Some of you helpful lads may remember me from a few weeks back. I was the stubborn guy getting the 17" Macbook Pro with the 4 gigs of RAM for a small fortune.
Well I scaled back a little, and went for the high-end 15" Pro with 2 gigs of RAM (essentially the second stock option). I also took a few of my own funds and purchased the academic version of Final Cut Studio 2. I really can't wait to get all of this.
So the software package will be coming sometime at the end of this week or, most likely, at the beginning of next week... while the laptop is only arriving in 3 weeks.
So I'm just wondering if I should, once the Studio Suite comes in, if I should go ahead and install it all on my Mac Mini G4 and see what runs (lol nothing) or if I should wait and install it properly on the laptop, register and be merry. The latter requires patience however, and I do not think I have it.
So you guys might be thinking, "hey, that wasn't actually a question" and you would be correct. So here's a few: Can any of the video editing enthousiast in the room suggest any helpful apps, scripts or plug-ins to make my rebirth into the editing world easier/fun/self-enlightening? I'm just looking for anything; may it be freeware or cheap. I've paid over 800$ for FCS2 and I don't plan on paying anything beyond pennies beyond that for a while so keep in mind that I'm soon going to be a college student. :P
Actually, now that I think about it, would anyone know of any good books or sites devoted to video editing and improvement on the other cinematography branches? I'm looking forward to making this a full-time hobby and hopefully maybe doing some freelance work during the semester.
PS3 tag/ MGO ID : Terasozin
As for video stuff, don't be afraid to use iMovie as well. I know you spent a lot of money on FCP, but sometimes when you just need to crop video for the web, plopping it into iMovie is a LOT faster.
Other than that, keep filming. You spent all this money; you better have content to use for it.
Speaking of which, anybody know of free tutorials for DVD Studio Pro? Or is it really easy to use and I'll just have to learn from experience?
The program should be coming in tomorrow if I'm lucky... I guess I'll have some reading to do until the laptop comes in. :P
After watching half the tutorials DVD, I REALLY want to start using Motion. It just looks so damn sexy. This is definitely going to encourage me to start doing higher grade work. Now I just have to find out if there's a film co-op in Halifax...