So, I like to make games. Do you like to make games?
I just finished my first whole game, which was mostly a learning experience, and it's a platformer called Cogito where you control a wall-sliding robot.
Download it here:
Edit: I updated it a bit with a few extra save points in areas I noticed were particularly sadistic.
Edit II: I have updated it once more, to fix a rather game-breaking bug that prevented progress beyond 50% of the game. Thus a re-download is necessary.
This time I compressed the goddamn music so it's much smaller.
Arrows keys control his movement, default jump button is Shift, and you can use a gamepad or joystick by hitting File > Player and selecting a joystick for Player 1, in which case your Button 1 will be the jump button. There might be some bugs, but I think I got most of them.
I know we have a few game-makers 'round these parts, so post some links to games you have made or half-finished, or links to neat indie games that were made by nice plain folks like you and me (as well as the apps used to make them, for the sake of seeing what's out there).
I remember one of you dudes made a flash game that was playable in-browser with wall sliding and a pistol, and there was a neat little puzzle where you had to walk around a system of gears and attract gears so that they would slide down the right tunnels and reach the right spot to lift a door or something. I hope it's been worked on a bit, I had some fun playing that one and figuring out the puzzle.
Lately I have been using
Multimedia Fusion 2, which is a wonderful little program that is both easy and versatile, although of course more restrictive than coding a game from the ground up. It lets you establish conditions and triggers, and the consequences thereof, and builds a decent system out of that. Also has a nice visual frame-based interface that is familiar to anyone who's used Visual Basic.
I am not sure what to do for my next game, so ideas are always appreciated as well. Someone might make it eventually if you suggest it and it's not insanely difficult or time-consuming.
Here are some more games we forumers have made:Robobug Blaster, by
KRL. Plays sorta like Donkey Kong plus Mega Man.
Puzzle Genius,by
Dijem. Click on the title for a link. Tile-based puzzle game done in VBasic.
All sorts of fun little games by
Ruck, including a city-stomping Godzilla-ish game and a game where you are a centipede with a bear on your ass, and you must use your bear ass to eat sheep. Yes, that is actually what the game is.
Pics of the above games:
If you want me to add some more, PM me or post in the thread. I might have missed some, as well.
Wait a second...
You have technical skill and no ideas...
I have ideas and no technical skill...
For example a game starring Marx?
Oh, I have ideas, but nothing is really grabbing me per se.
Although a game starring Marx, well, you can't lose.
Particularly, a while ago I was involved in a "project" called "NESLives." The idea was to try and create new games with a retroish feel. Unfortunately the only person among us who actually knew anything about programming was in like the 8th grade, so as you can imagine nothing ever actually came of it. But I know that I've got a lot of concept art and I think even some sprite-work laying around for an RPG I was writing the story for. I guess if you're interested I could dig that stuff up.
I am always interested in sprites, because I did alll the sprites and backgrounds and tiles for this game and it was INCREDIBLY time consuming. Fun, but time consuming, and I was keeping it simple, in the style of Within a Deep Forest and Knytt. Having something to draw from is helpful. I had to do the music too, but I got lazy and the two last songs in the game are just ripped from RPGMaker 2000.
I made a wall jumping mario game my self.
I'd post pics but it's just graphics from Super Mario Bros.
Cogito download is already gone. Get a free webhost to host the file, google or even geocities if you have to.
This is a puzzle game I created back in January. You can find a similar one up on Newgrounds, but I think mine is better (lol). I'm currently migrating it from Actionscript 2 to Actionscript 3, to give it better speed and add more features. Left/Right rotates the ball, space shoots. I think you can figure out the rest.
This one is still in the very early stages. Right now it seems like a cross between Sonic and Uniracers. I'm not too sure what exactly I'm going to do with it yet. My main focus so far has been on creating a tile-based engine and applying working ball physics to it, which I'm still fine tuning. Again, controlls are left/right and space.
I tried uploading to google but the upload page freezes. I will try my ancient angelfire account.
my lazy man's dream is to find someone who's got a kickass gameplay concept but needs someone to put a story on top of it. or something. i dunno, im very lazy.
I am especially in the mood to whore myself out tonight!
Party members in order of importance/ability to rock and roll:
Icy, I.C., or Inner Child:
Dream Creaturue (it evolves, like one of dem crazy Pokeymans!):
Rock, the Roll:
Bad-Type Guys
Emperor Gylax:
The Nightmare Lord:
And the limited amounts of overworld sprites created:
And that is enough self-whoring for one day!
You and me should start a club.
Because this is exactly what I want to do.
edit: It is here that I must recommend the fine Game Maker. It is excellent for trying out ideas relatively quickly. Or just messing around in general.
Making graphics is usually where a lone hobbyist game maker stumbles. I started with artistic skill, on the other hand, and laboriously learned the very basics of this single program. It took me a couple months of irregular work to put this damn thing together and it's forty minutes of gameplay.
Why is Pixel so darn talented?
I wish I could draw, score, write, and program my own game from scratch.
To be fair, it took him like 5 years to make that masterpiece.
But damn, what a masterpiece.
Every game I make starts out (and usually ends up, because I tend to run into brick walls or lose interest, since I'm retarded) starring a little ball with a world made of rectangles.
After the gameplay is down for the most part, you can start trying to make crappy graphics, and it doesn't even matter if you have any skill. After a while of doing this you may even gain some skill!
Well lets be honest men.
We all want this work.
Because this is the "drinking Gin and bullshitting" side of game development.
Not the hard stuff.
I warn you though, I love hard games so there are some areas that are pretty tough. I have liberally sprinkled save points throughout, though.
And I would totally do that.
There is a prerequisite for some skills in English.
But otherwise its total bullshit.
Hard to find a game to do that for, though. Most small-time developers cradle their games to their bosom like children and don't want anyone to change the story, in my experience, and of course larger developers don't give two shits about writing, as is evident from the dialogue in most games.
"Bullshit" as in "untrue," or "bullshit" as in "not really work?"
Because I'd say writing the text for every NPC, every sign, every item description, and every cutscene is a fair amount of work. Especially if you're piling that on top of actually coming up with the story behind the game.
Well thats the real tragedy, isn't it?
I do think its mostly bullshit, but people usually skip it anyway.
Seriously, if you fedexed me a beta copy and bought me a case of gin I'd rewrite all the dialog to an acceptable degree in a weekend.
Yeah, I basically need to find a robot that will do all the crazy techno-nonsense necessary to make my idea into a video game and give me no back-sass.
The alternative is learning to program, but that would require honest work and diligence.
Writers are desperate people
It would not be hard for a company to find some English major who needs some work, and have him produce something decent for dirt cheap.
Hahaha, this is hilarious. Unfortunately the controls are a little sluggish, but it feels like an alpha of SMB.
The code was so horrible if I wanted to finish it I would have needed to rewrite it. Which of course I never did.
A hardly worked on game I was making in Game Maker:
Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to use Game Maker if my life depended on it. Which is to bad because I have a lot of the sprites made and the whole combat system and whatnot worked out. But everytime I try to implement something, Game Maker fights back with some weird quirks.
I really should learn SDL. I've been designing a map editor, and I have all the time in the world to learn these things, but I'm just so lazy and there's not much learning material out there.
I hate RPGs but I harvest sounds and music from it when necessary.
RPG Maker can't make the type of RPG I'm trying to make. Also, RPG Maker leaves very obvious water marks that shows it was made in RPG Maker.
Watermarks? I never noticed any in RPGmaker 2000.
Also, you can do almost anything if you stretch the coding system in it. I've seen SRPGs and Zelda clones made fully in the RM2k engine.
Not literal watermarks (although some have those), but characteristics that those programs commonly share.
I guess if the person using it is good enough he could remove a lot of those though. I've seen games made with Multimedia Fusion that I would have never guessed was made with it if it weren't for the DLL files it comes with.
And there are a bunch of engines and examples available to pick apart and learn from.
That is, if you actually don't want to be lazy and stay away from the total bullshit
EDIT: It also has a rather helpful community if you ever have questions.
Ah, true. It's pretty easy to tell if someone's made an RPG maker game with the base resources. You have to put in a lot of work to make it look original.
MMF2 on the other hand is much more versatile and you can make all sorts of crap with it.