Ok, so I'm going to get a few things out of the way first. This is not a thread set out to bash DC. I like DC. That's not in question here. Furthermore, this topic is somewhat embarrassing, especially in front of a bunch of who probably take comics a lot more seriously than I do. I've been posting on and off in this forum for some time now but haven't had the guts to ask this question in fear of being ridiculed. Oh yes, that reminds me:
Algertman, get the fuck out you worthless piece of cock sucking shit. I know the inevitable diatribe that's going through your all too predictable head right now and I don't want you trolling this thread like I know you want to. Beat it.
Whew. Yes, that was completely necessary. Anywho, here's my dilemma. I've been reading Marvel most of my life (no, that's not the problem. har-har) so keeping up to date with their characters is a cinch but when it comes to DC...well, I don't really have anywhere near the same kind of footing. I like DC and I want to start reading more of their stuff but some things about them just bug the crap out of me and I don't know if it's just a preconceived notion or not. I'm pretty familiar with their biggest characters, namely Bats, Flash and Supes, but beyond that I'm pretty lost. I really really like those characters but I find myself hesitant to pick up anything in the mainstream continuity. I've bought all-star superman/batman as well as a few other out of continuity or contained/established arcs such as Red Son, Hush and DKR, all of which I love to death but I want to expand out of that.
But here's the problem. DC "intimidates" me because I can't stand alternate universe bullshit. Yeah, marvel's got plenty of that too as well as convoluted x-men time travel but the difference is
1. I'm familiar with most Marvel backstory, like I said.
2. Alternate universes don't seem to impact the entire 616 continuity and if they do, its pretty rare or tangential. I can keep reading my spidey or avengers or x-men comics without worrying what character is from what dimension (most of the time) or how out of 616 events have/are impacting the current arcs.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems quite different in DC. Characters seem to be from all over the place, spanning from one reality to the next, and though I realize a large part of that perception is due to the more or less recent crisis of infinite earths part deuce thing, its still pretty confusing for someone who is not up to speed on a couple decades of lore. And I don't really
care too much about the lore in the first place. That back story just doesn't interest me whatsoever.
Now, in response to the inevitable "you just need to get off your ass and do your homework" responses, I'd just like to repeat that alternate universe bullshit just really annoys me. I want to start picking up trades of 52, I want to pick up countdown and read what happened in WWIII and maybe try to jump into the universe from there(all this sinestro corps stuff really intrigues me) but I'm wary because I get the feeling I just need to know so freaking much about what every character is from where/when/how.
So, in order to stop me from repeating myself any longer, I'll condense it into one question. Is the DC universe as convoluted as it seems(that is, more than Marvel <--don't turn that statement into a fanboy war) or am I just psyching myself out?
edit:I'm also interested in picking up some TT stuff (as if you couldn't tell from my sickening avatar/sig combo) but all that history almost seems worse/harder to pick than the entirety of the DC universe put together.
Provocation is never a good way to start a thread.
Also...this could've went into the question thread.
I mean, I re-read this all and I still don't know what the hell you're asking.
Actually, it wasn't.
You can ask this question in the General Questions thread if you can do so without randomly calling someone out.