Penny Arcade - Comic - Interior Dialogue

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin

Interior Dialogue!

Penny Arcade - Comic - Interior Dialogue

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here


  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    This is why I pretty much never play purely multiplayer games.

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    It doesn't bother me that Rainbow Six has a currently very successful live service multiplayer game that has been going strong for a long time. Good for them, and good for the fans who enjoy it.

    What does bother me is the fact that the success of R6 Siege seems to be at the expense of never getting another singleplayer R6 game ever again. I liked the old original Rainbow Six games where you'd pre-plan your missions and design infiltration routes for your dudes, and then press the "Play" button to see your plan play out in real time, while also getting to participate in your plan as one of the squad. It was a very unique gameplay loop. And I'd love to see them return to that.

    I also really liked the Rainbow Six Vegas games, which were fantastic set-piece shooters. And the series ended on a cliffhanger, promising a third entry in the story to wrap it all up, which never came.

  • KeitreKeitre Registered User regular
    Tycho wrote:
    It was also a pleasure to reveal to the boys that their Mother's handle - Yuna - is only her most recent one. Before that it was (CW)Orbital Strike, on account of her precision rocket delivery in what was called "MOHAA" but that name might not parse anymore.

    Oh man, MOHAA. My friends and I formed our first clan to participate in online tournaments for that game. I think we won like $50 once or twice. Was a ton of fun.

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