My friends and I play Heroes Unlimited, which is a Palladium superhero game system.
My character has no memory, he's a clone and all he remembered was being in a power suppression prison cell his entire existence. The reason why he's there is because he killed a major hero of the city by the name of Patriot. He did so as a result of the fact that he's a clone of Sovereign, who is a "Mega" Villain, but was given psychological conditioning and brainwashing.
So, basically, this "Mega" Villain cloned himself and conditioned the clone to kill Patriot and then give himself up. That way not only does Sovereign's enemy die, but he gets off scot-free because now nobody's looking for him, thinking, of course, that they already have him.
The other party members got themselves into trouble and through a series of twists and turns found themselves having to look after my character, a giant, 8,4, 600 pound mountain of a man by the name of Jonathon Dufresne, this clone of Sovereign. Jonathon has the following powers;
-Supernatural Strength (The major power, not the minor "Superhuman Strength" power)
-Healing Factor
However, for as large and as ridiculously powerful as the man is, it's balanced by the fact that he's a con, and that's all he's known. The other characters are all members of an elite police force designed to regulate "super" activity, so they're all basically either sanctioned heroes or cops. Jonathon calls everyone "boss", makes no eye-contact and does exactly what he's told. In fact, when there's a fight and the cops show up at the end of the fight, even though he's likely the one that saved the day the moment he hears those sirens and sees the SWAT members with guns raised he goes down on his knees and puts his hands behind his head. He's a giant pussy-cat. He doesn't like violence, he doesn't like fighting, but he's constantly being tossed out into the centre of the action due to circumstance.
However, when the battle is joined he's an animal, using everything as weapons from his fists to cars and he roars like a lion.
Now, the campaign is basically over, his origin has been discovered and they now know that he's not responsible for his crime. He's been sanctioned but I need a code-name. I've been toying with the following;
-Monarch (similar, yet different to his biological donor)
Any other suggestions?
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be rude without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
Y'know what else I was thinking about? I was trying to come up with a name that had to do with "Regicide" which is the slaying of a king or monarch. I even toyed with the idea of Brutus as a codename...
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
(Noun: a descendent or heir; "a scion of royal stock" )
Personally, I think I'd steer clear of names like Regicide. Seems characters with evil sounding names tend to turn evil in comicbooks.
I like Brutus (but then I'm a sucker for references to classics) and there have got to be dozens of people famous for offing corrupt politicians that you could choose from.
As a side note, I don't play the system, but aren't Invulnerability and healing factor kind of redundant?
Ummm... yes and no.
I'm still vulnerable to psionics and magic, I would normally take 1/2 damage from poisons and toxins, but with Healing Factor I only take 1/6 damage. It's also for flavour for the character. So, yah... it's not really necessary but I feel it adds something... even if it is a little superfluous.
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant
I'll toss in a suggestion: Lionheart.
In the regicide vein, Brutus is pretty damn good. Others might include "Usurper"... "Rebel"... maybe... "Spartacus".
In the antonym vein there's stuff like "Ward" or "Subaltern".
or... The Butler.
During our campaign we came across a community of homeless living in the sewer. Nobody knew they were there, but they had collected themselves and organzied into a camp of a couple dozen indigent folks. Jonathon, despite his origin and despite, or maybe because of the fact that he spent so much time in prison is a giant, gentle bear.
He came to care for these folks very quickly, he identified with them and actually came to care for a young ten-year old boy named Kyle. When the party returned to HQ he did something "character developey" and actually spoke out of turn when gathered with the rest of the party in counsel with the deputy director of the Elite Police force. Part of the backstory that I was going to work in was that he spent all his spare time down there with them, looking out for them and speaking for them.
It will be these folks that give him his name due to his care for them and safeguarding of them.
The Warden.
Thanks, guys!
-Robert E. Howard
Tower of the Elephant