Let's have a Classic Console night. Make it go from say, 6:00-close on the second night in the console room. Bring your NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. plus any paddles, controllers or lightguns you think you'll need. if you've got enough controllers for every port on your machine, by all means bring 'em.
I wouldn't recommend bringing Atari or Commodore machines because of how treasured they are by those who still have working systems, but if you feel your old faux-cherry brick can take it, by all means do so.
I have a feeling that if we could get it off the ground and planned well, it could turn out to be a highlight of the convention. These were, after all, the machines that we learned our gaming ways on.

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Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
I can't really clarify because of some rules here:
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Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
That's why I brought it up. Losing one Dreamcast is far less painful than losing an NES and however many cartridges.
Even if nobody else wants to, I could just round up two of each kind that worked along with controllers and the necessary adaptors (there's about $20 invested. Whoo. Break the bank!) and load 'em into my car for the Supertrip. Easy.
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1 NES system with 2 controllers
1 NES lightgun
1 copy of Track Meet, Mario and DuckHunt on a single cartridge
1 SNES (no controllers or power supply, but RF-Out/RCA-Out is present)
1 copy of StarFox SNES
1 Genesis Controller
Anyone who has NES cartridges lying around, I'll be bringing my machine along, and I'll update you if I get a complete SNES working.
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Anyone up for some good ol' Super Dodge Ball?
Let me know what else you need. I can get you the rest. BTW a new connector on that nes and its price jumps to 20-30-40$ on ebay. Is that snes greyed or not greyed? the not greyed ones are still sought after
Ill drag one of my dc's along as well. Count on it.
POWERSTONE twooooooo Vwoot!
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Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
I would have to dissagree. Dc's are all over the place and inexpenisve at the moment. I may try and find a new(er) one and bring my current white one along.
Come one, come all and bring a dc game that if it got lost you wouldn't die. Snes/nes as well
I don't feel bad for buying a spare punchout cartrige and castlevania 2 cartrige now
Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
Should bring along my NES with the 4 player adapter for some Gauntlet playing.
I love those classic games.
12 player bomberman.
Needs to be done.
Hours and hours of Royal Rumble fun for all.
Those of you with goodwill/SVdeP/whatever in your town, stop in if you can and if you see something good/classic, grab it for PAX!
Things we need:
NES: 1
SNES: 2 if possible. I have 1 already, but can't confirm workage.
Sega Genesis: 1
Sega Saturn: 1
Neo-Geo: Holy crap, this is a long shot, but it'd fuxing rawx.
-Assorted classic multiplayer games for the aforementioned systems. If they're your games, keep a damn good eye on them and if possible, label them with address/phone.
-Multitaps as available
-Controllers, RF adaptors, power cords. Remember that some of these systems are pushing twenty, and stuff does go bad.
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punchout-castelvania-random assortment of others. Ikari-warriors mabey?
sega genesis with some fun titles. GENERAL (Fsking) CHAOS!! its a must play game! mabey some toejam and earl.
a sega saturn. working no battery for saves. i don't have many games for this guy. mabey Nights into dreams.
sega dreamcast. I have to bring powerstone 2 for some good smackdown.
super nintendo wiht multi-tap with super bomberman 2 and street fighter-hyperfighting at a minium
All of these are verified working and useable. and the cable are all there as well. I dont have an atari 2600 to bring along though Sad my only one thats perfect is also 100% mint as well.
I do have spare atari 2600 cartriges if anyone wants to bring it along. Mabey some warlords. I might also be able to repair my secondary 2600 one by the time the trip comes up. it gives me an excuse to play with my hakko soldering iron. temp control kicks soo much ass.
I would be tempted to buy and bring a supergun but thats pushing it.
Mabey some classic atari on the DS.
Its also possible we might beable to get doubletree to rent us a projector for our use
sound good?
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"wooo! i can beat drunken guys at duckhunt!! wooo!!"
I'll beat anyones ass at clubbing! Im the fucking returning champion.
I haven't played it since I was 5. That and 'Humans' were awesome.
If there's enough demand I might bring my power pad. I only have Track & Field, though, not the cool powerpad games.
I can bring them. we need aerobics just for a laugh. ddr for the poor people.
I can bring along my snes, maybe a nes as well,
but my main goals would be multitapped bomberman and sf2-turbo.
Now to find my SNES advantage
Some mariokart would be slick too,
but no one I know can find their cart for it.
Don't know why I didn't think of this one right away. I spent many a rainy day playing tournament mode with a buddy of mine, roaring with victory at every successful spike, screaming with rage at every missed dig. I'll go hunting for this next weekend and a NES multitap.
Ok, but I warn you: Your ass is going down.
Power Stone 2 is probably my favorite game. If you want to play some, I would definitely be interested.
I hope Jesus is your partner, 'cause you're gonna need a saviour.
JC? He's got nothing in Super Spike. We used to play all the time back in the day, and he never even won half our games.
He'll kick your ass any day in Tetris, though.