Have you ever wondered how much the dead body of your loved ones would sell for in the open market?
Mine is $3,575. Good to know if i'm ever desperate for cash.
I'm sure with a few life changes, I can get it up to $4000.
Lets see who's dead body is worth the most so we can make plans to get rich quick.
tumbler? steam/ps3 thingie: lostwords
Amazon Wishlist!
I should trade up.
if only i was an albino
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
This is for selling to science right?
Wouldnt you make more money selling the organs illegally?
Will you take a money order from nigeria? Please send me your body via UPS.
i forsee this going down in future years
I bet if i didn't take so many painkillers I'd be worth a ton
I'll let you have your way with me for 1000.
I am due for a tune up in a few weeks so I guess I am
My cock makes up for half that amount alone though.
I drink and smoke too much.
See ya later guys, I'm gonna go hang myself and get the cash
If they're not living anyway, we should go kill them for the corpse money.
what the fuck
i'm guessing that's what my problem is? i dunno....still i will cry for eternity...hold me, someone?
i heard an old wives tale that there are parts of our bodies we cant see
am i dying on the inside?
you're totally blowing my mind right now dude!!!!!
I bid 20 Quatloos on the loud one's remains.
i know, right
i should be a doctor.
and change your last name to Doom
man that would be awesome