Hey all, just a question about Wolvie's ability to regrow from next to nothing in Civil War.
Most people express a lot of bitter anger over this by saying that he regrew in minutes, but I've been lookthing through the book (I've got the graphic novel thing that has all of Wolvie's Civil War arcs and Wolverine #48 in it) and I've found nothing that would support this timeline for his regeneration after being immolated by Nitro.
Nothing in the book even remotely suggests that he grows back that fast from what I can tell so I'm just curious as to why so many people mention that he regrew in minutes and what they found in the book to support that claim?
The only timeframe for his regeneration I could find was him taking 3 hours to growback after being immolated in the planecrash.
His entire body had its flesh burned off, with the pretense that his brain survived which allowed for the regeneration. However, as many have noted, the inside of his skull would have been more than hot enough to bake his brain.
I sorta agree with that thinking... I like wolvie, but come on...
I can't think of any that show him reduced to a skeleton (aside from What The?! #2, which obviously doesn't count). Bits of him might have been burned off, but not everything.
About the brain stuff - it might well be safe inside his skull, but presumably his skull isn't a completely closed shell, as this would mean it couldn't attach itself to his spine, other nerves, etc. Thus, the fire would have found a way in to vaporize his brain.
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Or, read the end of Planet X where he walks into the sun. Although most people say that was the Phoenix, he is regenerating on his own from it... take what you want from it.
I agree with the brain issue on the regeneration. There is no way his brain would not have been burned asunder along with his flesh, unless it was regenerating on the fly within milliseconds.
The only other serious regeneration that he has ever experienced was X-Men #25 . This is the issue where Magneto separates the adiantium from Wolverine's skeleton bone. Leaving wolverine with bone claws and the realization that his claws were always part of his mutant power as well.
Please refer to the issues I listed above.
Edit: And surviving the sun thing was definitly the Phoenix, I can't see how there's any debate on that.
Being cremated (i.e. entire body being turned to ash) would tax his healing factor as much, if not more, then your example.
In the very same arc though it's revealed that Nitro actually passed out from the effort of exploding again, this is in Wolverine #42 where they detail what happens to Wolverine every time he "dies", wolvie spends a great deal of time watching Nitro and by the time Nitro awakens to actually pull out the cellphone Wolverine already has eyes, his brain and enough of his ears to hear Nitro mention that's his idea of a hat trick.
We're given no concrete period of time for how long Nitro was passed out before he pulled out his cell, and Wolverine says in a healing monologue that his nervous system and circulatory take the longest and once the "plumming" is installed everything else, muslce and skin come back fast.
I'm not sure how much later that issue was released compared to all the reviews and talk about Wolverine coming back in 5 minutes or whatnot. If the Nitro passing out thing was merely damage control or if it was released close enough to the actual Nitro event for it to be taken into account.
Edit: Likely this issue came considerably later in an effort to explain away the whole *Fwoosh* regrow thing, so that's probably the answer to my question about why people seem upset about the 5 minute thing, aside from the very justified question of how he grew back at all. One odd thing about Wolverine's healing factor during the whole Magneto thing was that he healed up completely, and then the wonds reopened. If Wolverine's healing worked simply on a biological level why would the wounds reopen after healing completely? I recall most of the Xmen watching him as he was healing on a table or something and there being a few panals where he would heal, heal then break open in wounds again.
The example led to a double digit comic segway until Wolverine #100 where he got the metal back. The entire bridge dealt with Wolverine trying to cope with the entire reconstruction and rebuilding of his life. Where he was constantly flipping back and forth from human to animal instincts.
I think in one of the following issues when hes talking to the atlantian chick it outlines the time line... which includes Logan regrowing his eyes and seeing Nitro still passed out. Mind you, I do also remember seeing a scene where Nitro was standing over Wolvie's shiny skeleton, so he must have regenerated the rest of his flesh pretty fast.
I dunno, all I can say is that it wasn't very believable, even for a comic book. Shit, wolverine's practically invincible now.
Yes, it would. Unfortunately that 'Wolverine in a Nazi camp story' is either out of continuity or blatanty ignorant of Logan's healing abilities. The whole 'heal from anything' power is a recent development. Before it he could be killed by pretty much anybody if they tried hard enough. I remember a fight with Callisto where he worries that a 'throat shot' from one of her knives is going to kill him.
Yeah, the sun thing was the Phoenix.
EDIT: Although, thinking about it, WWII would pre-date the adamantium skeleton, which would mean his healing factor is way powerful without the skeleton holding it back. Still, even with this, the idea of him reconstituting himself from ashes is just Mark Millar being dopey.
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I agree only in the sense that having his healing factor be so out of control means that the writers and artists are bringing his fighting abilities down to crap just for the sake of seeing him get evicerated all the time. I mean he gets his throat slit by a bunch of freakin flunkies in civil war for crying out loud. He's supposed to be this badass martial artist, I mean the guy manages to fight the hulk for a while dodging everything he threw at him most of the time but some moron in a suit with a saw attached to it gets a killing shot?
you see this a lot in the New Avengers, all the other characters never get seriously wounded but wolverine gets mortally hit like every other issue.
Though there have been times in the past where his healing factor being awesome made for some great fun. Like the time the Punisher blows his face off with a shotgun and Wolvie keeps cutting him up. Leaving the punisher no other choice but to smack him in the nuts with a baseball bat and try to light him on fire... great freakin fight.
well you could still shatter his ribs since they're just contained within adamantium not made out of it, so while the adamantium would still be intact and spiffy on the inside his bones could be mush from the force.
No, it's been explicitly said time and time again that breaking his bones while they're bonded with adamantium is impossible. That one issue of Executioners Song resulted in a bunch of mail from angry fanboys and a 'whoops, anyone care to win a no-prize'-type apology from Marvel.
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Garth Ennis.
That's the whole point though... the whole thing is bullshit. Either you buy it or you don't... but setting arbitrary rules on what his healing factor can and can't do is just stupid, since it doesn't seem anyone at Marvel knows, let alone a bunch of people reading it.
some things you should keep in mind with the whole magneto ripping out his skeleton thing:
1. Jean Grey held him together so he wouldn't literally fall to pieces while he healed
2. Wolvie's healing factor is supposed to be severely limited by adamantium poisoning
3. His healing factor was on the fritz for awhile after magneto took out the adamantium. it was supposed to be because it taxed his body too much. That's why, if I recall, he bled quite a bit for awhile whenever he unsheathed his bone claws and had to constantly bandage his hands.
That said, his healing factor blows ass right now. The character is nothing more than a walking piece of a meat that gets blown to bits and put back together. Whedon's run on Astonishing is kind of an exception but the lack of badass wolverine fighting still upsets me. I mean, isn't he more or less the greatest martial artist and combatant on earth?
He really isn't. I mean, he's one of the best, but there are several people that outclass him:
People who are as good or better, martial arts/fighting wise: Captain America, Daredevil, Shadowcat, Taskmaster, maybe Deadpool, Black Panther, and a bunch of others, I'm sure.
so yeah, Deadpool.
Despite the healing factor, Deadpool has actually died a few times. I'd put him in the same league as Wolverine.
With his hands tied behind his back I believe. He was restrained somehow.
Taskmaster started the fight by stabbing him in the heart with a sword! That would have been enough against anyone else.
Exactly how was Taskmaster supposed to beat Deadpool using just a sword and guns?
Chop off his legs, eviscerate him, hell chop of his precious cargo. There's a lot of ways he could have won.
It's one thing to be better than someone and quite another to be so much better that you can eviscerate them or cut their legs clean off in a fight. Taskmaster's better, but he's not a fucking god.
Come to think of it, Deadpool never fights hand to hand, so why would he even be considered among the top Martial Artists? He doesn't even use a sword, except for when his ammo runs out.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
Hey kids, everything wrong about the last year or so is her fault. Yup!
Also, she is a skrull.
I am a freaking nerd.
Skrull Kill Krew returns for more ass whoopings