I've had my 360 since Novemeber, and I have not once had a problem.
Mine does not overheat, I have never broken a headset, and the only time it scrathed a disc was when it fell over while playing (My dumbass brothers fault).
So, yes, the problems with the 360 are very real.
But so were the problems with the PS2.
I mean, Disc Read Error? Gave me some tough times.
I remember asking the guy at Blocbuster if I could see the games first so I would know if it had a blue-bottomed disc (Those were the troubled ones).
And I must've gone through 4 PS2's, 3 of them blocky guys.
So why is MS getting so much shit for the 360?
The slim PS2, which fixed most of the problems was released in '04, 4 yars after it's launch.
So why does everyone dump on MS for taking so long with fixing it's problems when it's only been out for less than 2 years?
There was also that lawsuit.
I did get disc read errors with my PS2 but resetting usually solved the problem. The 360 is actually the first time I have heard about a piece of electornic equipment overheating so badly that it destroys itself running as it was intended to.
My first 2 PS2's refused to read any games, at all, no matter how often I reset them.
The third simply stopped working.
I've had no problems with my slim one though, which is great.
That is very possible.
i think the reason a lot of ps2s got the error was because of excessive DVD watching use which burnt out the laser or something.
I doubt it, we rarely used the PS2 as a DVD player, we had one.
of course mine was a core when i first got it (only ones they had) maybe that has had something to do with it.. though its got a hard drive now so maybe not.
Pokemon Diamond:3394 0249 9567
I'll probably do the same for the 360.
The only hardware I feel comfortable buying at launch is Nintendo's.
So i can assume that since i play constantly, 8 hours a night, i have had no problems.
Playstation 3 is out and what better way for Sony gamers to say "Buy a PS3 no worries here" than ripping on 360 failure rates, its not like Sony hardware have ever had any faults.
Nothing like covering up the failures of the past by focusing on the competitions' failure rate.
This is bad advice.
It just got stolen.
No one is denying that Sony's past consoles have had any problems. There are some people who are saying that it might be cheaper just to get a PS3 because of the number of repairs you might have to get if your 360 goes down. The large majority of 360s are probably going to not face any problems but there appears to be a significant minority of 360s that are overheating.
I believe we are discussing a valid problem here. Granted, I can't reference hard statistics because there are none at this point. However, this is a $400 piece of equipment and should not be crapping out on you so often that you are sending it back for the third or fourth time two years after launch. If the PS3 starts showing these issues do you really think anyone is not going to jump over Sony for releasing a $500-600 machine that has a pretty good chance of breaking down on you?
There was a 40+ page thread that I can't seem to find about 360s breaking down and it wasn't filled with 'lol M$ amirite' Sony fanboys. It was 360 owners who were bringing up the issue and it is 360 owners who continue to do so because they have a right to have a reliable console.
Yeah, I was more pointing at the Fanboys who only flame on the matter, but never actually own one in the first place