Ok, so my buddies and i have set up a server that follows the same rules pax does and is password protected so no haxorz can get on. so if any of you are interested we are on usually around 10pm or 11pm PST.
The ip is:
The pass is: pax
You can get on at any time of day so feel free to get some friends and practice on this server if ya want.
ok today at 10:30pm PST me and the 5Kittens are going to start getting on and there is a max of 10 players that can play so if you want to play just have u and ur team join in. or if you just want to play and there is no auto team balance so you can join any team.
5Kittens are the admins and if anything needs to be changed then just tlk to us and we are trying to get it to be almost exactly like PAX so if you know how to install a mod or the sv_friction has to be adjusted or any settings then just say so and we will be happy to change it.
if there is any hackers at all you will be kicked and permabanned and it will be amazingly strict so just dont hack.
5Kittens are the admins and if anything needs to be changed then just tlk to us and we are trying to get it to be almost exactly like PAX so if you know how to install a mod or the sv_friction has to be adjusted or any settings then just say so and we will be happy to change it.
if there is any hackers at all you will be kicked and permabanned and it will be amazingly strict so just dont hack.
Happy Gaming