OK, ignore my username -- i got it like 3-4 years ago, or something. I'm not a fanboy, and I'm not trying to start a console war here.
All M$ and lol Sony aside, my question, who do you hope wins between the 360 and the PS3?
I've got a 360 (and Wii), and in the last generation, had an Xbox and GC, but this generation, despite the early struggles of the PS3, I actually find myself hoping that they beat the 360 -- even if that means I have to buy another console.
Why? Well, there have been a lot of reasons to lol Sony for the past year. The price, the retarded comments, the whole goat decapitation thing. Additionally, Sony has pulled some nasty shit with the whole CD rootkit thing, and the Lik Sang thing. Add in alliwantforxmas and threespeak for good measure.
But Microsoft seems to be doing everything THEY can to drop the ball, and it really irritates me. The whole red rings of death thing is getting old -- and doesn't seem to be getting better. Xbox has taken the crown for shoddy build quality from Sony this time around. But on top of that, it really seems that, since MS has the apparent upper hand over Sony, all of the usual Microsoft shady business tactics seem to be coming into play again. They were all nice, and gamer friendly until they got the upper hand. Now their true colors seem to be showing. Similar to their attitude in other computers spaces that they've grown to dominate.
-The encryption chip for peripherals. Really? They have a nice new controller, with exactly the same functionality, just moving the black and white buttons, and all of the old peripherals won't work? I've got a modded arcade stick that has been rendered useless. In fact, this actually forced me to bring my Xbox 1 out of retirement.
-Marketplace. Forcing devs to charge for content (GoW), and charging for trivial content (horse armor).
-The Elite. They realized that they're beating the PS3, largely because of price, and what do they do? They release a half ass upgrade, and bring the price even closer to the PS3. And then charge 200 for a 120G hard drive. Oh, and of course, it has a proprietary interface, so you can't just get your own. And for what? The PRIVILEGE of paying them money for Marketplace content. Nice.
Now, I know that Sony has a bunch of dumb, malicious strikes against them. And I was strongly in the lol Sony camp initially. But they've done a lot of things right with the PS3.
-Arguably more powerful. At least that's the conventional wisdom. Time will tell, of course.
-Standard interfaces. Hey look! PS2 stuff works. You want to upgrade the HD, no problem! Very very nice.
-You can install Linux! I'm not a linux user, but that seems pretty damned cool.
So I'm wondering. I'm a Wii60'er, but I'm a bit afraid of what MS will do if they gain a dominant position in the console industry. So I find that I'm kind of hoping that ... even if Sony doesn't outright WIN, at least that they'll have a respectable showing, so the next gen will still be up for grabs by anyone. Anyone else feel the same way?
Nintendo seems to be winning. But I almost feel like they're target casual gamer market will essentially splinter the console wars into a casual vs. hardcore. I'm not certain that there are too many gamers that will be satisfied ONLY with the Wii. But that's a topic for a different post ...
1.) I own a 360.
2.) I do not want to own a PS3($$$).
1.) Because this is fucking retarded
2.) they're major corporations, they will find new and inventive ways to fuck us no matter who is in the lead
In all reality, I'm perfectly content with my DS and PS2.
2) is retarded.
Because I work for them.
3ds friend code: 2981-6032-4118
Thanks for playing.
I am torn. On the one hand, Microsoft has shown themselves time and time again that they are evil incarnate. I have no doubt at all in my heart the Xbox is just a great big way to try and kill the console gaming market, and get Sega, EA, etc to make DirectX games exclusively. (Another common theory is that someone pointed out that by the time the Playstation 4 or 5 rolls around, Sony will have the great idea to give it an OS and make it into a WebTV-alike thing, which scared the bejesus out of Microsoft.)
On the other hand, Sony is doing their best to summon demonspawn, too.
So I'm torn. The Xbox 360 has some games I want, RIGHT NOW, that I could see myself buying. The PS3 has games that I want, SOMEDAY, that I could see myself buying.
So it's a crapshoot. It is nice to see Nintendo carve out the success they deserve, however.
Same for me, with a couple more.
I really like how the 360 is set up. I love the universal, cross-game services (gamertag, friends list, achievements, gamerscore, etc.), I love the Live integration (not only for games, but for demos, trailers, etc.), and the library of the 360 is just pure awesome, with more awesome to come. And most of that awesome resides in the Live Arcade.
I'm a happy camper with my 360 and Wii; I see no need to add a PS3. The only appealing feature it has for me is that it would let me watch American Psycho in HD via blu-ray. I'm not excited about the Sony stable of games, and the console doesn't do anything unique that the 360 can't do (unlike the Wii, which is why I own that).
Granted, MS has done some stupid stuff lately like the Elite (what a waste of time), but generally my 360 experience has been full of awesome, and with the lineup ahead it looks to get even better. I'd be happy to see the Wii60 take over (and I don't care who gets first or second, as long as the Wii keeps giving me fun, DS-style quirky stuff and the 360 gives me HD masterpieces).
EDIT: re: the guy above me: Wait... the Xbox plan is to ... kill console gaming? What a curious way to kill it...
I'm afraid that Sony will pull a Sega, and disappear from the console market. I'm not sure they have the financial reserves to weather the storm.
And if Sony's out, and MS owns the hi-tech console market ... well things are going to get a lot worse. Like Vista worse *shudder*
edit: that said, I'm pretty pissed at both sides. my friend is a MS loyalist and he insists that the 360 hardware problems are overblown and in actuality a totally negligible and a moot point. but it IS a problem and thats why I don't want a 360 anytime soon. that said, i dislike sony's current business ethic. i dunno. i'll probably be rooting for MS in the end
In any case, I kind of agree with the OP. I love ragging on Sony as much as anyone, but (besides the price) I like what Sony is offering in the PS3. The whole "Home" service, a free-yet-feature-rich online system, a very powerful console, and still plenty of good games coming out for it. Sounds nice to me. Of course, MS has a lot going for it as well - namely, all the great games they have and will have, as well as XBox Live. But I'm kind of leaning in Sony's direction. I hope both MS and Sony will do equally well this gen, because I'd hate to see Sony drop out of it completely.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
2. Is correct.
I have to say that the 360 and the PS3 seem fairly evenly specced, although each have their individual advantages and disadvantages. However, I'm not really sure who I want to "win".
I'm backing the 360 with my wallet. I bought a 360, because Gears was the first console shooter that has ever interested me, and Mass Effect is an exclusive (or at least a timed exclusive) for the 360. Also, it was cheap when I bought it.
However, if the 360 "wins", that basically means there will be a segmentation of the market. The PS3 will be the main HD console in Japan, while the 360 is the main HD console elsewhere. This could discourage developers from localising smaller games for the English-speaking market.
And then there's the issue with every single damn 360 breaking eventually.
is a tasty color
Warkhawk, Online Tekken DR, the Next Soccom and others are really making me want to get a PS3. And the fact that they're all downloadble titles, and a bit cheaper than regular games is even more impressive.
Well, MS is still a bit shackled by their hard drive-less SKU.
I think that the PS3 is the result of the hubris and sketchy business tactics of Sony, since they dominated the last generation of gaming.
If MS dominates this generation, I suspect we'll see something similar, but much much worse, for their next offering. Maybe MORE than 2 Skus, or required online activation, or some such.
As an aside - I'm super tempted to get Forza 2 with the MS wheel, but there's no way in hell that I want to buy a 130 dollar MS peripheral that won't work on the next MS console.
The Xbox just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm just kind of paranoid about their whole scheme. I mean, Xbox was the last into the ring last generation, and the first in this generation? That means had I went with an Xbox, I'd have gotten way less years-worth for my money. Then, throw in that they really don't care about Backwards Compatibility (at least from a PR stand-point it seems like they don't compared to Sony), and then throw in that their 360 is breaking for near everyone. I don't want to touch the thing with a 10 foot pole. Sure, there are a few games for the 360, but for me it's nothing really pressing. I'll probably pick one up at the end of this generation, but not now. I do own a PS3, though, as the things coming out look spectacular, and Sony's last generation didn't leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. Hell, it was a great taste. I mean, there are still top notch AAA titles coming out for the PS2.
and i'm hoping for Sony just for the whole Blu-ray vs HD-DVD format war to end.
But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I'll eat my hat. Best of luck.
competition is life.
Enlist in Star Citizen! Citizenship must be earned!
Forza 2 isn't buggy at all.
what if you lose?
But that's the fun bit... seeing how many pages it takes for it to devolve into nonsense and name-calling.
I'm betting that we can make it to 5. I'm feeling optimistic today.
if you die in the game you die FOR REAL.
Nintendo is dominating this generation. As in past tense. As in already is. As in this is already decided. This thread is like saying "do you want the Xbox or the Gamecube to win?". It's already a decided deal. And by the way, nobody gives a fuck about second place. Second place is where people point to and say "they need to fix their mistakes next time".
Last gen, the Gamecube and the Xbox vied for second place (and the Dreamcast was swept under the rug). What did we learn from this? We learned that Nintendo needs to shake their kiddy image and give third parties a chance, and that Microsoft needs to find a way to get into Japan.
Nintendo shook their kiddy image (almost, anyway) and gave third parties a chance. Surprise, surprise, they're rolling in cash. Microsoft failed to gain a foothold in Japan and are now still vying for second.
What are the mistakes of the second-placers this time around? Well, Sony's mistake is the loss leader, that's for damn sure. They are selling a $600 console and losing money. I don't know how they managed that, but Sega didn't even usually fuck up that bad. As to Microsoft, they, like Nintendo last round, have created an image that limits their audience. Instead of appearing to market to small children, they're marketing to older teenagers. Guess what? Neither group has all that much money, folks!
In any case, I feel confident that both the second-place companies will learn from their mistakes when it comes to next time.
Drez, excellent point. As i stated in my first line, I'm not trying to start a console war here, or have people stop by to take a dump on the thread. It's just a concern that's been nagging me recently. Changed the title, hopefully it'll keep the shitting-on and fanboy-ism to a minimum.
"Are you afraid of Microsoft becoming evil again if they destroy Sony this gen?"
is even worse.
I'm sorry...I think you are genuinely trying here, but...that's just going to incite a flame war immediately.
That's not much of an input, but I didn't bother to read the OP much, it sounded like a bad time investment.
Edit: Made the mistake of reading the OP. You know, except when they make half-games at full price and sell us the rest on the Marketplace, I actually approve of DLC. It's a nice way to expand games. My 360 serves mostly as an Arcade machine. I can't wait until I got dozens of infinite-replayability-online-multiplayers games in my HDD.
ha ha ha. This is almost becoming funny. Seriously, it didn't sound offensive in my head before I posted it. But then when you quoted it verbatim, it sounded kind of ... bad. Tried to change the title again, for the second time.
Words like "afraid", "dominate", "destroy" and "evil" aren't exactly impartial.
I'm guessing they're talking about the HD side of the market. If not... Then yeah...