Hey guys,
I wasn't sure whether this should head over into H/A, but it's so game-focused I'm asking here.
I am looking for a programmable virtual world that I can place AI bots in to, so I can do AI research.
Where possible, the environment needs:
- Physics (this can be sacrificed if necessary)
- A way for the bot to perceive what is in the world (not simply being pre-programmed by a human with waypoints)
- Some way of creating objects which are themselves scriptable (like a car that will only start 7 out of 8 attempts)
What is there that can do this? I've been trying to get through the documentation for Garry's Mod, but I can't find anything which indicates you can write your own bots, let alone a way for them to perceive the world.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you G&T, you are my only hope.
But it can be quite limited until you can fully grasp all the things in Wire mod, even then, I don't think you can create the kind of bot you're looking for.
You can download the starter kit for free, which is very functional aside from the fact that I don't think it lets you import your own meshes.
But it's a graphical game development environment. It's meant to be drag and drop I believe, and it's geared towards games that have large open environments like MMO's or Grand Theft Autos, and it uses the AngelScript language. Not sure exactly what all it will let you script with just the starter kit, but it might be worth checking out.
EDIT: I *DO* know that it has basic "NPC" artificial intelligence built in. Meaning you should technically be able to drag and drop a character into the world, give it some settings, and then let it be an NPC that walks around, does stuff, etc.
Thanks ever so much for the help, I'd never have guessed Oblivion, but that shows I'm a tool who doesn't think things through properly
BeyondVirtual also looks useful, I'll have to have a poke around.
SoaL: Yes, I was reading about WireMod. It seems a shame that Garry's Mod only seems to be a big ragdoll arena rather than something to actually do real work in, there are a lot of people in the AI field that could really do with an easy way of just testing out concepts. GM would fill this void, but the perception/scripting just seems too limited right now.
If anyone has any more suggestions, I'd love to hear them!