I have taken to listening to conservative AM radio on my hour-long drives to and from school mostly because it's fun to hear the whole gamut of opinions that I may or may not agree with.
I just called a radio show for the first time and argued with Jerry Agar for like five minutes. I am so lame-proud of myself, because usually I'm the asshole who will start calling the show and hang up at the call screener asking me questions because my vagina feels strange. I'm trying to figure out if I can get a transcript or recording of it or something so I can replay it and feel all intelligent.
Have you guys ever been on teh radioz? I seem to be the only person I know who actually listens to talk radio.
not like, with poisons
just helium
I think it'd make them easier to listen to
That dude in Nevada was one of my favorites. Although I forget his name and the name of his show. He broadcast out of his house in a place with a name like Harumph.
UFOs, Anti-Gravity, time travel, all kinds of wierd stuff.
I used to have a radio show (lol college). it was fun enough.
Conservative radio is BS though. I had to listen to it on election night when he won. again.
And man... Who knew a lot of conservative fuckers lived in Seattle.
Multiple calls like "Now those liberal faggots will get what's comin' to em"
Yeah. Good luck with that, Cletus.
You fucking would say that
Conversely, I don't want to kill anybody by falling asleep on the road whilst listening to NPR.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Locke1127 (10:14:55 PM): why not
Locke1127 (10:15:03 PM): why should people not be gassed
Locke1127 (10:15:05 PM): huh
futilitygamer (10:15:00 PM): the whole holocaust thing
Locke1127 (10:15:08 PM): DEFEND YOURSELF
Locke1127 (10:15:09 PM): man what
Locke1127 (10:15:12 PM): that was so long ago
Locke1127 (10:15:15 PM): who cares dog
futilitygamer (10:15:16 PM): fuck you dog
Locke1127 (10:15:28 PM): I'm just saying
futilitygamer (10:15:26 PM): i have family memebers who died there
Locke1127 (10:15:39 PM): me too
Locke1127 (10:15:45 PM): they fell off of guard towers
EDIT: Seriously though, what's your logic here. Is it ok for people to be shot, but not gassed?
haha, awful
Does anyone know if there's a way of getting transcripts or recordings or anything of that stuff? I've been poking around 770 WABC's site and they don't seem to even have an e-mail I can ask
I got to guest-host a radio show in college but we played music and took requests. It was actually pretty rad but a lot of work. I only did it three times before they essentially fired the DJ for bringing people into the station without clearing it with the bosses.
Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell?
That's the guy, 630 Ched used to pick him up.
it was called Red Rad Radio
we spoke in heavy russian accents and blasted capitalism and took calls and played pretty solid music
All them crazies. Talkin' 'bout them thar aliums.
lots of people should be gassed
tons of them
Locke1127 (10:16:14 PM): otherwise we would be like
Locke1127 (10:16:20 PM): wasit-deep in jewish people
Locke1127 (10:16:40 PM): it's just nature
Locke1127 (10:16:46 PM): it's hard, but it's how it has to be
Locke1127 (10:16:53 PM): they'd eat themselves into starvation
My dad listens to her. He then comes home and yells at my mother because she doesn't listen to Dr. Laura, and therefore isn't a good mother.
did you know that your namesake was always one of my favorite mega man bosses
that thing with your dad is probably an issue
You have no idea man. Fortunately for him he isn't physically abusive.
And how does that make you feel?
you are an excellent fellow
all the other bosses, all shooting shit
but skull man's like
what if you had a shield
a shield made of skulls
Swift boot to the ovaries.