So heres the deal: I've been working since the end of school to pay for my car's insurance (I'm 17). The main thing is, I'm just about at the full year price of the insurance (Or at least my third).
In the 3 weeks I've been working I've mananged to amass $1000 give or take to pay for it.
So, seeing as how I have no other monetary needs at the moment, I plan on saving for a laptop, to be purchased in the next month or so, meaning by August i'd have about $1,400.
Now, some I'd like to put away for college, but I'll keep working after that.
So, I have NO clue what really is good in terms of computer parts (I understand the BASICS, and very basicly kind of basics, too), so I could use some help from you smarties.
I'm looking for Vista (Most any build will do), that can run things like photoshop and the like fairly well, and also play some recent games (I'd like to try Halo 2 Vista and Shadowrun on PC), with a price range of, at maximum, $1,200.
Think you guys can help?
Edit: I will also consider a Desktop for the sake of getting a good computer for less money.
At the expense of mobility, you'll get a much more powerful rig capable of handling the games you want to play.
I can dream....
But in any case, if someone were to build one that IS too expensive, I do know someone who sells computer parts to the goverment, so I might be able to get them on the cheap.
I suppose I could get a desktop, just I need to be able to take projects home and back to school (I'm taking special classes next year in Design and Illustration).
I suppose my Flash Drive will do.
So sure, a Desk Top is fine too.
They are called Used but that includes canceled orders and systems they use to show off on like, QVC and whatnot.
The D620 is the mid-range Laptop. You won't be running any Vista games on a laptop I wouldn't think, but for Adobe it should be fine.
The XPS line is our Gaming line. Still, portable gaming, um, not so much?
Some options:
(Remember, prices are before the Warranties, which can add up to $300 to a laptop or so)
You'll want to upgrade the ram to 2 gigs. I am not sure how well the X1400 works for gaming.
You won't be gaming on this one.
TurboCache is nVidia's way of saying that it shares your system Ram. IIRC, the 256ers have 64 megs onboard and use 192 megs of your RAM.
As announced on The Direct2Dell Blog the XPS 700s are getting a MLK (Mid Life Kicker). The neat thing in this case is that we're offering the chance for people to just upgrade their current systems to the new motherboard, which will be quad core compatable. Specifically, you'll get a free motherboard replacement (with free onsite installation) and an offer of 25% off a Quad Core processor if you so desire. (Plus, by then, Quad Cores should be pretty cheap compared to right now.)
The way I hear it, the XPS 700's current motherboard kinda sucks, and it really showed in Benchmarks, so to make it right, Dell's just going to get out new mobos. A lot of people are buying XPS 700s in anticipation of that.
Really, peek around the Outlet and see what you find. There are some really dirt cheap desktops there for Parental use / Emergency replacement, and some really nice deals on laptops. And don't forget, you're going to need to add the warranty price to the system, which will be a few hundred bucks.
IIRC, they come with 1 year standard, and you can upgrade to 3 - 5 years if you need / want to. For laptops, there's also "CompleteCare" -- accidental damage coverage -- that you will want to get.
I might be able to work with this.
I really donno how well the gaming on a laptop thing will work out, especially with those Vista "required" games like Shadowrun. Laptops are really more for work than play, unfortunately.
The D620 and it's slightly newer cousins (D630(Intel) and D631(AMD)) are really nice for their price range. The only reason I don't have one is I'm holding out for either a Quad Core MacBook Pro (I need to get one, simply so I can say I own a Mac, if nothing else) or a Very sexy Latitude XT.
GOD, I want an XT.
PSN: super_emu
Xbox360 Gamertag: Emuchop