So I trained up minmatar battleship a few weeks ago, and I've been flying a phoon for a while, but not really in fleet warfare much. Mainly I just sit at a pos in a convo with sesfan waiting to smartbomb fighters that never get deployed
Regardless, this ship is awesome as hell and I'm looking for multiple setups for it.
First up-Smartbombing Phoon. I currently have, because I haven't done the math:
8x Best named Thermal Smartbombs
4x LSE
EANM, DC, 2x Thermal hardener, 2x istab, small armor rep (for after battle).
Basically, for smartbombing fighters, I've gone in, cycled a few times, and gotten out. No need for cap injectors or moving around with a MWD. So-what should I change my mids to? Best thermal resist possible is what I'm looking for. Also, should I use passive instead of thermal hardeners?
Next-Remote Reppin' Phoon
Can torps fit on a RR Phoon? I'd like a high setup of:
4x Torps, 3x Heavy (or med) nos, LRAR
100mn MWD, ECCM, 2x SB
1600mm RRT, 2x EANM, DC, Cap power relays??
Is it even worth it to drop the nos for something like arty or AC?
And finally, what's a PvE phoon setup look like? Is it feasible to rat with 4 torp launchers only?
I also think you'd get a lot more benefit from mixing in one or two active shield thermal hardeners. Even the t1 versions are 50% each, and you can shut them off to save cap once your shields are stripped. I also suspect that you'll be taking mostly your smart bomb damage to the shields, and return fire (if any) will happen after you've already lost shields.
I fly Amarr so I know shit about shields. I'd assume they follow the same philosophy as armor tanking which depends on your cap use and compensation skills. If you get better resists with the actives and the cap use isn't a problem, I see no reason to switch.
Also, You might consider a WCS or two to avoid tacklers. Since you're using SBs, you don't have to worry about locktimes or range anyway...
Keep in mind I'm doing this in a pack of like 7-8 other BS. It only takes two cycles to kill all the fighters.
And remember, my smartbomb setup is really, really specific. It's a ganged smartbomber that's going to have a perfect warpin or else it's going to be useless. I did it once with kinetics & an omnitank (whoops) so now I'm looking to refine it, specifically in the mids, because I'm sure that dropping one LSE for a thermal hardener will help out, but I don't know how much.
Yes, and because missiles do more DPS at the same ranges for the most part.
Partially a hold-over from the nano days, but that is the main reason. You can MWD right into someone and not worry about tracking.
For a Phoon i would fit something like this if it fit
4x torp/cruise, 4x nos
Mwd, web, scram, inj/web/td
LAR, LAR, 3x hard, EANM, DC
5x ogres
just like a domi, use the extra PG for more NOS and missile damage/tank whatever.
Otherwise its disco time.
Why did you go with 3x hard instead of 1600/eanm, just for repping efficiency?
Also how feasible/ridiculous would a tank like this be:
3x hard, 2x eanm, dc, 1600. 1600 for the buffer to turn on the hardeners-since the only time you'll use hardeners is when primary, shouldn't have cap problems of running the remote rep.
More plates, less hardeners. You use the hards for the repping efficiency, lots of HP is less effective when the goal is to out-rep their damage. IMHO at least.
It is a great thing to do when fitting cheap to stop a high DPS gang from punching through though before you nos them down.