This thread is for all those who have a gf (or bf) who aren't into gaming but would like to come along for the trip/parties/vacation/etc.
For example, my girl isn't really into gaming per se, but will probably be my partner in MK/DD and would love to come along for the social and 'normal' fun parts. Anyone else out there have a gf who'd like to come but might also want a shopping/sightseeing/party/tourist buddy or group to spend time with while we're all gaming it up?
My friend Erin is comming along basicly for the partys and shopping in bellvue.... she's not really that much of a gamer... execpt she plays old school Magic....
anyways.... maybe your GF and my friend Erin can hook up for like going shopping or something....
i dunno just an idea
SmallLady on
"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
This thread is for all those who have a gf (or bf) who aren't into gaming but would like to come along for the trip/parties/vacation/etc.
For example, my girl isn't really into gaming per se, but will probably be my partner in MK/DD and would love to come along for the social and 'normal' fun parts. Anyone else out there have a gf who'd like to come but might also want a shopping/sightseeing/party/tourist buddy or group to spend time with while we're all gaming it up?
I'll take her out on the town ole chap, no worries!
This thread is for all those who have a gf (or bf) who aren't into gaming but would like to come along for the trip/parties/vacation/etc.
For example, my girl isn't really into gaming per se, but will probably be my partner in MK/DD and would love to come along for the social and 'normal' fun parts. Anyone else out there have a gf who'd like to come but might also want a shopping/sightseeing/party/tourist buddy or group to spend time with while we're all gaming it up?
I'll take her out on the town ole chap, no worries!
Aren't you the one that was wearing the pink fishnet shirt last year? Sure, no problem, take her shopping or something.
This thread is for all those who have a gf (or bf) who aren't into gaming but would like to come along for the trip/parties/vacation/etc.
For example, my girl isn't really into gaming per se, but will probably be my partner in MK/DD and would love to come along for the social and 'normal' fun parts. Anyone else out there have a gf who'd like to come but might also want a shopping/sightseeing/party/tourist buddy or group to spend time with while we're all gaming it up?
I'll take her out on the town ole chap, no worries!
Aren't you the one that was wearing the pink fishnet shirt last year? Sure, no problem, take her shopping or something.
no I was the guy who hung out with that guy and the chick who owned the pink fishnet.
I'm actually one of those girlfriends who are coming, and don't mind standing around watching the aforementioned boyfriend/fiance/husband have a good time, but would prefer to only be bored part of the time.
(I'm actually a fan of the comic, and although I have a forum account, I don't actually read the forums.)
I've only ever played a handful games (all strictly turn based, or not requiring the skillfully timed hitting of buttons), so I won't have any real interest in the gaming aspect of PAX.
I'm taking my fiance to PAX for his birthday (4 days before the conference), and I want to go with him, but there are only a couple things on the schedule I'm really interested in.
I think the suggestion of organizing a small boycott of the less interesting parts (for non-gamers) is an admirable idea.
Although I might suggest something that's less of a "Hey, let's all go to the mall" idea and something more of a "Let's see the fun sights of Seattle." I hang out with a group of mostly gamer guys, and while I don't HATE shopping, I want to go shopping somewhere interesting (street frontage shops, etc.)
The only question is, how to we organize the Non-Gamers' Boycott?
This thread is for all those who have a gf (or bf) who aren't into gaming but would like to come along for the trip/parties/vacation/etc.
For example, my girl isn't really into gaming per se, but will probably be my partner in MK/DD and would love to come along for the social and 'normal' fun parts. Anyone else out there have a gf who'd like to come but might also want a shopping/sightseeing/party/tourist buddy or group to spend time with while we're all gaming it up?
I'll take her out on the town ole chap, no worries!
Aren't you the one that was wearing the pink fishnet shirt last year? Sure, no problem, take her shopping or something.
no I was the guy who hung out with that guy and the chick who owned the pink fishnet.
Yeah. One of the ten or so... :P
Legacy on
Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
I might suggest that Robert really does have enough to do without asking him to organize a non-official outing for a handful of people who are coming to the conference with their significant others.
I was thinking something more along the lines of someone who isn't necessarily on the clock for PAX to organize a way of getting a group of people together with some plan of what is interesting to do in the area. I've never actually been to Seattle, so I don't know what is the most interesting thing to do there. It looks like there are some express busses to downtown Seattle that actually go past SeaTac, but again, I don't know the area.
I wondered if anyone who had some knowledge of the area could give suggestions on where to go.
And someone who knows the conference facilities could suggest a good place to meet up.
I might suggest that Robert really does have enough to do without asking him to organize a non-official outing for a handful of people who are coming to the conference with their significant others.
I was thinking something more along the lines of someone who isn't necessarily on the clock for PAX to organize a way of getting a group of people together with some plan of what is interesting to do in the area. I've never actually been to Seattle, so I don't know what is the most interesting thing to do there. It looks like there are some express busses to downtown Seattle that actually go past SeaTac, but again, I don't know the area.
I wondered if anyone who had some knowledge of the area could give suggestions on where to go.
And someone who knows the conference facilities could suggest a good place to meet up.
You could just walk around Downtown Seattle for a while, theres a lot of stuff to do there. There's a bus that goes straight to Downtown Seattle from across the street of the Maydenbauer.
As for where to meet in the center, outside the front door would probably work.
Pike's place is pretty interesting, as are a number of little shops in that area. For shopping I'd suggest going there. Malls are malls, which some people will want to poke around in...there's always the pool at the hotel, too
Pike's Place is definately worth going to. Also, Broadway is a fantastic street for shopping. Those are the two places I go when I go to Seattle. You could also visit the Space Needle and the EMP.
man. i went last year, and didn't play any video games. i did end up playing a board game, but went into it not knowing anything about the game and still had a good time.
i had no problems keeping myself occupied andhad fun. i mostly hung out with random people and went to a few panels. i lucked out and even got a ticket to the concert.
so while i see nothing wrong with getting a group together, especially if you won't know many people there, for sight-seeing and hanging out, i wouldn't say it's necessary for a good time.
MulysaSempronius on
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
I was looking at the PAX schedule and determined that there was something of a gap in things I would be interested in on Sunday morning. I'm interested in quite a few things on Friday and Saturday.
Since I've never been to Seattle, I thought it would be fun when Ninto mentioned a small sightseeing/shopping trip. Plus it's a way to hang out with people who probably have some of the same interests, but aren't big gamers.
Based on the Schedule, I was planning:
2:00-3:00 Get in to the venue
3:00-6:00 Mill around aimlessly, generally gawking and whatever
6:00-6:30 PA Panel I
6:30-7:30 Escape crowds and follow Thrack into The Wizard screening
7:30-9:30 The Wizard
9:30-10:00 More Milling and Confusion
10:00-12:30 Red vs. Blue, Watch Super Smash Brothers Tournament & God Only Knows what Else
12:30-2:00 Decide Whether I'm Brave Enough to Risk Falling Asleep for the Next Movie, or Whether I'm Crashing at the Doubletree
7:00 Wake up involuntarily and HATE THE WORLD
9:30 Manage Finally to Kick Thrack awake
10:00 Get in to the conference center
10:00-12:00 Wander around the Exhibition Space, pawing at expensive toys
12:00-2:00 Omegathon Part II
2:00-8:00 Maybe more Exhibition/Tournaments/General wandering
8:00-1:00 Omegathon Part IV and Musical Performances
1:00 CRASH
7:30 Wake up, hate the world, wish fiance was a morning person
9:00 Say goodbye to Thrack, enjoy some non-gaming time
9:00-2:45 Wander downtown Seattle, rain or shine (what's the weather like in August?)
2:45-3:15 Bus ride back to Conference center
3:30-5:30 Omegathon/Final Award Thingy
5:30-6:30 Say goodbye to everyone I've met
6:30-9:00 ????
9:00 Crash
9:00-2:45 Wander downtown Seattle, rain or shine (what's the weather like in August?)
Last year it was very nice weather, around 70 degrees or so, slightly cloudy, no rain, I dont recall sweating the entire time... Which compared to August down here in Southern California, is fucking awesome.
Then again Ive never been to washington except for PAX last year, so Im not sure if that was the norm for late august or not...
If you're staying on the eastside, downtown kirkland is pretty nice to walk around and bum around on the water. If you do go make sure you try the peanut butter burger at The Slip.
there's a lot more non-gamer things to do on the westside and beyond- There's Alki Beach in WESTWEST seattle which is super nice that time of year as well as downtown Seattle which is kickass for shopping etc. If you want to check out the more diverse groups, there's (as bionic suggested), Capitol Hill's Broadway and the U-district/UW Campus.
Some hipster areas you also might want to take a look at are Ballard and Fremont, both with more food joints than anything else, but nonetheless nice areas.
If you wanted to plan a day of it with an itinerary etc., I certainly wouldn't mind offering any assistance. Despite PAX being totally awesome I understand the significant others may be overwhelmed with how cool it is. Besides, Seattle rocks- you should take a gander if you can. getting an official trip organized might be fun.
If you wanted to plan a day of it with an itinerary etc., I certainly wouldn't mind offering any assistance. Despite PAX being totally awesome I understand the significant others may be overwhelmed with how cool it is. Besides, Seattle rocks- you should take a gander if you can. getting an official trip organized might be fun.
I would be glad to have you help plan something official, I just figured you would already be so busy that you wouldn't have time. I'm glad I'm wrong.
By that time, I'll probably be trying to figure out how to fly 85 astronauts to all the damned schools in Utah for work, and will have enough to worry about.
Although I don't necessarily be OVERWHELMED by the intrinsic coolness PAX, there is a distinct possibility that I will need a small gamer vacation toward the end of it.
Robert, you should know that is entirely your fault that Thrack and I are going to PAX this year. You nagged at him enough in Park City in January, that he really wanted to go. So I'll take him for his birthday (4 days before PAX).
Robert, you should know that is entirely your fault that Thrack and I are going to PAX this year. You nagged at him enough in Park City in January, that he really wanted to go. So I'll take him for his birthday (4 days before PAX).
And here I thought it was my croaking, yet oddly charming, voice.
That's because you couldn't deal with being in mountain country. Plus the wonderful lack of humidity, I suppose. You just couldn't handle how great low humidity is.
It wasn't for you.
Honestly though, a change in weather is when most people get sick.
(Above picture is from a different lake than I usually go to, but still a great place to sketch.)
anyways.... maybe your GF and my friend Erin can hook up for like going shopping or something....
i dunno just an idea
Man I should be getting paid for that kind of thinking
I'll take her out on the town ole chap, no worries!
Aren't you the one that was wearing the pink fishnet shirt last year? Sure, no problem, take her shopping or something.
no I was the guy who hung out with that guy and the chick who owned the pink fishnet.
(I'm actually a fan of the comic, and although I have a forum account, I don't actually read the forums.)
I've only ever played a handful games (all strictly turn based, or not requiring the skillfully timed hitting of buttons), so I won't have any real interest in the gaming aspect of PAX.
I'm taking my fiance to PAX for his birthday (4 days before the conference), and I want to go with him, but there are only a couple things on the schedule I'm really interested in.
I think the suggestion of organizing a small boycott of the less interesting parts (for non-gamers) is an admirable idea.
Although I might suggest something that's less of a "Hey, let's all go to the mall" idea and something more of a "Let's see the fun sights of Seattle." I hang out with a group of mostly gamer guys, and while I don't HATE shopping, I want to go shopping somewhere interesting (street frontage shops, etc.)
The only question is, how to we organize the Non-Gamers' Boycott?
Yeah. One of the ten or so... :P
I was thinking something more along the lines of someone who isn't necessarily on the clock for PAX to organize a way of getting a group of people together with some plan of what is interesting to do in the area. I've never actually been to Seattle, so I don't know what is the most interesting thing to do there. It looks like there are some express busses to downtown Seattle that actually go past SeaTac, but again, I don't know the area.
I wondered if anyone who had some knowledge of the area could give suggestions on where to go.
And someone who knows the conference facilities could suggest a good place to meet up.
You could just walk around Downtown Seattle for a while, theres a lot of stuff to do there. There's a bus that goes straight to Downtown Seattle from across the street of the Maydenbauer.
As for where to meet in the center, outside the front door would probably work.
i had no problems keeping myself occupied andhad fun. i mostly hung out with random people and went to a few panels. i lucked out and even got a ticket to the concert.
so while i see nothing wrong with getting a group together, especially if you won't know many people there, for sight-seeing and hanging out, i wouldn't say it's necessary for a good time.
Since I've never been to Seattle, I thought it would be fun when Ninto mentioned a small sightseeing/shopping trip. Plus it's a way to hang out with people who probably have some of the same interests, but aren't big gamers.
Based on the Schedule, I was planning:
2:00-3:00 Get in to the venue
3:00-6:00 Mill around aimlessly, generally gawking and whatever
6:00-6:30 PA Panel I
6:30-7:30 Escape crowds and follow Thrack into The Wizard screening
7:30-9:30 The Wizard
9:30-10:00 More Milling and Confusion
10:00-12:30 Red vs. Blue, Watch Super Smash Brothers Tournament & God Only Knows what Else
12:30-2:00 Decide Whether I'm Brave Enough to Risk Falling Asleep for the Next Movie, or Whether I'm Crashing at the Doubletree
7:00 Wake up involuntarily and HATE THE WORLD
9:30 Manage Finally to Kick Thrack awake
10:00 Get in to the conference center
10:00-12:00 Wander around the Exhibition Space, pawing at expensive toys
12:00-2:00 Omegathon Part II
2:00-8:00 Maybe more Exhibition/Tournaments/General wandering
8:00-1:00 Omegathon Part IV and Musical Performances
1:00 CRASH
7:30 Wake up, hate the world, wish fiance was a morning person
9:00 Say goodbye to Thrack, enjoy some non-gaming time
9:00-2:45 Wander downtown Seattle, rain or shine (what's the weather like in August?)
2:45-3:15 Bus ride back to Conference center
3:30-5:30 Omegathon/Final Award Thingy
5:30-6:30 Say goodbye to everyone I've met
6:30-9:00 ????
9:00 Crash
Just what looked good to me, anyway.
Last year it was very nice weather, around 70 degrees or so, slightly cloudy, no rain, I dont recall sweating the entire time... Which compared to August down here in Southern California, is fucking awesome.
Then again Ive never been to washington except for PAX last year, so Im not sure if that was the norm for late august or not...
there's a lot more non-gamer things to do on the westside and beyond- There's Alki Beach in WESTWEST seattle which is super nice that time of year as well as downtown Seattle which is kickass for shopping etc. If you want to check out the more diverse groups, there's (as bionic suggested), Capitol Hill's Broadway and the U-district/UW Campus.
Some hipster areas you also might want to take a look at are Ballard and Fremont, both with more food joints than anything else, but nonetheless nice areas.
If you wanted to plan a day of it with an itinerary etc., I certainly wouldn't mind offering any assistance. Despite PAX being totally awesome I understand the significant others may be overwhelmed with how cool it is. Besides, Seattle rocks- you should take a gander if you can. getting an official trip organized might be fun.
By that time, I'll probably be trying to figure out how to fly 85 astronauts to all the damned schools in Utah for work, and will have enough to worry about.
Although I don't necessarily be OVERWHELMED by the intrinsic coolness PAX, there is a distinct possibility that I will need a small gamer vacation toward the end of it.
Robert, you should know that is entirely your fault that Thrack and I are going to PAX this year. You nagged at him enough in Park City in January, that he really wanted to go. So I'll take him for his birthday (4 days before PAX).
And here I thought it was my croaking, yet oddly charming, voice.
What voice?
I seem to remember you were ordered to remain mute...for medical reasons, or something.
The only thing I remember was being repeatedly mocked when I was too highly caffeinated to hold Robert's camera still enough to take a picture.
It wasn't for you.
Honestly though, a change in weather is when most people get sick.
(Above picture is from a different lake than I usually go to, but still a great place to sketch.)