Every day we see someone do something biblically stupid in our favorite MMO. The aggro-yanking mage, the overzealous blaster, or the undergunned Battleship pilot. But we ourselves aren't immune to dumbassery. I think it's time we had a thread where we can admit to the horrifyingly dumb things we've done in our favorite MMOs. Whether to get a laugh out of self-derision or to absolve a deep-seated guilt complex, and whether you're a day old newbie or a year old veteran, no story and no MMO is unwelcome here! The only requirement is that
you made them.
I'll start with three mistakes I've made from three different games, one just this morning in WoW.
I got my Auchindoun heroic key and decided to try my hand at tanking a Heroic. Being a Druid, I chose heroic Sethekk since I had the Swift Flight Form quest anyway. A group gets formed, and we set off. The first pull ends successfully, but in near disaster, healer out of mana and me hanging on by a thread. The second pull less so, but the third pull wiped us out. I figured this was normal heroic difficulty, so I didn't sweat it. While ghostwalking back, I checked my character screen for durability problems.
I wasn't wearing my tanking gear; I was wearing my DPS gear. You'd think I would have noticed that after the first pull, when I had 5000 health less than I should have (a significant chunk)... (I guess I can be sort of proud that I successfully tanked two pulls in the wrong gear though.)
The second was City of Heroes pretty early on, before I started browsing these forums. As soon as I reached six with my Energy/Energy Blaster, I took Kick from the Fighting pool, a close range attack. Why? I still don't know. But I DO know I six-slotted it with two damage, two accuracy, an endurance reduction, and a (I think) knockback enhancement. It was more powerful than one of my blasts.
The thing of it is, Energy Blasts all have knockback as part of their use--far more so than Kick could provide. Not to mention that slotting for Knockback is weird in any case. Not to mention that in the days where you could slot completely for damage with no penalty, I was doing about half the damage of anyone else.
My final one, though less newbish on the surface, is pretty ugly to any EVE player. I had just gotten my first Raven--with criminally minimal battleship and missile skills--and was fitting it out. I don't remember the exact layout, but I settled on something like four torpedo launchers each loaded with different ammo, three heavy missile launchers for small ships, a MEDIUM shield booster, two sensor boosters, an afterburner, and a full rack of Ballistic Control Systems. No drones.
That Raven wasn't long for this world, let me tell you. Drones (had I had them) could have replaced the heavy launchers for killing smaller ships, leaving me with far more power against larger ships with seven torpedo launchers instead of four. Having different ammo types in your bay is a good idea--USING them all at once is a waste of damage. The shield booster and afterburner were utterly without worth on a ship that size, and the BCSes were all a waste after the first one due to stacking penalties.
Alright folks, your turn. What sorts of stupid shit have you done in these games?
They were right, though, passive tank is much better.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Feared the 2nd to last boss in Wailing Caverns into the final boss, well not the boss but the add that comes with him. Im talking about the serpent guys add into the giant moss beast thing.
at level 33
I was basically raped for hours
All but two of them died within the first 5 minutes, both of which who died later as I was flying my ass off to the ferry so I could zone out. I stuck around long enough to see his ass get shot down by the security drones.
The best had to be my.. miscalculation of kiting Kazzak to Goldshire when a bunch of PvP servers went down. Being an RP server, it was mobbed with "omg" and "wtf" and "lol fag," so I imagine a bunch of Goons were restless or something.
Brought the big bad demon all the way up to Goldshire, and somehow managed to crash. I logged on hoping that Kazzak was there, and he most certainly was! However, he was evading everything and firing off Shadowbolts like mad. No biggie, I thought. I'll just pop up at the SH and RP in Stormwind!
I got to Stormwind and randomly Feigned Death. That somehow debugged Kazzak, because he INSTANTLY popped up on top of me. And proceeded to RAPE Stormwind, the only city people actually RP in. During prime time. And we were one of two RP servers up.
GM had to come despawn him. There were so many skeleton corpses, it looked like the Lich King skeet all over the city.
"Woops. My bad."
Of course, this doesn't mean the Nightbane will just one-shot me. Oh no, he takes the opportunity to face me and immediately use his flame breath, hitting every other person in the raid, causing a wipe almost immediately.
Or, one even more fun: while loot was being distributed after Hydross, one of our tanks stripped naked and decided to run into a pack of mobs. The rest of the raid was a safe distance behind said naked tank, so that aggro would not chain onto them. I was loitering around NOT a safe distance behind the naked tank, and also NOT a safe distance in front of the rest of the raid.
Naked tank runs in, mobs aggro me, mobs aggro raid.
Extra bonus: I popped Enrage, which pulled aggro off of the naked tank. The entire pull raped me before him (and this was blamed for the wipe, though it was simply due to proximity issues).
- I have autowalked into the last labpack in BWL while chatting, because i thought it was clear and we were moving to the next room. Yelling ensued on vent but it just confused me. I just died though.
- I have exploded the raid at Vael, killing 28 people instantly.
- I have exploded the raid at Aran, killing 7 people instantly.
- I have autowalked off a balcony in karazhan, thinking i couldn't go over it, while chatting. This actually led to finding a path where a point with 5 books is.
- I have tanked attumen for 40 seconds or so. As a shadowpriest.
- I've stood alone in MC, while we in fact were raiding BWL. l2readnub
- I've pressed fear at some really bad times by accident. Fear is now in between mind soothe and mind vision on my bar, with no hotkey any more. I still managed to do it it shattered halls. Insanely, I didn't pull a sidepack (those just before the 2headed boss).
- I have overaggroed tanks a lot. Though it's also the tanks fault (I cannot overaggro our 2 best tanks, so the others cycles are messed up), i feel stupid everytime it happens.
Done so many fucking times. Log on late or something and Im all 'sorry guys omw' and I walk right into AQ and Im like 'hey ou started without me' and theyre all 'no we didnt. get your ass over here, we're doing Naxx'
"My fear is next to my fade" is a running joke in our guild. Not only because of the (multiple) times it caused havoc due to misclicking. When the subject first came up, it turned out that several priests (including myself >.>) kept the buttons next to each other.
Battle Chicken continues to peck away at Onyxia (no ability to put it on passive) and somehow draws her aggro. Onyxia spins over to our side of the cave and she flame breaths half the raid.
I hit the bottom about the time he finished saying that. It shut the raid down for a good amount of time with laughter.
Stupid MC.
I'm not up to where I could quite wipe a raid yet, so I'm glad I read of this now.
because mine are bound to F and G.
See, usually it isn't an issue. It's just that sometimes when you're in a situation in which you need to fade, it's not so much "hmm, I might be about to get aggro, I should fade" as it is "OH GOD FUCK GET IT OFF ME FUCK", which tends to cause frantic keyboard mashing :P
Also, why the fuck did I put Psychic Scream in the middle of the rest of my Shadow spells when I played WoW? That usually created five seconds of anticipation followed by a half an hour of running running running must go faster
EDIT: Dahahaha, I hadn't even read the quote tree right above me before I posted that. Hilarious that I'm not the only one.
I made a force fielder and didn't take the buffs til 47 and 49. But that was on purpose, so I could enjoy the screams as my team died.
And the thing to remember about Giant Monsters is they don't have a level. The guys that hang out around Scrapyard might be 25, but Scrap himself can take on a team full of 50s just fine.
A few WoW fuckups:
- I ran Gnomeregan (enough of a fuckup in itself, I know) with the quest to get the blueprints in the chest behind the final boss. Got all the way through and killed him; he dropped the combination to the chest. Opened the chest and d'oh, bags were full. Not wanting to lose any cash from vendored items, I destroyed the combination and took the blueprints. Got back to Orgrimmar and saw that the quest giver's question mark was still silver... fuck, you needed to turn in the blueprints and the combination. Translation: Spent 2-3 hours in a shitty dungeon for a quest; didn't read the quest text carefully and destroyed the quest item at the end to clear out bag space.
- Not a fuckup so much, but I paid ~600 gold back in the day (pre-TBC, when that was a lot of money) for the Quel'Serrar book, pugged the entire Onyxia attunement chain (the Horde one, hardmode), and tried for months to find a guild who would take me along to an Ony kill since I wasn't in a guild that had the numbers to raid. Never got it done. Now my tank is level 66 and his random green fist weapon is better for tanking, yet the [Unfired Ancient Blade] still sits in his bank... Translation: Paid a large sum of money for something I never got to use, and which has now been made completely obsolete by the expansion.
- I tanked UBRS once with a good group that got up to the Beast with few problems. I had Finkle's Skinner and got a Pristine Hide to drop, woot! After that fight, everything got tougher than I had been used to and we wiped twice on Drakk before calling it quits. I just couldn't hold aggro for shit all of a sudden and I couldn't figure out why. At the very end, while everyone was hearthing out, I realized that I had been wielding Finkle's Skinner the whole time after the Beast, and my Daggers skill of 100 or so meant I was basically missing every swing. Translation: Equipped a skinning knife to skin a rare beast, forgot to re-equip my actual weapon for the end boss fight, leading to shitty tanking and two wipes of a 10-man group.
- At one point I needed a Strath live/scarlet/whatever run and got into a group filled with people from one of the top guilds on the server. The only reason they were going was so the mage could get two more threads for her epic chestpiece. After the boss was dead and the place was on fire, we went back through the rooms looking for the thread spawns, which were very hard to find. I had never had to gather those special threads before, and I found a tiny object in one of the rooms that said something about thread, so I opened it to see if it was what we were looking for. Next thing I know, I accidentally ninja'd the damn thread, and I just about pissed my pants. The damn thing was BoP, even though it was white and no confirmation box had popped up. It just popped into my inventory. Translation: After a couple hours in a high-level dungeon, accidentally ninja-looted a rare material that one of my group members needed to complete her uber-chestpiece; that thing was the whole reason she went in the first place, and I couldn't give it to her because it was bound to me once I looted it.
- Caught one of the rare fish in the STV fishing contest, but I was in such a trance of clicking and instantly re-casting, I hit the cast button when the confirmation box was up. For some reason, this canceled the box and I lost my fish forever. I still haven't caught it. I think it's the one that you turn in for the high-test fishing line. Translation: Had a super-rare fish on the line (the kind that you can turn in for unique loot), but clicked the wrong thing and it got away.
- I was in a group that was trying to do a quick run through BRD to the emperor, so we went in the back way without doing the arena event. I forgot that the arena spectators are hostile until the event is cleared, and marched right into the upper arena. Aggroed the whole place and got my group severely raped. Translation Pretty self-explanatory; my hastiness caused my 5-man group to be overwhelmed with dozens of angry dwarves.
Heh, these are all so old, and all on my main too. Mindless level grinding on a bunch of alts is nice and safe, but it doesn't really generate many funny stories.
Well, the gates close so you can't get out (everyone knows this but they run anyways), I meanwhile, am trapped on the other side since I just entered the instance. So i'm on vent, behind the gates, laughing at everyone who's dying and getting mauled, dancing and being pretty much a jackass. Well, apparently Vael can kill you even if you are behind that gate. I died a horrible death and promptly got laughed at by everyone in the entire raid. Yeah I felt pretty dumb after that.
I had accidentally sw:p'd one of them because I was using tab. I have since learned the wonders of the assist key.
My Backloggery
I've done the exact same thing.
/haven't touched that priest in a while
/the rest of the group honestly never figured out what happened, they thought it was a bugged aggro pull.
Heheh. That reminds me of my own dumbass mistake involving Finkle's Skinner.
My druid's first trip to UBRS. I had either just hit 60 or been 60 for a very short time, and was invited to go along with some guildies and some people in the other guild I'd never met, whom we would later merge with to form our current guild. I'd never been to anything beyond a five-man, and so UBRS was awesome! Fifteen people! Dragons! That room in that video with the Leeroy guy! We killed the Beast and Finkle's dropped. I was the only LW/skinner present, except for a rogue who was trying to level them because the other guild had recently gotten the Hide of the Wild pattern to drop but had no one to learn it. So they let me have the knife, proclaiming me the official skinning bitch. I felt so special, a rare skill and a blue item!
I proceeded to trash my old 82c skinning knife. Wouldn't need that anymore, right? I had Finkle's.
But lo, Finkle's only gave you +10 Skinning back in the day. There was no "Also serves as a skinning knife" flavor text yet.
So we start killing the higher-level dragons that require 305 and 310 skinning, and I equip Finkle's to get to work. And it tells me I don't have a skinning knife. :oops: I think we got two pulls into Drakk's room before I finally confessed. The rogue traded me his skinning knife and I didn't hear the end of it for quite awhile.
After watching my character look kinda funny fighting this monster I realize that he's really kicking my butt and I'm hardly damaging him. Then it hits me: I forgot to re-equip my weapon after recall. He looked funny because he was wrestling the monster...
So I open up my pack to grab my weapon, and that's when I realize that the last time I was on this character I had taken everything out of the pack to repair/restock/etc and had no aids to heal or my instruments to peace.
CRAP. That's when I ran away and recalled back to town. Fortunately I didn't just run into the spawn or else I woulda been dead.
side note: some of your WOW stories are really funny, but you guys seriously have got to stop using WOW-speak at times. I understand what you are talking about maybe half the time.
On my priest, shortly after a Magtheridon wipe a few of us who've been DI'd or bubbled start rezzing. One of the paladins thought it'd be cute to DI one of our tanks, who was sitting comfortably in his bubble by the entrance to the room. Over vent I make some joke to the extent of, "Oh *tanks name* is DI'd, I'm gonna go fear him!" I follow that by walking up to him, blowing my psychic scream and then realizing "oh shit, i forgot the channelers were right there."
Luckily only about 5 people died to that, but yeah, I started the Mag fight early by fearing one of the channelers.
I have plenty more to fill this thread...
I am not the leader because I am awesome, or likeable, but because I don't mind markign the mobs (non-WoW people: You can put Icons above the mobs so people know what to do with what, i.e. kill the one with the skull above it).
This has resulted in many spectacular failures. (I've probably told this one before)
One of my many brillian ideas involved Blackheart the Inciter and his giant Room 'O Trash Noone Wants to Kill. I suggest that perhaps we can just clear a lane down the center, and pull him through it into the room behind.
So we kill the guys in the center, and I run within casting range of him, intent on giving him a good whack with a Frostbolt and running/ blinking the hell away.
I a-charge mah frostbolt, toss it out and flip around. My next thought is "Shadow Word: Pain? I didn't know he used that..."
Hot Orc on- Gnome action ensued. It was described to me as being similar to Moses parting the Red Sea, but with Orcs instead of water.
I also succeeded in getting a group of Level 70's killed in ZG (lvl 60 raid instance, for you non- WoW guys) by insisting that we could simply walk down the the Panther boss and all those trolls would leave us alone.
I also pulled the balcony in UBRS with tab- targetting. We actually pulled through that one, as the guy with the Seal used it way late in the fight, so Vael killed most of them for us. That, and we were way overgeared for that place at the time.
It's level 60, not 70, so non-WOWzers don't scratch their heads about this one.
I did that once. I was a hunter at the time, though, so it consisted of "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT feign death." Still funny.
at least the were dazed. And off of the healer.
Last week's Kara went thusly:
Raid Leader on Vent: "Ok, let's head out and go back in the back way, guys. Remember to be careful" - I walk into like ten mobs and die - "with the packs we didn't pull."
Me: "That warning would have been really useful about a second and a half earlier."
Raid: *breaks up laughing*
Sure, if I'd been paying any attention at all to where I was going rather than thinking about dinner, it could've been avoided, but I prefer to place the blame on others.