"In recent days, a seemingly random group of individuals has emerged with what can only be described as "special" abilities. Although unaware of it now, these individuals will not only save the world, but change it forever. This transformation from ordinary to extraordinary will not occur overnight. Every story has a beginning."
Based on the TV show Heroes, this game of Phalla is set up for 30-40 people. Please pick a number when you sign up.
Copying practically word-for-word from Rygar:
Gameplay and Rules
Each night everyone will get to vote for a person they believe suspicious. At the end of the round, the person (or people) with the most votes will be arrested (essentially out of the game), and the voting begins anew for the next round. If you vote for someone, you may not go back and edit your vote away. You must make a new post that says you retract the vote. Votes and retractions should be framed as such, or at least similarly:
I !vote to have Hylianbunny arrested.
I !retract my vote to have Hylianbunny arrested.
The voting closes each night at 10pm Eastern. The first round will end on ______ (depends on when we start). Those who have special abilities need to PM me their intentions by 9:45pm Eastern to use their powers. Furthermore, you may not contact anyone anonymously, share role PMs (though you can explain your role if you so wish), or post in the thread once you die. You may not contact anyone once you are dead, and you may not contact the dead if you are living, unless told otherwise. Everyone is allowed one goodbye post that may not have any pertinent information. I am told mods will be watching. There will be no dead thread either. Suck it up and wait for the endgame.
Activity Clause
Two posts a day or you are out. If you will be gone for a day, or few days, contact me so that I can announce it to the thread. If you are a special, I will give you a chance to give orders in advance. Otherwise, you die in the next narration. Everyone gets a free pass in round one, as last time we axed certain people too quickly. I don’t really pay as much attention to the activity clause as some people, so don’t worry about it too much.
There are a number of sides in this game of Phalla, with evolved humans in each group. Groups may have alternate win conditions.
As time goes on, special events may occur which alter the rules slightly. Alterations in this fashion will be announced.
1. naporeon
2. DasHanselHM
3. Monkeybomb
4. Bogey
5. Mr. Embarkation
6. Six
7. Tossrock
8. Zoolander
9. Darkseid
10. scarlet st.
11. vagabondmonk
12. Qorzm
13. Munkus Beaver
14. Green
15. blankspace
16. AkimboLegs
17. Wiggin
18. SeafoodSoup
19. scarlet ave.
20. PotU
21. Seriously
22. real_pochacco
23. Sara Lynn
24. Javen
25. Nogs
26. Carl with a K
27. the wook
28. JohnHam
29. Quetzi
30. B:L
31. Krummith
32. Captain Ultra
33. bsjezz
34. Osvik
35. Fizban
36. Redeemer
37. neville
38. SojakFA
39. TheKovakistani
40. Drez
41. precisionk
42. Ardor
43. Dogbone33
44. FirstComradeStalin
45. Shenanigans
46. Fembot
47. Bendery
48. Nusch
49. Dislexic
50. tuxkamen
51. Rygar was going to have this spot but he's a meanie face who was joking. I'm going to leave him here just for kicks, though.
This spot here is reserved for any announcements deemed necessary.
The game will start on Sunday, July 15th, at 10:00 PM EST. The first day will finish at 10:00 PM EST on Monday, July 16th.
in honor of my upcoming birthday
I had more luck with that number.
Geez, that was quick.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
I call #65.
Or not. How about #21.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
it will mostly consist of being dead though
Sign me up as #8
in honor of...?
Just like the last game!
There. That'll throw them off.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
that is all
When do you think this game will start, and how long will it last?
I suspect Bogey of being Hiro
just like he was yellow ajah
Howdy neighbor!
!sign up for slot omega (#40)
40 people is at least manageable.
just saying.
OP mostly updated.
that's two for two at taking Bogey out early
I hope I get the Hiro role so I can go back in time and rearrange votes.
So ah, I'm probably good, then.
Uhm... it doesn't really matter when you post.
I missed the close of voting nearly every time for the last four days of the WoT Phalla
Number 9 por favor.
Diamond Friend Code: 0043 9432 1473
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