If by "American values" you're referring to killing children, establishing concentration camps, invading countries with little provocation and totally fucking them over, leaving them with zero infrastructure, and then stand around going "I just don't understand why people don't like us," then yeah, they're 100% in-line with American values.USA supports Israel because the Jews and Israel have the same values as Americans.
The thing is, Israel is like the USA: we're both multicultural and multipolitical.
I don't have to agree with the Israeli government's policies to acknowledge that we have many shared ideals and much culture in common.
Also, 50% of the things Than said about Israel aren't Israel's fault, and the other 50% everyone else would do in Israel's position.
psst...I'm not so sure he was talking about Israel.
Yeah, but ignorance makes for better sound-bites.
Not even close to why we support Isreal. And I wouldnt call the Russians invading Afganistan supporting Arabs. Just pumping them up for when we did I guess.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
Wait, you need a reason to hate Jewish people these days? Damn, I'm in the wrong thread.
EDIT: Also, I agree with what LiveWire just said. It's much more political than it is 'common interests'.
I'm going to take a wild guess that everyone here thinks the following:
Criticism of Israel and its policies is NOT anti-semitism.
Thread over?
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't treat the Palestinians the way they do.
took out her barrettes and her hair spilled out like rootbeer
Maybe that Jesus was a Jewish guy helps, too
No, wait, that's one of the things that wasn't their fault, right? That was just "whoops, didn't mean to cluster-bomb! Sorry!"
On another note:
It does?
Me no sees the connection.
Stop getting all your news from Al Jazeera
No it means that Lieberman will destroy our country if Isreal doesnt garner 100% American support. They received major American support well before Liebs was a politcal force anyway. Because of our shared history, a large, active and wealthy jewish sect in our own nation and ultimately their strategic impact in one the worlds most important regions.
Look to Alexander the Great's conquest of Asia if you want to see why we support them 100%. Who controls that little strip of beach controls that entire region over the past 2500 years.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
BBC = Al-Jazeera now?
NPR, BBC, AFP, Reuters, all = Al-Jazeera?
EDIT: Beat you, Titmouse, mwahaha
Every news station except Fox is Al Jazeera now?
Fox News =/= Al-Jazeera.
So Israel didn't clusterbomb civilian locations, take out bridges, and destroy the nation's power supply in order to fight Hezbollah's rocket trucks?
And deliberately causing an environmental disaster on their coastline, then not letting anyone clean it up? That was a terrorist coastline.
Clusterbombing towns involve nothing but inflicting suffering on civilians.
...And do you see anyone here saying "I support the violence perpetrated by Palestinians" or anything to that effect?
No one is saying the Palestinians are all flowers and candy. This isn't a discussion of the Palestinians. If you want to talk about Palestine, start a new thread, instead of derailing this one with the same "but the Arabs do bad things, too!" bullshit that the pro-Israel people use whenever their "you're being anti-semitic!" tactic doesn't work.
Or how about when they blew up a bunch of major thoroughfares, and then told the Lebanese civilians "by the way, you should leave now before we blow you up."
Hey, give them credit. At least they didn't bomb Saudi Arabia because they were pissed at Palastine.
The more I think about it, maybe we do share common interestes with Israel. Except, you know, we're 'better' at it.
The actions of a group within them definitely justifies all of the shit that Israel gives them. I mean, everybody knows it is OK to treat an entire people like shit if a group of them are asshats.
Oh, well that makes Israel's actions perfectly acceptable then.
And here I thought it was an okay news source, least on the web. Maybe BBC's better and less controversial, but it rounds off Middle East coverage pretty well.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Israel didn't focus on the destruction of the civilian population. They focused on the destruction of Hezbollah.
Hezbollah are a bunch of evil shitheads though, so they imbedded themselves in the civilian population, forcing Israel to work on weeding them out. They screw up once or twice and POOF, they're commiting genocide!
Really great logic there.
Also, all? Wait, so the christian areas that didn't get hit (Not saying that some bridges didn't need to get blown up to avoid Hezbollah radicals from fleeing to Syria to grab some suicide belts.), were focused on to suffer as much as possible?
Dude, what?
I was disappointed when they stopped. What is wrong with bring the fucking wrath of god upon someone when they steal one of your own off of your turf? You obviously do not understand the jews at all. They will stop at almost nothing to protect their own people even at the expense of civilians. They have gone against american top brass advice time and time again and negotiated with terrorist to get remains and their people back alive.
and you wonder why? the jews in isreal are the only people who get that everyone, and I mean EVERYone fucking hates them. The civilians, their fucking brainwashed children, the bridges. Fuck them and fuck thier stupid lies. Steal and torture one of ours and you will pay dearly. Enemies of isreal continue to do it even though they know consequences.
whew. sorry. i get defensive about Isreal.
PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
Oh, well; until someone steps up and really modernizes Israel's military, I guess they'll just be stuck as a country with a reputation for mindless slaughter. But hey, an NGO kidnapped 2 soldiers; that clearly justifies all of that.