Sorry to post another question so soon after my last, but this is really urgent :S
Alrighty, yesterday i posted about trying to slow down my GPU fan.
I installed rivatuner, ntune and atitool. None of them did anything to help, and none of them would even let me change anything anyway.
That morning i had just put my pc into a new case.
These are the only things that happened on my pc yesterday.
this morning i get up and hit the power switch and i get right through to windows login screen, at which point it freezes. "bloody windows" i think to myself, and hit reset...downhill all the way from here.
First i get just a blinking cursor. i power down and try again, the following happens (each line refers to another boot attempt):
blinking cursor for 3 tries
then it says "DMA ERROR"
then the next time it says "overclocking failed" (i don't do any overclocking)
then i got a flashing cursor
then overclocking failed
then i get a bsod saying something about check the computer for viruses and hardware problems with a "STOP" message
then flashing cursor another 6 times
then nothing
then i managed to get up to safe mode before it crashed
The only thing that could be counted as overclocked is my gfx card (it's an "overclocked" settings) so i pull out the graphics card
i then get into safe mode fine
i still can't get into windows
i put back graphics card
back to flashing cursor for a couple of tries
then overclocking failed 4 more times
then windows load screen which crashes for 3 tries
then got fed up and left the computer for 30 minutes
sat back down, and it went straight into windows without a problem.
I'm now terrified to turn it off again... does anyone have any idea in hell what happened? None of the errors i received seem to go together :S It has been working absoluetely fine.. not a hiccup at all for the best part of a year, this is all totally out of the blue.
I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no...not the kind with halos, the kind who bring you home
Good luck
I read online that "overclocking failed" is just a general error that the pc can throw up that often has something to do with doing a hard power down by holding the power button (which i have to do every time it crashes) so i guess that could be that.
Could a dying power supply be causing all these problems?