Hey G/T, let's talk about games that let you fly! I'm not talking about some IL2 Sturmovik or any of that nonsense. Just straight up Superman style flying. We'll make an exception for jetpacks (remember
Jet Pack Santa? Man!).
Flying games are few and far between, it seems, which blows my mind!
Super Mario 64
Sometimes it seemed as if I spent more time flying in this game than I did on the green green ground.
Everything about it was
perfect: the speed, the sound of the wind, the way one could make Mario
hurtle toward the earth only to pull up at the last second and rocket back up to the sky. Every game
should have wing caps, there, I said it.
Super Mario 64, I salute you.
An unexpectedly good time in the skies. Co-created by the guy who made
Seiklus, he said that their
goal was to recreate the flight one experiences in dreams. They've come pretty close in some regards if
you ask me. Only a
demo out now, but well worth the free dollars it'll cost you.
CloudCloud doesn't allow for the diving/swooping that one would assume, nay demand! in a flying game. But you
know what? It's still great. It has a wonderful sleepy feel to it, and it's one of those games that almost
feels more analogue than digital. Fly around and herd clouds for the good of people and the environment!
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Okay, okay, I know. I said straight up Superman-style flying, and this chick's on a dragon. It's okay,
though, because the real love in this thread lies behind the idea of exhilarating, liberating flight. The
flying was obviously the star of the game; Arokh wheeled and dove through the air with wonderful
leathery sound effects. I didn't really care for the combat or ground segments, but there was enough
aerial goodness to keep me busy for months.
Okay, that's all I've got. I know there's some game called NiGHTS or some variation of capitalization out there, but I haven't had the pleasure. What else am I missing?
Drakan was a pretty terrible game, even for its time. I remember a good friend of mine obsessing about a girl on a dragon when I don't care if you slap seven naked lesbians on chimeras its still a crappy game.
Well, in its defense, it DID have a nude code (or patch or something).....
EDIT: In keeping on-topic, how about Pilotwings/Pilotwings 64? You could get shot out of a cannon in 64, and that was pretty much like flying.
I enjoy flying in City of Heroes/Villans.
Oh oh oh, how about Superman 64 olol?
edit: durr, must read full OP before commenting next time.
And yeah, Drakan might have been pretty terrible, but I'll take terrible if it lets me ride a dragon.
More threads should be like this.
Also - cloud is a very relaxing game. I recommend.
Also - Nights.
2009 is a year of Updates - one every Monday. Hopefully. xx
I freakin' loved that game.
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For shame.
I think our original poster was underachieving.
Anyone else remember Echelon?
Magic Carpet was a reason to go to Grandma's house (our computer couldn't run it). The game employed
some truly astounding terrain-deformation, as well as worm-blasting combat and a bunch of shiny
balls to collect. Villagers bustled about their daily lives (or deaths), palm trees burned merrily, and
errupting volcanoes spewed fire over all. Screenshot from Magic Carpet 2.
I remember wanting to play that game when I was young, never could find it for sale anywhere though.
I got tired of wandering around trying to figure out what to do and uninstalled. Never got to any flying parts. :-(
My recommendation for this thread would be the "Spiderman: The Movie" game. Sure, it's webslinging, not real flying, but it might as well have been. I had a blast just moving from roof-top to roof-top in the first level. The entire game should have been like that.
I'd say Panzer Dragoon Orta, but too on rails?
Somebody else brought that game up recently, I forget where. Probably here. Point being, it made me wish I still had my copy.
Tribes, bitches.
in-game video courtesy of YouTube
Also, uh.
Flight Simulator! Flying! Yay!
You had this flying island that you could build various stuff on, and a jetpack. You could only fly a certain distance away from your island before the jetpack gave out. The island traveled between waypoints on a rail, letting you access different stuff near the island via jetpack.
Now what was the name of that game?
Magic Carpet Facts:
Libby from 'popular' Australian soap-opera Neighbours got addicted to Magic Carpet during the characters college years. Supposedly sat in front of a PC 'studying' every day, she was clearly in fact playing Magic Carpet 24/7 like a crack addicted whore.
What was the game where the guy wore an alien parachute? I think you could switch between three characters in the sequel. There was a dog and a scientist. ugh
Malkor: MDK
Ohsnap edit: Beated to answer and page 2
No, there was no flying in the single player. But you're melee weapon was a gun mounted buzzsaw, and the devs made it so that using it in multiplayer made you fly. IIRC the readme file pretty much flat out states that they did it on a whim and it turned out fun so they kept it.
It was a really great game plagued by glitches.
Also, I was a huge fan of Drakan. I must have played through it 3 or 4 times.
Midwinter was awesome.. Quite immersive at the time, for me. I loved how you had to actually travel everywhere yourself, slogging through the snow on that huge map.. Ski across a plain, hop in a cable car and go up some mountains, then fly off the other side with a hang glider. The mountains felt nice and mountainous.
Sections of this game are very reminiscent of Space Harrier.
There have been rumors that it'll be announced today at the press conference. I have no idea if they're from reputable sources, but there are rumors nonetheless.
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thats it!
*edit* err maybe
....no skull in the logo...hmm