Exhibitor (TableStar Games) Needs Volunteers

TableStar_GamesTableStar_Games Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in PAX Archive
TableStar Games, a young board-and-card game company located in Berkeley, California, needs some help in our booth during PAX.

Since we are a small company, we depend on volunteers for conventions and the like. We are looking for people to do two 6-hour shifts, lunch or dinner is included. We will also reimburse you your convention pass.

If you are interested, give us an email at play@tablestargames.com or check us out at www.tablestargames.com.

Thanks and see you on the convention floor!

Monte Lin
Volunteer Coordinator
TableStar Games

TableStar_Games on


  • TableStar_GamesTableStar_Games Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Thanks to those who emailed me about volunteer for us at PAX!

    But there's still room for volunteers (we call them TableSTARS) to run demos and tournaments and be part of the fun.

    We need bright, smart, personable people to teach our games (we'll teach you first) in two shifts of 6 hours; in exchange, you'll get:

    * Employee discount on all our products
    * Reimbursement for convention pass
    * First looks at the next great products
    * Points in our STARS program (redeemable for swag!)

    Check out www.tablestargames.com if you haven't seen our games yet (there are even downloadable flash demos). When you're ready to sign up, or if you have any questions please email me at play@tablestargames.com. We have only a few STARS positions left so please do it today!

    Thanks and see you at PAX!

    Monte Lin
    TableSTARS Coordinator
    TableStar Games

    TableStar_Games on
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