Canadian Super Trip

leafleaf Registered User regular
edited February 2005 in PAX Archive
Has anyone else thought of this? Or is the sheer geography too dissimilar to really let something like this happen?

Or would it be more feasable to simply organise our own mini-convoys down to the states from our own cities? your thoughts, I've already got a car load ready to go down when the summer comes around...

leaf on


  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    That would be pretty cool, but there's a couple problems.

    First of all, Canada is fucking huge. If we were to do it properly and go from St. John's to Vancouver, it would seriously take weeks. Honestly, can you imagine? St. John's, Halifax, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Kelowna, and Vancouver. That's more than 80 hours of driving.

    Second, even if we did do that, what about people who live outside the general area of that line, like in Québec City, Edmonton, and Victoria? They'd have to drive a long way to meet up in the other cities.

    And third, it would be pretty pointless for someone who lives in BC to participate, because they'd get two to six hours of Supertrip before arriving in Seattle, compared to the two to ten days someone from Alberta or Newfoundland would get.

    Sure, it's totally possible, but the sheer geography of this country would be a serious problem.

    Affliction on
  • de4dmeta1de4dmeta1 Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    As trying to figure out how to make an East Coast Supertrip possible has taught me, cross-continental trips are a logistical nightmare that would make most people cringe at the thought. It'd be a lot easier just for people to plan area-specific convoys (Vancouver, Calgary, etc.), but the coolness factor would be off the chart if a bunch of nerds and geeks (us) could pull off something on this scale.

    Affliction, I'm not sure why you think it'd take 80 hours of driving to cross Canada. The (theoretical) East Coast Supertrip clocked in just under that, and I'm fairly sure it would cover more distance.

    All in all, a good idea, but it's likely that's as far as it will get. If it did get going though, I'd totally sign up; it's not like I'll actually be able to make it to the other end of the continent for the ECST on a student's budget.

    de4dmeta1 on
  • AfflictionAffliction Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    MSN Mappoint claims that the quickest route from St John's to Vancouver takes 75 hours and 54 minutes, assuming you go through the States, and never stop for food, gas, or bathroom breaks. Canada may not look so big on a square map, but seriously guys, the distance is roughly comparable to driving from Alaska to Florida.

    Affliction on
  • AvenroshAvenrosh Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Affliction wrote:
    And third, it would be pretty pointless for someone who lives in BC to participate, because they'd get two to six hours of Supertrip before arriving in Seattle, compared to the two to ten days someone from Alberta or Newfoundland would get.

    I'd love to participate, but this pretty much sums it up... I can get to Seattle in 4 hours.

    Avenrosh on
  • Minus_83Minus_83 Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited February 2005
    im horrible with geography, both canadian and US related, so i might end up somewhere funny.

    Minus_83 on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Oh I know the logistics nightmare, which is why I thought of mentioning doing it from city or area specefic sites. Heh my planning last year went like clockwork. Oh sure I had to wait for KyleG because of the trains, but I wanted to get to the double tree at 4pm, and we made it exactly! (ok not quite, I took one wrong turn and we spent another 15 minutes back on the freeway but close enough)

    Anyways, I guess just post if you wanna get together with another car or three from a nearby area. I'm in the Okanagan area, so just PM me if you'd wanna travel together. I'd be willing to work out something, my travel plans are essentially going to be leave the day before and arrive again around 4pm or so, I already know the bellevue area around the convention area so I can take my group sight seeing faster. Leave around 7-8am from the valley, and just go right down to the states from there, stopping in chilliwack or a little further on for gas. Eh, msg me anyone interested FOR THE BC, OKANAGAN MINI TRIP!

    leaf on
  • AndwarfAndwarf Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    Thanks again for the lift, Leaf. You were a lifesaver. This year I've been able to hornswaggle some local support for PAX, so I'll be going straight from my house this time.

    Hee hee, the freeway detour.

    Andwarf on
    Most inanimate objects find me at least mildly agreeable!
  • AridholAridhol Daddliest Catch Registered User regular
    edited February 2005
    I'd be all for a supertrip if I didn't live damn near victoria and am only a ferry ride away.

    Aridhol on
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