
Bumps on my head

UnderdogUnderdog Registered User regular
edited August 2007 in Help / Advice Forum
So yeah, last couple of days these bumps have been forming on my head. They're hard to the touch and quite tender. I didn't really give them much thought, figured it would go away in a few days and the first one's that appear have been reducing in size and pain level but today I woke up with two more bumps on my neck. Now This isn't an emergency or anything so please don't just scream "Doctor! Now!" at me. I mostly wanna know if there might be the off chance that someone can identify what the hell this is. Anyone?

Underdog on


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    A-RodA-Rod Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    could be cysts

    A-Rod on
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    UnderdogUnderdog Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    A-Rod wrote: »
    could be cysts

    Hmm, I'm getting the idea that cysts are clearly visible. These bumps aren't. The only real way to tell they're there is to feel the area.

    Underdog on
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    Steel FireSteel Fire Gunboat Diplomat PAI MarketingRegistered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Well, you don't want to hear it, but you should see a doctor. Make an appointment and get in, it probably isn't an emergency, but if it gets worse.

    It could be bug bites, it could be an allergic reaction to something else, could be stress, could be an infection, could be something more serious.

    Steel Fire on
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    aesiraesir __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2007
    bug bite, an allergy, zits. Could be any number of things. If you're worried go check with a dermatologist.

    Try washing your sheets.

    aesir on
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    LondonBridgeLondonBridge __BANNED USERS regular
    edited August 2007
    Where on your head and how old are you?

    LondonBridge on
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    dispatch.odispatch.o Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Underdog wrote: »
    A-Rod wrote: »
    could be cysts

    Hmm, I'm getting the idea that cysts are clearly visible. These bumps aren't. The only real way to tell they're there is to feel the area.

    Well, you're getting the wrong idea then. Cysts can be a lot of things. For an example, go check out Dermoid Cysts, not that you have them ( you dont! ) but they can be a lot of things, including hair, teeth and fingernails.

    dispatch.o on
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    sabyulsabyul Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    I had the exact same thing happen to me, and after a week of having them I saw my doctor. He basically said to sit tight and it would go away given time, and it was completely gone in like a month. Apparently it's a common thing in younger children, but I had it when I was 18. I don't remember what it was called, but I know it was induced by some light head injuries I had maybe a week beforehand.

    Obviously this is just my story, but the cases sound really similar. Go get it checked out if you're in a whole lot of pain, but I'd say it's nothing worth worrying about.

    sabyul on
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    UnderdogUnderdog Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    Mmkay, well today the initial bumps that formed have nearly stopped hurting while the news ones also seem to be reducing in tenderness. I did some massive cleaning yesterday so hopefully that'll help. I'm really too busy to see a doctor until about Tuesday and it's not like it's a dire situation so it looks like I'm just gonna wait it out.

    Underdog on
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    cmsamocmsamo Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    One time I was staying in a hotel and I needed extra pillows so I used the ones in the closet. Over the next few days i got bumps all over my head and neck just like you describe and it turns out they were bites from dust mites - the pillows I used must have sat in that closet for a long time without being used and the mites had made them their home.

    Do the bumps itch? Mine did a little and after a few days they cleared up.

    Now i don't use extra pillows in hotel closets but always request fresh ones :p

    cmsamo on
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    UnderdogUnderdog Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    cmsamo wrote: »
    One time I was staying in a hotel and I needed extra pillows so I used the ones in the closet. Over the next few days i got bumps all over my head and neck just like you describe and it turns out they were bites from dust mites - the pillows I used must have sat in that closet for a long time without being used and the mites had made them their home.

    Do the bumps itch? Mine did a little and after a few days they cleared up.

    Now i don't use extra pillows in hotel closets but always request fresh ones :p

    They're more tender than anything. Itch was never really a problem. But the bedsheets + pillow case I was using had not been changed for like, 2 or 3 weeks so it could have been dustmites. Since changing and cleaning the bed (plus cleaning my room) the bumps are gradually going down.

    Underdog on
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    WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    edited August 2007
    This could be anything, and you need to get it checked out by someone who can diagnose it properly, of course. They can fade, or they can be permanent - my ex-girlfriend had some cysts on her head since she was a toddler and they steadily grew in size until she had to have them surgically removed. But on the complete other end of the spectrum, depending on where they are on your head, they could simply be inflamed lymph nodes, which I had when I was younger - huge and painful at first, but reduce in size over time, and can often be the sign of an infection of some description. Given that you said that they're on your neck I'd say that's what it is given my own experience, but again - I ain't no doc.

    I doubt it's serious, but as always, it's worth paying a visit to the quack.

    Willeth on
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