Take him down!
somehow, brolo returned
i realize this isn't what anyone wanted, but look, he's back now, and we're all going to have to deal with it
i think if we ignore him this time, he might just go away on his own? it's worth a shot
as for the smell... okay yeah the smell is getting worse, i don't know what the hell that guy eats but it seems like it's fermenting inside of him or something and he lets it out fart by fart
BL3 and Wonderlands have guns that feel way better and are much more diverse, with the manufacturers making guns feel wildly different from each other* and keep them from all feeling interchangeable. A Jakobs shotgun is very different from a Hyperion shotgun from a Torgue shotgun, etc. even before taking stats and rolls into account due to their behavior. Enemies in general feel less bullet-spongy as well, at least on the first playthroughs. It's just a much better feeling game overall, especially when you add in things like the new movement system with sliding and mantling.
Also, you get your class skill (or skills, in some cases) during the tutorial at level 3 in BL3's case and at the start of the game in Wonderlands, with way more customization of it (changing the way it functions, changing damage types, equipping two at once, etc.)
This character whose name is a reference to Adam Sandler vehicle Big Daddy is WAY more prominent than I would have guessed
Switch: 0293 6817 9891
Honestly this is why the Pre-sequel blew 2 out of the water. You get your active skill during the prologue mission at level 3. Characters are voiced and have great personality they express instead of being mutes. They got rid of slag and added in fricken laaazers. Also low grav jumping and butt slams!
Because it caused every indie studio to make 57 Animal Crossing chore simulators instead.
It will require an Xbox firmware update, available starting on the 16th. The issue is on the console side, people have theorized that it's an issue with how the system deals with uploading cloud saves where it kinda gets lost in the shuffle and not uploaded but then deletes the local save as if it were uploaded anyway.
Also the prince of Persia story trailer looked genuinely excellent but again another question mark in terms of how it actually turns out. Tho I think there’s a demo soon so hopefully that’s a good sign
Wait... which one is that
Scuba Steve
Sorry, "Skoova Stev"
And I'm just remembering that I yell "It's not his fault he can't read!" at my wife in reference to our dog on a semi regular basis and I had totally forgotten where that came from until now.
Skoova's also like...the most interesting character in the game.
Ubisoft might actually pull a sneaky and release a tightly focussed metrovaina that is........good?
Brolo is slipping. Or he just didn't know about this because who was expecting Ubisoft to be working on two Prince Of Persia games at the same time
1 is a force
games that were, games that are, games that have not yet come to pass
My friends and I are playing through it in co-op currently, once a week
I'm liking it mostly more than BL3, though I wish the playable characters were more interesting. Having a customizable created character is neat, but they lack the personality and designs of the best characters from the previous games. Also the skill trees are pretty anemic and not very interesting, though you get to choose 2 to mix things up which is better.
The level design, quest design, writing, and art style blow BL3 out of the water though, and I love the crazy character skills and new types of loot. The Overworld is also a really cool idea that makes it feel way more like an actual connected world than just a bunch of random zones like the older games.
So just being able to pick two skill trees to smash together worked for me.
Well yeah she was the only good guy who still almost gets murdered by the other good guys
Won't stop me from playing claptrap
I haven’t played a good Metroid style game for a while, I might check this out.
Satans..... hints.....
So it made me think: would it be a better setting for Suicide Squad if they pulled a City of Heroes and let you make your own almost-that-hero character?
Like instead of being Harley Quinn let me make my own Chaotic Harlequin character with Big Surprise Hammer ultimate attack, and maybe I go on missions with Harley.
Or is that not changing enough to have a significant impact?
The game was designed to run at 1080/60 on the switch, which means it's PC requirements are very reasonable in the year of our lord 2023:
Even my old PC could do 4k which WILD to me.
It's an Epic Store exclusive which is the first time I've seen an epic store exclusive and thought "I might need to download the epic store launcher".
Well, obviously, because she was the only one that was in Tales of the Borderlands.
What was it DC universe that let you choose a hero or villain as your mentor?
Wish the dungeon roles were less opague but it was otherwise fun enough.
I've only seen it in the indie games space, AAA has moved to the 20x GPU/AMD equivalent as far as I can tell.
I am obviously biased as someone with an old PC but it's nice to see