Mikal: manifest says he'll unlcok it if slung comes back
Slung: hahaha
Slung: good luck with that
DaySleeper: fucking mani
DaySleeper: what a douche
Slung: I'd say you can tell him to fuck off for me
Slung: but that would involve a new thread
weretac0: haha
weretac0: manifest said: I'm not unlocking this until slung comes back full time.
Slung: I'm not coming back full time until tube takes the time to apologize for letting dynagrip have free reign as a dick
weretac0: haha
weretac0: that'll happen
Slung: oh, and free pizza fridays
weretac0: pizza
weretac0: sign me up
DaySleeper: haha
DaySleeper: yes
weretac0: maybe we should start an online petition to get slung back
Mikal: maybe someone else should post a new thraed with this portion of the log in it?
DaySleeper: haha
DaySleeper: online petition might have some legs
Mikal: let's let em all work it out
Slung: I love me some online petitions
weretac0: go mik go!
As Always
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
twice is annoying
three times is jail
understand that you are on 3, now