Okay, a couple of months ago games would suit fine but I purchased a couple of games some weeks ago (Earth Worm Jim, Paper Boy, Aladdin, etc and not to mention all the other games I've slowly being buying, I have a lot of old favourites I want to play through
) and I hadn't had much time to play them so I had nothing much yesterday and I found out it's more or less impossible to get into the games.
What usually happens
1) Blow dust out of cartridge and cartridge slot - I don't know if this is actually useful, just an old habit
2) Put the cartridge in giving it a firm but loving push to make sure it's in correctly
3) Turn it on, this where the trouble it beings: a) Black screen, nothing happens (85% of the time) b) Some small white text, something about Sega being licensed (10% of the time) c) Game starts after white text (5% of the time)
So, what choices do I have aside from trying to buy another Mega Drive ? Are there any home fixes I can try and who normally repairs Mega Drives (And remember, I'm in Australia so if it's obscure in the US it's probably 100x worse here
Edit: This is my Mega Drive (Photo from Wikipedia), a
Mega Drive II Pal version.
Possibly your power cord is failing. I could turn on my Megadrive and only have a black screen until I wriggled the wire about in the power cord/plug. When I got sick of that I just bought a new power cabe and it was fine, but seriously, it's probably just as easy to order a new one from an internet store/ebay than it would be to open the thing up and fix it.
And yes, blowing into the cartridge does help as it clears dust off the connectors.