I emailed the guy making it a bit ago. He's waiting for the commentary tracks to get back from Mike & Jerry...Robert, can you yell at them to get them sent or something?
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I hope I don't have to pay some dude $10 for his ticket to see the show this year.
There will be enough room.
This year, we know better - we've added another 36,000 square feet of space for our Exhibition Room and a massive new Theater, which will let literally thousands more people check out this year's industry panels in addition to the concert on Saturday Night.
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I lucked into a ticket last year without waiting in line by making a mad dash downstairs when the ticket announcement was made and blending in with The Mob... They handed me a ticket, I saw the show... I didnt really have any expectations and other then falling asleep during the final fantasy music, it kicked ass... The concert was more of an afterthought for me last year but I deffinatly plan on seeing it this year. and MC Chris kick ass.
Anyways: awesome.
I like announcements.
I like stuff being announced.
Wasn't there a Conan O'Brien sketch about something like this?
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XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
I emailed the guy making it a bit ago. He's waiting for the commentary tracks to get back from Mike & Jerry...Robert, can you yell at them to get them sent or something?
It'll be debuting at PAX '05 by the way it looks.
It just changed developers and will be debuting on next-generation DVD players only.
Also, the stealth aspects have been removed.
Is that the only thing?
Huzzah for being able to see the Minibosses finally after missing out last year...
There will be enough room.
Well, that would certainly be convenient, eh? It'd be much easier to pick it up while we're there.
Twitch Wed-Sun, 2-5pm CST
I definitely can't wait to see MC Chris.
Am I to understand that there is a change I could end up not seeing Front and chris? I'll fucking blow that bitch up with all of you in it.
Sure, there is a chance. But it's a LOT lower than it was last year.
two words:
Festival Seating.
not really
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!