Hey Folks,
I'm currently on the market for a portable tablet (eg, Ipad, Amazon Fire, etc). The only 'tablet' I've ever owned was a kindle from... many years ago, so I'm not really familiar with a lot of the brands, pricing and features between them.
I'm interested now because I wouldn't mind having something for my train journeys and lunch breaks at work. At the same time, I don't want to break the bank - Ideally, this would be below £200, but I can make some wiggle room.
Desired features:
1) Reading, which I feel like they all allow
2) Drawing. This doesn't need to be the most complex, 'profesisonal artists best friend' level of tool, but I'd like it to be enough that I can practice some basic sketching / tracing to mindlessly do in small chunks of downtime, and save my work. This would need stylus support, I'm not really a finger-drawing kind of guy.
3) Note taking. Not super essential, but anything that allows easy note taking would be convenient.
4) Size. I'm normally carrying around a laptop bag anyway, so size in regards to portability isn't the biggest issue. If I'm drawing and/or note taking, however, a decent sized screen / resolution would be ideal.
6) Battery Life. This feels like it ought to be a concern by default, given we're talking about a portable tablet, but I'd just iterate that here anyway. More / Better use of Battery Life = Good.
So yeah, does anyone have any recommendations? Again, the biggest blocker is budget, I'm fairly easy on most other things.
Not that browsing the other options is helping me any further. A whole lot of 4-5 star reviews out there at prices I can match, then when when I look at actual reviews from people, they suddenly 180 into 'This device is poop from a butt, don't get it'.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
Your best bet may be to just save the money for your next phone upgrade and bump up to a bigger phone instead.
If you do enjoy reading then I would very much recommend just spending half the money on an e-reader. They are worth the cost, assuming you have the library to support using one.
Stay away from Amazon other than their ereaders.
I've had two different Chromebooks in the $400+ range and they're a big jump from the sub-200 ones. Still not a high quality laptop by any measure but does have advantages. Current one i have is an ASUS.
Or as Inquisitior77 said, if it's mainly reading, get a Kindle.