I realize this is probably a long shot, but do you think PAX might be picketed by Lyndon Larouche and his ilk?
Frankly, I think that'd be hilarious. I haven't heard anything, and I sincerely doubt it'd happen, but c'mon... wouldn't that be a laugh?
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be rude without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
I read his wiki and all I see is "general nut", but nothing Thompson-esque. Why exactly would he be picketing? Context is handy.
He has Thompson's mentality about games, but holds public office. He was actually one of the ones pushing the VT inquiry to blame video games and then when they excluded them from the report he accused the government of a "cover up".
He had followers of his lining up to testify at the inquiry hearings to blame games.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Well if he brings picketers, the solution is to pass out DSes loaded with a mario game. That will subdue them for the duration of PAX.
I think the ultimate victory would be to have one of them take a swing at one of us.
Again, it's all fictional, the chances that we'll see anyone from the anti-game camp is pretty nil, but it's a fun thing to think about.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Really?! See, I find that fascinating... I don't know why, but I do.
Do you work in a place that makes you easily identifiable as someone who needs to be "told" or were you just "random passerby" who got accosted?
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
They guys in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, where Victrola is, couldn't be after me for any other reason than I probably looked like some young gullible hippy (three years passed in between these anecdotes and I let my hair grow for most of that time). After we got to our car and drove back past them, my fiance yelled out the window at them, "Vote Republican!" hehe
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Sweet... I never get the chance to do that, but I've done it to the odd Jehovah's Witness that's come to the door, and most recently, about 5, 6 years ago I eviscerated some poor girl canvassing for Greenpeace.
Actually, that's not true, most recently, last year I went on a blind date with this girl, real nice-lookin' girl too, but it turns out she's this hard-core vegetarian animal rights activists. This girl brough pamphlets.... to a first date! Pamphlets! What's more, they were filled with complete falsehoods about the mistreatment of animals in some fairly major livestock companies.
She didn't last long either...
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Since this is a PA crowd, I doubt you could get as many signers as when Penn and Teller did it for "Bullshit", but it would be funny.
That's because for all their grand-standing most activists are sheep.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Did you order steak on that date?
No, we just went for beer.
However, she asked me (guaging my response, I assume) what I would do if I was with someone who was into the stuff that she did and went on marches and protests and stuff.
I told her the straight-up truth. I said that I would show my support for her beliefs and that I would probably go with her on occasion to show that support, but when the march was done and we went home I was havin' me some chicken'n'ribs for dinner.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
I grew up in and around Kansas City, which is just an hour and a half away from Topeka, KS. So I had the misfortune of running into quite a number of Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps early get togethers, back before he was making national headlines for protesting at servicemen's funerals. Me and several of my friends (2 of which were openly gay) used to have fun whenever we spied one of their congregation's rallies by arguing scripture with them. Once my friend Arthur got Phelps so flustered that we though he was going to stroke out on the street corner.
Sadly, we missed out on when Michael Moore (I guy I normal can't stomach, but who has had a few good moments) met up with Phelps and his flock in his "Sodommobile" back when he was doing the show the "Awful Truth".
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Are you kidding? I love screwing with their heads. First of all whenever I'm near them with a friend I say loudly "Hey look, it's LaDouche! What's up guys?"
My best one though, one of them tried to talk to me, so I walked into point blank range, put my face inches away from his, looked into his eyes and said with all seriousness: "I like to fuck dogs". And walked away.
It was the first time I've seen one of them left speechless. It was very hard to keep myself from cracking up before I was out of earshot.
Serious Warning (tm): If they DO show up, which I'm gonna say 20 to 1 won't happen, do not screw with them in any way that is quasi-legal. A girl in the U-District dropped water balloons on them from her apartment, they filed for assault, and actually got some sort of conviction out of it.
Then again, if you're coming from another state, you pretty much have free reign on anything that won't attract immediate police attention
PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
Just make sure you stick to the Rules of Engagement.
I want one that says "Jack Thompson may be an idiot, but he gives great head."
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
thats a long sentence....
You think you're joking, but you may not be aware that there was I-831 here in WA to officially declare a local populist a 'horse's ass'. It garnered 50000 signatures before it was stopped by injuction...
I second the Ban Jack Thompson petition.
Well if someone ends up planning one, I can add a footnote to the petition I made. :P
Especially if we can get it to be pages and pages and pages so that it clogs his fax machine for a good 15 minutes.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
How many people are expected at PAX this year? I wouldn't be surprised if every attendee signs. :P
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
He'll probably have cronies trying to pretend to be gaming enthusiasts.
Look for 40-80 year old men trying to act "hip" and making futile attempts at using ebonics.