My sister's had a fish tank for several years now (just a 10 gallon one for smaller fish) without very much trouble (though at times without many fish). Recently she purchased 3 small-round fish (I have no clue what they are) and a pair of sharks, as well as clean the tank, all the filters, the rocks, fixtures, etc, change the water entirely, and generally just follow all the standard fish-tank maintenance advice her and my father got. Since then, the water itself has rather rapidly (within a week or two) turned yellowish and murky, with sediment that appears brownish "gunk" all throughout the tank, on the rocks, plastic plants, everything. There is also a rather unpleasant fishy odour now coming from the tank, and 3 fish (one of the round ones, one shark, and one fish that was already 3 years old there that we always had) have already bit the bucket with the prospects for the remaining ones not that terribly good, and we just have no idea what's causing this since the tank was never this bad
before cleaning it.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Edit: Make that 4 fish dying, just walked upstairs now and noticed one of the round ones floating upside down at the top
We'll see how long this blog lasts
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Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Can you find out what the actual species are? That's important.
Yea, parents decided to pick today to go to pet store and ask about what's wrong with fish tank and according to them its probably the water. Developers just on street above us have been digging not just for homes (brand new subdivision where our house is) but for a new school, and doing water work, so store lady figures it is probably something in the water when we cleaned it leading to an algae bloom.
Also, parents/sister have no idea what species the sharks or the other fish are (first time she's gotten sharks, just 3-4 weeks ago), but they are about 2 inches long. I'll see if I can dig up the species name somewhere.
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[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
It will take two weeks to a month for the bacteria to develop. Until then, you might have to change 1/3 of the water every two days or so to keep the unbroken down waste levels down.
Also, don’t try putting so many fish in such a tiny tank. I would never push a tank that small past three small fish.
Seriously, though, your tank is too small. I guarantee it. Without knowing what kind of sharks you got, it's difficult to know how big a tank you need, but it's definitely going to be several times larger than 10 gallons.
tech_hunter's guideline of 1/2 gallon per inch of fish is actually too small by half; the usual rule is 1 gallon per inch, but that's highly dependent upon the type of fish. Most sharks, being predatory and territorial, need even more space than that.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
The inch of fish per gallon rule is basically bunk, however. Every kind of fish is different. If the fish don't grow any larger than an inch (IE, some tetras) maybe you can get away with that, but throw that out. The best thing to do is research each species of fish you want individually BEFORE you buy them, find out their maximum size and how territorial/aggressive they are and plan your stock that way.
Algae eaters are great, but there are so many different kinds. I don't know of any Plecostomus (Pleco as they're commonly called - many species, but the most common is the 'common pleco', which grows to over 2 feet in length) that will fit in a 10 gallon, but a couple of Otocinculus (Otos) would work. I have 3 in my 55 gallon and they don't get rid of all the algae, but they make it a lot easier to keep up with it (I have a planted tank). They also stay small and have a small bio load.
Most of the advice here is sound and I offer you some links: The Nitrogen Cycle in a nutshell, Aquarium Advice forums <-- a very good resource for fishy needs
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Does -.- Which makes me worried. Thanks though with all the cleaning and general maintenance advice, tis been a help.
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[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12